Aug 31, 2024  
2021-2022 University Catalog 
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Prefix and Course Index 


Computer Science

Courses are designated as CPSC in the class schedule.

  • CPSC 456 - Network Security Fundamentals (3)

    Learn about vulnerabilities of network protocols, attacks targeting confidentiality, integrity and availability of data transmitted across networks, and methods for diagnosing and closing security gaps through hands-on exercises.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 351 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 458 - Malware Analysis (3)

    Introduction to principles and practices of malware analysis. Topics include static and dynamic code analysis, data decoding, analysis tools, debugging, shellcode analysis, reverse engineering of stealthy malware and written presentation of analysis results.

    Prerequisite: CPSC 351  or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 459 - Blockchain Technologies (3)

    Digital assets as a medium of exchange to secure financial transactions; decentralized and distributed ledgers that record verifiable transactions; smart contracts and Ethereum; Bitcoin mechanics and mining; the cryptocurrency ecosystem; blockchain mechanics and applications.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 351 , CPSC 353  or CPSC 452 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 462 - Software Design (3)

    Concepts of software modeling, software process and some tools. Object-oriented analysis and design and Unified process. Some computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools will be recommended to use for doing homework assignments.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 362 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 463 - Software Testing (3)

    Software testing techniques, reporting problems effectively and planning testing projects. Students apply what they learned throughout the course to a sample application that is either commercially available or under development.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 362 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 464 - Software Architecture (3)

    Basic principles and practices of software design and architecture. High-level design, software architecture, documenting software architecture, software and architecture evaluation, software product lines and some considerations beyond software architecture.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 362 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 466 - Software Process (3)

    Practical guidance for improving the software development process. How to establish, maintain and improve software processes. Exposure to agile processes, ISO 12207 and CMMI.

    Prerequisite: CPSC 362  or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 471 - Computer Communications (3)

    Introduction to digital data communications. Terminology, networks and their components, common-carrier services, telecommunication facilities, terminals, error control, multiplexing and concentration techniques.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 351 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 474 - Parallel and Distributed Computing (3)

    Concepts of distributed computing; distributed memory and shared memory architectures; parallel programming techniques; inter-process communication and synchronization; programming for parallel architectures such as multi-core and GPU platforms; project involving distributed application development.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 351 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 479 - Introduction to High Performance Computing (3)

    Introduction to the concepts of high-performance computing and the paradigms of parallel programming in a high level programming language, design and implementation of parallel algorithms on distributed memory, machine learning techniques on large data sets, implementation of parallel algorithms.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 351  Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 481 - Artificial Intelligence (3)

    Using computers to simulate human intelligence. Production systems, pattern recognition, problem solving, searching game trees, knowledge representation and logical reasoning. Programming in AI environments.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 335 , MATH 338 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 483 - Introduction to Machine Learning (3)

    Design, implement and analyze machine learning algorithms, including supervised learning and unsupervised learning algorithms. Methods to address uncertainty. Projects with real-world data.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 335 , MATH 338 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 484 - Principles of Computer Graphics (3)

    Examine and analyze computer graphics, software structures, display processor organization, graphical input/output devices, display files. Algorithmic techniques for clipping, windowing, character generation and viewpoint transformation.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 131 , MATH 150B , MATH 270B , junior or senior standing; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 485 - Computational Bioinformatics (3)

    Algorithmic approaches to biological problems. Specific topics include motif finding, genome rearrangement, DNA sequence comparison, sequence alignment, DNA sequencing, repeat finding and gene expression analysis.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 131 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 486 - Game Programming (3)

    Survey of data structures and algorithms used for real-time rendering and computer game programming. Build upon existing mathematics and programming knowledge to create interactive graphics programs.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 386 , CPSC 484 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 489 - Game Development Project (3)

    Individually or in teams, students design, plan and build a computer game.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 486 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering major or minor; or Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CPSC 490 - Undergraduate Seminar in Computer Science (3)

    Review of foundational computer science theories and principles, real-world application development methods and processes, and industry practices. Survey of modern computing technologies. Research methods. Identification of research or practical application problems. Writing and presenting a proposal for a capstone project.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 362, junior or senior standing, Computer Science major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 491 - Senior Capstone Project in Computer Science (3)

    A computer science research or real-world level of application development project. Business communication. Presenting the results to a wide range of audiences. Demonstrating the culminating experience of the practicum in computer science. Writing a final project report and technical documents such as user manuals, installation guides, feasibility study reports.

