Feb 19, 2025  
2021-2022 University Catalog 
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Prefix and Course Index 


Educational Administration

Courses are designated as EDAD in the class schedule. Students who desire only isolated courses from the M.S. amd Ed.D programs are normally denied admission to such courses.

  • EDAD 502 - Clear Administrative Services Credential Program (CASC): Coaching (1)

    A job-embedded induction program providing opportunities to widen expertise in school leadership. The supervisory coaching component taken with either the EDAD 501 content series or in conjunction with the EDD curriculum. Satisfies the coaching requirement for students working on their CASC.

    Corequisite: EDAD 501A, EDAD 501B, EDAD 501C or EDAD 501D.


    Department Consent Required
  • EDAD 503A - Organizational Leadership and Management A (3)

    Introduces organizational frameworks to understand schools and leaders’ roles in bringing about change in schools. Techniques used to guide, motivate, delegate, build consensus and lead others in the achievement of goals and vision.

    Prerequisite: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential student or M.S. Educational Administration graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 504 - Organizational Leadership and Management B (3)

    Use organizational theory and leadership studies to understand and bring about change in schools. Organization, structure and cultural context of schools, and study techniques used to develop, build consensus, lead others and implement shared vision and goals.


  • EDAD 505A - P-12 Instructional Leadership and Assessment A (3)

    Approaches for advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and professional growth.

    Prerequisite: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential student or M.S. Educational Administration graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 505B - Instructional Leadership in Higher Education (3)

    Instructional leadership in higher educational settings and the role of the student development educator in advocating, nurturing and sustaining a culture that supports student learning and development.


  • EDAD 510 - Instructional Leadership and Assessment B (3)

    Use data and inquiry methods to assess students’ learning and instructional practices. Apply data analysis to determine interventions and assess impact.

    Prerequisites: Preliminary Credential student or M.S. Educational Administration graduate standing; EDAD 505A  with a B (3.0) or better.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 520 - History and Function of Community Colleges (3)

    Overview of American and California community colleges, including history, administration, and contemporary issues such as student development and learning outcomes, student diversity, access and equity.


  • EDAD 521 - History and Philosophy of Higher Education (3)

    Evolution of U.S. higher education, considering the diversity of the system, internal and external influences, and the evolution and development of student affairs and student learners.


  • EDAD 522 - College Student Characteristics and Cultures (3)

    Students in postsecondary education in the United States. Major demographic groups (race, class, ethnicity, age, ability, sexual orientation, gender, etc.) and their experiences with access, equity, campus cultures and retention at two- and four-year institutions.


  • EDAD 523 - Student Learning and Development (3)

    Student development theory in college, considering traditional and non-traditional students and learning outcomes. Theoretical assumptions and the practical application of theory to diverse student learners and the role of theory in student affairs practice.


  • EDAD 524 - Diversity Access and Equity (3)

    Diversity, access, equity, multiculturalism, pluralism as concepts in education. Understanding of these concepts and their applications to student affairs/higher education from a historical lens.


  • EDAD 561 - Political Leadership (3)

    Education policies and implementation strategies that influence policymaking and advance the community’s understanding of education policy and its impact on student learning. The role of leaders in advocating for students in policy implementation and advocacy.

    Prerequisite: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential student or M.S. Educational Administration graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 563 - Human Resource Administration (2)

    Importance and dimensions of human resource administration and the need to attract, retain, develop and motivate school personnel in ways that enhance learning and professional development; leading to positive and productive school settings. Collective bargaining and employee evaluation in public schools.

    Prerequisite: EDAD 503A .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 564 - School Law and Regulatory Process (3)

    Federal, state and local educational laws, regulations and other policies that govern schools and the requirements that administrators act in accordance with these laws and regulations in ways that are ethically and legally defensible.

    Prerequisite: EDAD 503A .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 565 - School Finance (3)

    Effectively managing fiscal resources and business services. Sources of income to public schools: federal, state, local and private (including grants and foundations). Review sound budgetary and business procedures for schools.

    Prerequisite: EDAD 503A .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 566 - Community Engagement for School Leaders (3)

    Role of the school leader in engaging community and family stakeholders to transform schools and communities. Identifying and incorporating community and familial needs/resources in the vision of the school. Leadership, reflective practice, human relations, school leader’s role in community outreach.

    Prerequisite: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential student or M.S. Educational Administration graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 567 - Fieldwork (3)

    Directed fieldwork in administrative areas in school. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.