    Prerequisite: CPSC 490.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Special topic in computer science, selected in consultation with and completed under the supervision of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 units of Undergraduate credit and 6 units of Graduate credit. Requires approval by the Computer Science chair.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • CPSC 515 - Mobile Computing (3)

    Wireless systems and communication fundamentals; IoT protocols for wireless software development; sensor network systems; techniques for native and cross-platform mobile application development; mobile connectivity; integration of mobile applications with cloud services. CPSC 471 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science graduate standing.


  • CPSC 531 - Advanced Database Management (3)

    Implementation techniques for query analysis, data allocation, concurrency control, data structures and distributed databases. New database models and recent developments in database technology. Student projects directed to specific design problems. CPSC 431 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 533 - Applied Algorithms (3)

    Primer on data structures and algorithms applicable to software development and professional meetings. Lists, queues, search trees and hashing. Sorting and searching. Graph structures, traversal, paths and spanning. Design methods: asymptotic analysis, greedy methods, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming. CPSC 121 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 535 - Advanced Algorithms (3)

    Design and analysis of sophisticated algorithms and data structures. Lower, tightand pseudo-polynomial bounds. Randomization, approximationand special-purpose data structures. Algorithmic frameworks, such as maximum flow and linear programming. CPSC 335 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 541 - Systems and Software Standards and Requirements (3)

    SESC framework and the IEEE Software Engineering Standards. Establishing the following standards: Software Life Cycle Processes, Work Product Standards, Process Standards, Requirement Analysis and Management and System Integration. Introduces CMMI framework; discuss number of practical lessons. CPSC 362 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 542 - Software Verification and Validation (3)

    Theory and practice of software verification and validation (V&V), including software integrity levels, minimum V&V tasks, walkthroughs, inspections and clean room. Topics include: white-box and black-box testing, boundary value analysis, equivalence class partitioning, unit testing, functional testing and test plans. CPSC 362 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 543 - Software Maintenance (3)

    Theory and practice of maintaining large-scale software. Maintenance framework, process, measures, and process management. Topics include fundamentals of software change and its implications, maintenance process models, reusability for maintenance, reverse engineering, maintenance testing, software configuration management and tools in maintenance. CPSC 362 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 544 - Advanced Software Process (3)

    Advanced guidance for defining and improving the software development process. Concepts of software maturity framework, principles of process improvement and software process assessment. Current topics such as CMMI and SCAMPI. CPSC 362 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 545 - Software Design and Architecture (3)

    Advanced software design and architecture principles focusing a software engineering approach to the development process. Topics include architecture business cycle, quality attributes, attribute-driven design method, architectural styles, design patterns, software product lines and component-based design. CPSC 362 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 546 - Modern Software Management (3)

    Modern project management methodologies and techniques. Software development process. Planning, estimating, organizing, directing, monitoring, controlling software projects and managing risks. Other related software management issues, such as infrastructure, quality software development, project and product metrics and external factors. CPSC 362 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 547 - Software Measurement (3)

    Current software measurement practices. Topics include: establishing an effective software metrics program; measuring software product, project and process; applying Statistical Process Control and other statistical techniques. High maturity concepts defined in CMMI model will be discussed. Stresses a practitioner-based approach. CPSC 362 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 548 - Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues for Software Engineers (3)

    Professional, legal and ethical issues pertaining to software engineering. Topics include professional codes of ethics, intellectual property laws, computer privacy and human-computer interaction. Relevant regulatory documents and their applications. CPSC 362 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 549 - Web Application Frameworks (3)

    Examine and compare current patterns and models for modern web application development. Analyze front- and back-end web framework design and architecture. Emerging web technologies and current research. CPSC 449 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 551 - Operating Systems Design (3)

    Design and evaluation techniques for controlling automatic resource allocation, providing efficient programming environments and appropriate user access to the system, and sharing the problem solving facilities. CPSC 351 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 552 - Cyber Forensics (3)

    Introduction to principles and practices of cyber forensics. Topics include: developing an investigative capability; legal and IT requirements; forensic tools; incident response; live forensic investigations; seizure of digital information; operating system boot processes; and investigation of network traffic. CPSC 456 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 558 - Advanced Computer Networking (3)

    System-oriented view of computer network design, protocol implementation, networking, high-speed networking, network management, computer network performance issues. CPSC 471 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 559 - Advanced Blockchain Technologies (3)

    A holistic experience for different types of blockchain development. The ins and outs of blockchain and Ethereum from a developer perspective, along with smart contract security and best practices.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 459 or CPSC 452; Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Integrated B.S.-M.S. Computer Engineering major/minor; or Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Integrated B.S.-M.S. Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 566 - Advanced Computer Graphics (3)

    Three-dimensional: reflection models, shading techniques, rendering process, parametric representation, ray tracing, radiosity, texture, anti-aliasing, animation, color science. CPSC 484 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 583 - Expert Systems Design Theory (3)

    Knowledge representation and search strategies for expert systems; logic programming; expert system tools. Project. CPSC 481 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 585 - Artificial Neural Networks (3)

    Principles of neural networks; neural networks paradigms, software implementations, applications, comparison with statistical methods, use of fuzzy logic; project. CPSC 481 recommended.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


  • CPSC 589 - Seminar in Computer Science (3)

    Research methods in computer science. Current technology trends and research topics. Verification of computer science theories and principles. Identification of practical application development and/or research problems. Presentations on selected topics and problems. Writing a proposal for a capstone graduate project.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CPSC 597 - Project (3)

    Conduct a computer science research or development project proposed in the selected topic, complete it, write a final project report, and present the results in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the master’s degree. Classified graduate standing and approval of the computer science graduate adviser are required to enroll.

    Prerequisite: CPSC 589 .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.Department Consent Required
  • CPSC 598 - Thesis (3)

    Requires approval of the Computer Science graduate adviser.

    Prerequisites: CPSC 589 ; Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    Department Consent Required
  • CPSC 599 - Independent Graduate Research (1-3)

    Special topic in computer science, selected in consultation with and completed under supervision of a full-time faculty member. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. CPSC 589 recommended. Requires approval of Computer Science department chair.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science or Computer Engineering graduate standing.


    Department Consent Required

Criminal Justice

Courses are designated as CRJU in the class schedule.

  • CRJU 100 - Introduction to Crime, Law, and Justice (3)

    The myths and realities of the criminal justice system related to crime, the legal system and the pursuit of justice.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 300 - Foundations of Criminal Justice (3)

    Overview and analysis of the components of the criminal justice system; emphasizing the historical and contemporary aspects of law, policing, courts and corrections.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. category A.3 or D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CRJU 303 - Controlling Crime (3)

    Crime control and prevention. Common criminal justice tactics, such as imprisonment, capital punishment, camera surveillance, electronic monitoring, restorative justice, and situational crime prevention.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 304 - Criminal Courts (3)

    Realistic sense of what happens in the day to day courtroom experience: roles, duties and ethical obligations of courthouse players; steps and procedures of pretrial and trial proceedings; forms of evidence, plea bargains, legal protections and sentencing options.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 310A - Criminal Law: Substantive (3)

    General doctrines of criminal liability in the United States and the classification of crimes as against persons, property and the public welfare. Concept of governmental sanction of the conduct of the individual.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 315 - Policing (3)

    Historical and philosophical development of enforcement at federal, state and local levels; community controls, political pressures and legal limitations pertaining to law enforcement agencies at each level of government; police policies and problems vis-vis, administration of justice as a system.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CRJU 320 - Introduction to Public Administration (3)

    Introduces public administration through current trends and problems of public sector agencies in such areas as organization behavior, public budgeting, personnel, planning and policy making. Examples and cases from the Criminal Justice field. (POSC 320 and CRJU 320 are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: POSC 100  and completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CRJU 322 - Leadership for Public Service (3)

    Conceptions of leadership as applied in governmental and nonprofit sectors. Types of leaders; tools for leaders; leadership in public policy-making settings. Includes student project and extend leadership concepts; participation in CSUF Student Leadership Institute or similar activity. (POSC 322 and CRJU 322 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: POSC 100 , POSC 200  or other course that fulfills G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 325 - Juvenile Justice Administration (3)

    Definitions of delinquency and the related responses of the interested institutions (police, courts and correction); the juvenile court (past and present), and prevention and correction programs (practicing and proposed).