    Prerequisite: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential student or M.S. Educational Administration graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 568 - Higher Ed Fieldwork (3)

    At least 200 hours at two different sites demonstrating competence in applying theory to practice, assessment, evaluation, and program design and implementation, supervised by an approved educational leader who provides feedback for learning and growth as a student affairs educator/leader. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.


  • EDAD 593 - Foundations of Leadership through Equity in P-12 Schools (3)

    This course will introduce conceptual underpinnings of program and examine theoretical frameworks and research methods that help school leaders promote just and equitable education for all students.

    Prerequisite: EDAD 503A .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 595 - Professional Seminar in Higher Education (3)

    Application of technology for effective communication, verbal and written, and individual and group interactions on-line and face to face. Applying computers to work in student affairs/higher education settings.


  • EDAD 596 - Directed Study in Educational Research (3)

    Research under direction of a faculty member or principal investigator. Requires completing specified deliverables or outcomes. Develop intended learning outcomes and describe the methods for attaining each within the context of independent study, providing specific deliverables. Requires consent of program director or graduate advisor.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing.


  • EDAD 597 - Project (6)

    Design and carry out an authentic research project atfieldwork school site. Connections between theory and evidence-based practice. Builds on EDAD 505A and extends learning from directed EDAD 567 fieldwork administrative experiences.

    Prerequisite: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential student or M.S. Educational Administration graduate standing.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDAD 599 - Independent Graduate Research (1-3)

    Independent inquiry for qualified students. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Requires consent of instructor.


Educational Leadership

  • EDD 600 - Organizational Theory and Challenges for Instructional Leadership (3)

    Organizational theories and their application to the role of educational leaders. Theories from leadership and management literatures, which predicate the conceptual development of the role of educational leadership. Implications of these theories for effective performance as educational leaders.


  • EDD 601 - Methods of Research: Quantitatively Based Methods (3)

    Introduction to the conceptual and methodological bases of quantitative analysis in educational leadership. Issues of research design, measurement and statistical analysis.


  • EDD 602 - Methods of Research: Qualitatively Based Methods (3)

    Developing knowledge, dispositions and critical thinking skills necessary for conducting field research. Applying these skills to design and implement applied research projects that create knowledge for solving dilemmas related to educational leadership.


  • EDD 603 - Research Elective: Specialization in Qualitatively Based Tools (3)

    Identifying, conducting, analyzing and interpreting field research in education toward the purpose of improving education.

    Prerequisite: EDD 602 .


  • EDD 604 - Applications of Research: Forecasting and Planning (3)

    Theories and methods that accurately forecast the impact of social, economic, political, cultural, academic and demographic trends as they affect educational institutions. How these indicators can be used to engage effective planning.


  • EDD 605 - Applications of Research: Collection and Analysis of Assessment Data (3)

    Methods of system-level data collection and analysis of outcomes of education. Complexity and efficacy of using various types of data for making judgments at the system level about the effectiveness of instruction across classrooms and schools.


  • EDD 606 - Specialization in Quantitatively Based Tools (3)

    Statistics, exploratory data analysis, sampling, survey and experimental design; and interview and questionnaire design in the context of using research in planning, change management, policy analysis and program management.

    Prerequisites: Ed.D. standing; EDD 601 .


  • EDD 611 - Inquiry 1 (3)

    Methods of conducting research using a mixed-methods orientation. Acquiring knowledge, dispositions and critical thinking skills necessary to understand educational research and descriptive statistical applications. Philosophical and epistemological foundations of educational research.


  • EDD 612 - Inquiry II (3)

    Practical, philosophical and ethical considerations for data collection and analysis using quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research designs. Significant quantitative and qualitative lab components utilizing quantitative and qualitative software.


  • EDD 613 - Inquiry III (3)

    Applying the philosophical and epistemological foundations of educational research to the design of a formal research project. Draws upon educational research and the methods using a mixed-methods orientation that includes quantitative and qualitative perspectives.


  • EDD 620 - Ethical and Legal Dimensions of Instructional Leadership (3)

    Concepts of ethics (e.g., self-interest, free will, social responsibility, duty) as the basis for legal standards (protection of individual rights, fair treatment, equality of opportunity, duty of care, public trust) through the study of education case law.