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 327 - Victims of Crime (3)

    Nature and extent of victimization in the population, risk factors and theories of victimization, consequences of victimization, types of victimization, as well as the social, political, and criminal justice system reaction and response to victims.

    Pre- or corequisite: CAS 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 330 - Theories of Crime and Delinquency (3)

    The evolving and conflicting purposes and practices associated criminology, crime and delinquency, with an emphasis on contemporary strategies for preventing, remediating and controlling crime and delinquency.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 340 - Criminal Justice Research Methodology (3)

    Introduction to basic techniques in criminal justice research; focus on literature review, correlation/causation, research design and sampling techniques. Read research reports and critically analyze research study methodology.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 345 - Corrections (3)

    The evolving and conflicting purposes and practices associated with the adult corrections systems, with an emphasis on contemporary strategies for treating/punishing offenders while incarcerated, as well as in the community.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CRJU 355 - White-Collar Crime (3)

    The scope and harms of white-collar crime. Case studies of violations committed by corporations, professionals and government agencies and assess the causes, prevention, prosecution, and sentencing of white-collar offenders.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 360 - Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems (3)

    Cross-national comparison of the policing, judicial and correctional systems of the United States to those of different nations from the common, civil, socialist and religious legal traditions.

    Corequisites: CRJU 100, CRJU 300.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 362 - Immigration and Crime (3)

    Analyzes the involvement of immigrants in crime through empirical studies and discusses the implications this has for public opinion and policy-governance.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 370 - Sex, Crime and Culture (3)

    Rationale for law’s concern with sexual conduct, developed via discussion of selected offenses and offenders. Lectures and guest speakers also present opposing perspectives regarding the role of law enforcement, courts and correction, research and reform.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 385 - Minorities and the Criminal Justice System (3)

    Introduction to the issues surrounding the charges of overt and indirect institutionalized racism in the criminal justice system. Overview of patterns of criminal behavior among minority groups in the U.S. will be discussed. CRJU 300 recommended.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 393 - Peer Mentors in Criminal Justice (3)

    Support and educational development for students serving as criminal justice peer mentors. Peer mentors serve as peer advisers and mentors, assisting students with the transition to the Criminal Justice department and campus community.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 100.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • CRJU 404 - Capital Punishment (3)

    Issues relating to the use of capital punishment in the U.S., and arguments in support of and opposition to the death penalty. (CRJU 404 and POSC 404 are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: POSC 100 POSC 300  or HONR 201B ; junior standing or above; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 405 - Criminal Justice Policy (3)

    Evolving purposes and practices associated with the development of criminal justice policies, principally in the U.S. Particular topics, such as sentencing legislation, illustrate the development, adoption and impact of public policy on criminal justice systems.

    Prerequisites: CRJU 300 , CRJU 330 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 406 - Crime and Popular Culture (3)

    How the prevalence of crime and violence in popular culture reflects on contemporary society. Materials and readings argue that images of crime are not only entertaining, they also perform deep social and political functions.

    Prerequisites: CRJU 300  and CRJU 330 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 410 - Restorative Justice (3)

    Provides introductory knowledge and applications of restorative justice. Topics include values inherent in restorative justice, the purpose of restorative justice, various types of restorative justice, and the theoretical and practical underpinnings of restorative justice.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 415 - Policing the City (3)

    Methods used by police to control crime and promote social order in inner city areas. Various issues from multiple perspectives (residents, merchants, customers, organizations and other users of public space).

    Prerequisites: CRJU 300 CRJU 315 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 417 - Mass Murder (3)

    Incidence and prevalence of mass murder. Examine offender characteristics, theories and typologies. Threat assessment and prevention issues.

    Prerequisites: junior or senior standing; criminal justice major or minor; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CRJU 420 - Drugs and Crime (3)

    Issues in licit and illicit substance use and the criminal justice system within historical and contemporary contexts. The theoretical and empirical relationship between drugs and crime; drug treatment approaches, and drug control policies.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300  or graduate standing.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 422 - Human Resources Management (3)

    Civil service and the merit system; recruitment procedures and examinations; position classification, salary structures, retirement plans, in-service training, employee organizations and personnel supervision. Examples and cases from the criminal justice field. Emphasizes themes and topics from criminal justice. (POSC 422 and CRJU 422 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: POSC 320 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 430 - Women and Crime (3)

    Women as criminals and victims, gender differences in criminal behavior and the role of women as professionals in the criminal justice system. (CRJU 430 and WGST 430 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300 , PHIL 302  or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 435 - Civil Disobedience and Social Justice (3)

    The violation of law as protest. Definitions and types of disobedience and the policing and punishment of dissent. Analysis of protest as a strategy for social justice. (CRJU 435 and POSC 435  are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: for CRJU 435 - CRJU 100 , CRJU 300 ; or graduate standing. For POSC 435  - POSC 100 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 440 - Correctional Rehabilitation (3)

    Theories and techniques of correctional treatment. Current state of correctional rehabilitation with a focus on the What Works! literature and the value of proper programmatic evaluation and correctional classification.

    Prerequisites: CRJU 300 , CRJU 345 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 445 - White-Collar Crime (3)

    The scope and harms of white-collar crime. Case studies of violations committed by corporations, professionals and government agencies, and assess the causes, prevention, prosecution and sentencing of white-collar offenders.

    Prerequisites: CRJU 300 , CRJU 330 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 455 - Gangs and the Criminal Justice System (3)

    Causal factors of, and legal solutions to, gang-related crime in the U.S. Relevance of sociological, psychological, economic and educational deviance theories to justice intervention strategies.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300  or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 459 - Crime & Justice at the U.S.-Mexico Border (3)

    How crime occurs and the extent to which justice is rendered at the U.S.-Mexico border.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300  or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CRJU 462 - Crime Analysis (3)

    Crime analysis function within the law enforcement organization; how to develop, implement and operate a crime analysis unit, and discuss the nexus between crime analysis, field and investigative operations, and administrative bureaus.

    Prerequisites: CRJU 100 , CRJU 300 , CRJU 340 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 465 - Law, Punishment and Justice (3)

    Theoretical scholarship in criminal justice is increasingly concerned with law in relation to delivery of justice and practices of punishment. Examines the rule of law, questions whether justice is different from law and reviews the role punishment plays.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300  or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 471 - Moot Court: Legal Practicum (3)

    Open to undergraduates only. Prepares students for competition. Legal research, writing, court strategies and oral argument; civil liberties law, cases and adjudication; appellate court review and amicus brief reading and writing. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 units. (POSC 471 and CRJU 471 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: POSC 375.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • CRJU 472 - Judicial Politics (3)

    Examines the United States courts and jurisprudence as a political body. Explores the politics, procedures and theories covering federal and state courts. (CRJU 472 and POSC 472 are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: CRJU 100  and CRJU 300 , or POSC 375 , or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 474 - Civil Liberties (3)

    Constitutional rights and liberties as found in the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment, with particular attention to free speech, religious freedom, the right to bear arms, cruel and unusual punishment, and sexual privacy. (POSC 474 and CRJU 474 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: POSC 100  or HONR 201B ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 475T - Topics in Administration of Justice: A Seminar (3)

    Current social, legal and practical problems confronting police, courts and corrections. Variable topic class with specific subjects to be announced each semester. May be repeated with different topics up to a maximum of 9 units.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300  or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 477 - Mock Trial: Legal Practicum II (3)

    Highly participatory seminar introduces students to legal research, legal writing, trial strategies and litigation techniques; criminal and civil law and procedure, cases and adjudication; public speaking. (POSC 477 and CRJU 477 are the same course).