  • EDD 621A - Leadership of Curricular and Instructional Practices (3)

    Current issues in curriculum design and implementation. Forces affecting the curriculum; curriculum continuity and articulation; content trends in the subject areas; appropriate curriculum for students from diverse backgrounds; curriculum censorship; and effective instructional leadership for school curriculum improvement.


  • EDD 621B - Higher Education, Community College Systems, Structures, and Cultures (3)

    Higher education, from Egyptian Era to the diversity of current postsecondary instructions, philosophies and orientations. Organizational development and structures of higher educational systems and the impact of faculty, student and administrative cultures on higher education leaders.


  • EDD 622A - Human Dimensions of Educational Change (3)

    Issues associated with change. Change as a sociopolitical process; sources and purpose of change; coping with multiple reform efforts; decision-making processes; reform implementation; problems of resistance to change in curriculum and instruction; and change as a continuous process.


  • EDD 622B - Resource Management and Development (3)

    Practical applications and skills for college resource management in personnel, structures, facilities, technologies, finances, programs and services. Optimizing resources through management and creative leadership that encourage and support collaboration across divisions.

    Prerequisite: EDD 600 .


  • EDD 624A - Social Contexts of Education Politics, Policy and Governance (3)

    Topics relevant to instructional leadership and educational policy cycles. Policy-making process, role of values and interest groups, policy analysis, equality of educational opportunity, how policy efforts are reshaped and systemic reform. Policy issues, including high-stakes testing, curricular mandates and accountability.

    Prerequisite: Ed.D. standing.


  • EDD 624B - Student Learning and Development (3)

    Student development and learning theories based on cognitive, psychosocial, typology and person-environment perspectives. Role of faculty and others in the collaborative development and implementation of responsive curricula and co-curricula at 2- and 4-year institutions.

    Prerequisites: admission to the program; EDD 600 .


  • EDD 626A - Transforming Teaching and Education through Resource Optimization (3)

    Perspectives on how optimizing resources can transform education through a multidisciplinary approach. Identifying economic, social and political resources; innovative ways to develop new streams of resources and policies and procedures that increase highly productive ways to use resources.


  • EDD 626B - Integrative Seminar in Higher Education/Community College Issues (3)

    Current issues in higher education/community colleges from local to global perspectives, reinforcing a multilens view of higher educational studies. Opportunities for interactions with experts and to engage in questions/challenges and data-driven solution-focused discussions.

    Prerequisites: admission to the program; EDD 600 .


  • EDD 627 - Epistemology, History and Structure of Contemporary Education (3)

    Epistemological and historical trends that have shaped the structure of contemporary education. Influence of major schools of thought, including rationalism, empiricism, pragmatism, behaviorism and constructivism; and how modern education structure, curriculum and pedagogy have been influenced by these various perspectives.


  • EDD 630 - Leadership for Change and Collaboration (3)

    Research on leadership and organizational change in higher education, multicultural organizational development, forecasting, planning and change analyzed. Community relations needed to develop programs responsive to workforce and community needs. Educational codes, laws, policies and practices impacting higher education.

    Prerequisites: admission to the program; EDD 600 .


  • EDD 670A - Linking Research to Problems of Practice (2)

    Identifying complex problems of educational practice appropriate for doctoral research. Small-group instruction provides coaching that enables students to initiate the research cycle by linking research to problems of practices.


  • EDD 670B - Connecting Research Questions to Scholarship in the Discipline (2)

    Assists in writing a critical review of the professional literature pertaining to the identified research problem.


  • EDD 670C - Written Qualifying Examination (2)

    Preparation for the EDD Qualifying Examination, a prerequisite for advancing to candidacy in the doctoral program.


  • EDD 670D - Refining Research Questions (2)

    Further refine research questions or hypotheses, select the research method to investigate the research question, design a research study that specifies methods to be implemented for data collection and analysis.

    Prerequisites: Ed.D. standing; EDD 670A , EDD 670B , EDD 670C ; passing EDD Qualifying Examination.


  • EDD 670E - Proposal Defense Preparation (2)

    Assists in writing a defensible dissertation research proposal reflecting high quality scholarship.

    Prerequisites: Ed.D. standing; EDD 670A , EDD 670B , EDD 670C ; passing EDD Qualifying Examination.


  • EDD 670F - IRB Approval and Proposal Defense (2)

    Obtain CSUF IRB approval and submit a revised and completed dissertation research proposal in preparation for the dissertation proposal defense.

    Prerequisites: Ed.D. standing; EDD 670A , EDD 670B , EDD 670C ,EDD 670D , EDD 670E ; passing EDD Qualifying Examination.


  • EDD 697 - Seminar in Educational Research Design and Implementation (2-6)

    Assists in designing, completing and defending a scholarly dissertation research study. Develop intended measurable outcomes and establish methods, timetables and specific deliverables for the completion of those outcomes in consultation with the course instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 units. Requires consent of program director or graduate advisor.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing.


    Department Consent Required
  • EDD 698 - Dissertation Research (6)

    Individual research on a dissertation. Conferences with a faculty adviser and committee members, culminating in the publication of a dissertation. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 units.

    Prerequisite: EDD 670F .


  • EDD 699 - Independent Study (1-6)

    Independent doctoral level inquiry for qualified students.


    Department Consent Required

Elementary and Bilingual Education

Courses are designated EDEL in the class schedule.

  • EDEL 110 - The Teaching Experience: Exploration (3)

    Exploring one’s self in relation to other people in the schools, and an encounter with the teaching experience through fieldwork. Accompanying seminar helps extend observations and explore relevant issues. (2 hours fieldwork, 2 hours seminar). (EDSC 110, EDEL 110, SCED 110 and SPED 110 are the same course.)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 315 - Introduction to Elementary Classroom Teaching (3)

    Exploratory course with field assignments for those considering careers in elementary school teaching. Campus seminars and overview of admission requirements for the Multiple Subject Credential Program. Students taking this course to meet the prerequisite for either the Multiple Subject or the Special Education Credential Program must earn a B (3.0) or better to receive a grade of credit. Fieldwork required.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 325 - Cultural Pluralism in Elementary Schools (3)

    Culture and cultural pluralism in elementary schools. Examining one’s own beliefs and values; classroom practices and materials that promote equity; strategies for learning about students; history/traditions of cultural groups; and assessment of multicultural education programs.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 429 - Integrated Curriculum and Instruction in the Elementary School (3)

    Additional study of elementary curriculum emphasizing language arts, integrated instruction across the curriculum and assessing learning outcomes. Must be taken for a letter grade if enrolled in the credential program. A B or better is required to pass the course.

    Prerequisite: admission to second semester of Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 430 - Foundations in Elementary School Teaching (3)

    Curriculum of the elementary school, instructional planning, principles of effective teaching, generic instructional strategies, classroom management and legal issues in education. Must be taken for a letter grade if enrolled in the credential program. A B or better is required to pass the course.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 433 - Language Arts and Reading Instruction in the Public Schools (3)

    Overview of principles of reading instruction, elements of the language arts program including literature-based reading, content area reading, the role of phonics, emergent literacy and diagnosis of reading problems. Must be taken Credit/No Credit. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 434 - Methods and Inquiry for Teaching English Learners (2)

    Theoretical foundations, legal issues and school programs for the education of English learners. Assessment, materials, methods and strategies for English language development and learning across the curriculum for elementary school English learners. Must be taken Credit/No Credit. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of Credit.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 435 - Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School Teaching (3)

    Instructional materials, learning styles, inquiry, concept learning, problem solving, various instructional strategies applied to teaching of mathematics. Must be taken Credit/No Credit. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 436 - Science Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School Teaching (2)

    Instructional materials, learning styles, inquiry, concept learning, problem solving, various instructional strategies applied to the teaching of science. Must be taken Credit/No Credit. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 437 - Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School Teaching (2)

    Instructional materials, learning styles, inquiry, concept learning, problem solving, various instructional strategies applied to teaching social studies. Credit/No Credit only. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 438 - Supervised Fieldwork in Elementary Teacher Education (1-2)

    Students serve as teacher participants in an assigned elementary school classroom. Credit/No Credit only. A B or better is required to receive a grade of credit. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 units.

    Prerequisites: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program; EDEL 315 , EDSC 310 , SPED 371 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 439 - Student Teaching in the Elementary School (4-15)

    Participate in a regular elementary school teaching program for the full school day. Credit/ No Credit only. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit. May be repeated for a maximum of 15 units.