    Prerequisite: POSC 100 or HONR 201B.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 478 - Animals, Law and Society (3)

    Behavioral and legal complexities of human-animal relationships. Individual and institutional harms to animals, the link between animal abuse and criminal violence, humane law enforcement and the challenge of securing justice for animals.

    Prerequisites: CRJU 300 , ENGL 301 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 480 - Courtroom Evidence (3)

    Rules of evidence in the context of a criminal trial in a California court. Rules, their application and rationale. Lecture, discussion and simulated courtroom situations.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 485 - Search, Seizure and Interrogation I (3)

    Analyze laws that apply in common street search-and-seizure and interrogation situations in California; how they have evolved, and what developments are anticipated.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300  or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 486 - Search, Seizure and Interrogation II (3)

    Analyze laws that apply in some search-and-seizure and interrogation situations, such as those involving the border patrol and college officials.

    Prerequisite: CRJU 300  or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 487 - Technology and Criminal Justice Rights (3)

    Fundamental criminal defense rights of the Fourth Amendment and Fifth Amendment in the context of a variety of technological advances. Technology’s impact on the rights against unreasonable searches and seizures and the privilege against self-incrimination.

    Pre- or corequisite: CRJU 300.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • CRJU 491 - Applied Policy Research (3)

    Conduct independent research, under faculty supervision, on policy-related issues proposed by community partners, students and faculty. Research topics will vary each semester, but will be based within criminal justice, political science and/or public administration. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Requires instructor approval, by application and faculty referral. (CRJU 491 and POSC 491 are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: for CRJU 491 - CRJU 300 , CRJU 300 , CRJU 340 . For POSC 491 - POSC 100  or HONR 201B ; POSC 321 ; or POSC 407 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • CRJU 492 - Prelaw Internship (3)

    Acquaints students with the legal profession. A supervised working commitment of eight hours weekly with an assigned individual or organization. May be repeated once for credit. (POSC 492 and CRJU 492 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: POSC 100  or HONR 201B ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 495 - Internships (3)

    Criminal justice professions; eight to 20 hours per week as a supervised intern in a public agency or related organization. In addition to the job experience, interns meet in a weekly three-hour seminar. May be repeated once for credit. Requires consent of instructor.

    Prerequisite: senior standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • CRJU 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Student selects an individual research project, either library or field. Conferences with adviser as necessary, culminating in one or more papers. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Requires consent of adviser.

    Prerequisite: minimum 12 units of Criminal Justice.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required


Courses are designated as DANC in the class schedule.

  • DANC 101 - Introduction to Dance (3)

    Historical and contemporary dance forms. Experiences in various dance forms such as ballet, modern, jazz, folk, ethnic. Recommended for non-majors.

    Prerequisite: not a Dance major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • DANC 112 - Ballet I (1-2)

    Fundamental structure and technique of beginning classical ballet. May be taken for credit for a maximum of eight units. (2 hours activity per unit)

    Prerequisite: Dance major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • DANC 122 - Modern Dance I (1-2)

    Fundamental structure and technique of beginning modern dance. May be taken for credit for a maximum of eight units. (2 hours activity per unit)

    Prerequisite: Dance major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • DANC 126 - Dance Improvisation (2)

    Theory and practice of improvisation in movement. Practical use of improvisation in expressing imagery, developing choreographic concepts and enhancing performance. (4 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: Dance or Theatre major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • DANC 132 - Jazz I (1-2)

    Modern jazz dance techniques and basic jazz choreography. May be taken for credit for a maximum of four units. (4 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: Dance or Theatre major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • DANC 142 - Tap Dance I (1-2)

    Structure and technique of tap dance and tap choreography. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 4 units. (4 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: Dance or Theatre major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • DANC 212 - Ballet II (1-2)

    Intermediate level technique of classical Ballet. May be taken for credit for a maximum of 4 units. (2 hours activity per unit)

    Prerequisite: DANC 112 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • DANC 222 - Modern Dance II (1-2)

    Intermediate-level technique of modern dance. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 8 units. (2 hours activity per unit)

    Prerequisites: DANC 122 ; Dance major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit


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