    Prerequisites: admission to student teaching; EDEL 430 , EDEL 433 , EDEL 438 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 446 - Methods and Inquiry for Bilingual Teachers (3)

    Prepares bilingual teacher candidates for teaching Spanish-speaking students. Program models for bilingual instruction, methods for teaching reading and content areas in bilingual settings, materials and assessment. Conducted in Spanish and English; 20 hours of fieldwork required. (EDEL 446 and EDSC 446 are the same course)

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple- or Single-Subject Bilingual Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 446K - Methods and Inquiry for Korean Bilingual Teachers (3)

    Prepares bilingual teachers to teach Korean-speaking students. Program models for bilingual instruction and methods for teaching Korean language and content areas in bilingual settings. 10 hours of fieldwork in schools is required. (EDSC 446K and EDEL 446K are the same course). Requires Korean fluency.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject or Single Subject Bilingual Credential Program or master’s program; or consent of Korean Bilingual Authorization coordinator.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 446V - Methods and Inquiry for Vietnamese Bilingual Teachers (3)

    Prepares bilingual teachers to teach Vietnamese-speaking students. Program models for bilingual instruction; methods for teaching Vietnamese language and content areas in bilingual settings. 10 hours of fieldwork in schools is required. (EDSC 446V and EDEL 446V are the same course).

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 450 - Visual and Performing Arts Methods: Art, Dance, Drama and Music (1)

    Instructional materials, learning styles, integration and strategies as they apply to teaching the arts in elementary education. Credit/No Credit only. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 451 - Community, School, and Classroom Issues (1)

    Current issues of elementary school teaching, including classroom management, parent-teacher communication, school law and child abuse reporting. Credit/No Credit only. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit.

    Prerequisites: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program; EDEL 315  or HCOM 307 , EDSC 310  and SPED 371 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 452 - P.E., Health and Mainstreaming Education (1)

    Mainstreaming students with special needs, health education and physical education in elementary school settings. Credit/No Credit only. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit.

    Prerequisite: admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • EDEL 453 - Teaching Performance Assessment Seminar (1)

    Preparation for completing the California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA) Cycle 2, which is required for a Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive credit. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 units.Credit/No Credit only. Requires admission to student teaching.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 430 , EDEL 433 , EDEL 434 , EDEL 435 , EDEL 438 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 453B - Teaching Performance Assessment Support: Assessing Learning and Culminating Teaching Experience (1)

    TPA support within social studies or science for the Multiple Subject Credential program. Credit/No Credit only. A B (3.0) or better is required to receive a grade of credit. May be taken for credit for a maximum of two units. (EDEL 453B and SPED 453B are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: EDEL 430 , EDEL 433 , EDEL 434 EDEL 435 , EDEL 438 ; admission to student teaching.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 492 - Equity, Access and Opportunity for All Learners in Math and Science Education (3)

    Equity in science and mathematics. Reform efforts, institutional practices, cultural barriers, developmental psychology; issues related to gender, diversity, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, language. Curricula and instructional methods to promote equity, access, opportunity for all students in science and mathematics.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 315 ; senior or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Individual investigation under supervision of a faculty member. Only students of demonstrated capability and maturity will be approved. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.

    Prerequisite: senior, postbaccalaureate or graduate standing.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • EDEL 500 - Bilingual Multicultural Curriculum (3)

    Culture and school curriculum, forces operating on the curriculum, the participants involved in curriculum building, modification of the curriculum to reflect multicultural contexts, and pedagogy and pluralism.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 502A - New Teacher Induction, Assessment and Support, Year 1 (1)

    Preparation and professional development for new teachers in accordance with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. (EDSC 502A and EDEL 502A are the same course.)


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 502B - New Teacher Induction, Assessment, and Support, Year 1 (2)

    Preparation and professional development for new teachers in accordance with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. (EDSC 502B and EDEL 502B are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: EDEL 502A /EDSC 502A .


  • EDEL 502C - New Teacher Induction, Assessment, and Support, Year 2 (1)

    Preparation and professional development for new teachers in accordance with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. (EDSC 502C and EDEL 502C are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: EDEL 502B /EDSC 502B .


  • EDEL 502D - New Teacher Induction, Assessment and Support, Year 2 (2)

    Preparation and professional development for new teachers in accordance with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.

    Prerequisite: EDSC 502C /EDEL 502C .


  • EDEL 502E - Pedagogy, Assessment and Support for New Teachers: Semester 1 (3)

    Formative assessment and professional development for new teachers via utilization of state-approved formative assessment system. Inquiry into teaching effectiveness including analyzing teaching and learning context and assessment. (EDEL 502E and EDSC 502E are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: Multiple or Subject Preliminary Credential. Corequisite: participation in the CSUF Clear Credential Program.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 502F - Pedagogy, Assessment and Support for New Teachers: Semester 2 (2)

    Formative assessment and professional development for new teachers via utilization of state-approved formative assessment system. Inquiry into teaching effectiveness, including action research, review and reflection on teaching and learning. (EDEL 502F and EDSC 502F are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: EDEL 502E /EDSC 502E .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 502G - Pedagogy, Assessment and Support for New Teachers (Semester 3) (2)

    Formative assessment and professional development for new teachers. Focus on inquiry into teaching effectiveness, including analysis of inquiry and assessment of teaching and learning. (EDSC 502G and EDEL 502G are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: EDEL 502F /EDSC 502F . Corequisite: participation in the Fullerton Teacher Induction Program.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 502H - Pedagogy, Assessment and Support for New Teachers (Semester 4) (2)

    Formative assessment and professional development for new teachers. Focus on inquiry into teaching effectiveness, including analysis of inquiry and assessment of teaching and learning. (EDSC 502H and EDEL 502H are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: EDEL 502G /EDSC 502G . Corequisite: participation in the Fullerton Teacher Induction Program.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 511 - Survey of Educational Research (3)

    Descriptive statistics and statistical inferences in educational research. Representative research papers. Principles of research design. Prepare papers using research findings.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 512 - Level Two Technology Proficiencies for Teachers in K-8 Schools (3)

    Theoretical basis and strategies for improving teaching K-8 students through use of multimedia and other technologies.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 514 - Technology across the Curriculum (3)

    Best practice and research for technology integration across the curriculum in face-to-face and distance learning environments. Examination and application of technology standards. Issues of technology integration including Common Core State Standards and academic content standards. One or more sections offered online.


  • EDEL 515 - Technology and Problem Solving in Schools (3)

    Software and web-based applications that promote problem-solving in schools. Research and discuss issues, implications of and implementation strategies for using technology to enhance students’ problem-solving skills.

    Prerequisites: Level 2 technology proficiency; teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 518A - Issues in the Instructional Design of Software for use in Schools (3)

    Issues related to the instructional design of courseware designed specifically for classroom students. Learning principles, learner characteristics, instructional strategies, screen design, response analysis, feedback and interactivity.

    Prerequisite: Level 2 technology proficiency.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 518B - Multimedia Development and Instruction in the Classroom (3)

    Application and instruction of computer-based instructional design principles in developing classroom software and multimedia projects. Planning and assessment, design principles and developing tools.

    Prerequisite: EDEL 518A .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 522 - Web Design for Instruction in Schools (3)

    Design, develop and implement web pages and sites for instructional purposes. Issues surrounding using the World Wide Web for instruction. Fieldwork required.

    Prerequisite: Level 2 technology proficiency; EDEL 515 .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 523 - Distance Education Issues and Trends in Schools (3)

    Issues and trends in distance education for teaching and learning in schools. Draws on research in K-12, higher education and corporate domains.

    Prerequisite: Level 2 technology proficiency.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 527 - Graduate Seminar in Developmental Psychology: The Human from Conception Through Eight Years (3)

    Physical, social, cognitive-intellectual and emotional development of individuals from conception to middle childhood. Current problems, theories and research.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


  • EDEL 528 - Reading/Language Arts in the Early Childhood Curriculum (3)

    Significant research, curriculum developments and materials, and current instructional strategies for promoting emergent literacy in children.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 529 - Graduate Studies: Learning Theory for Classroom Use (3)

    Major theoretical positions in planning and interpreting classroom practices. Educational research findings, implications for curriculum development and teaching practices.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 530 - Graduate Studies in Elementary Education: Second Languages (3)

    Significant research, curriculum developments and materials, and criteria for planning and improving second language programs, including those for English as a second language.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 434 ; teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 531 - Graduate Studies in Elementary Education: Integrated Language Arts (3)

    Significant research, trends and problems in teaching the fundamental skills of communication; curriculum development and materials, and criteria for planning and improving integrated language arts programs.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 532 - Graduate Studies in Elementary Education: Mathematics (3)

    Significant research, curricular developments and materials, criteria for planning and improving mathematics programs and instruction.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • EDEL 533 - Graduate Studies in Elementary Education: Science (3)

    Research and materials in science education and criteria for planning and improving science programs and instruction.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


  • EDEL 534 - Graduate Studies in Elementary Education: Social Studies (3)

    Research developments and materials, criteria for planning and improving social studies programs, and current techniques of teaching.

    Prerequisite: teaching credential.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

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