Feb 12, 2025  
2021-2022 University Catalog 
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Prefix and Course Index 



Courses are designated as ANTH in the class schedule.

  • ANTH 402 - Museum Science (3)

    Methods, principles and techniques used in natural history, and small scientific and historical museums. Scope of exhibit and research collections, care and repair of specimens, acquisitions, storage and preparation of presentations in anthropological, historical, biological and paleontological museums.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2 or D.1; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 403 - Archaeological Fieldwork (3)

    Excavation of a local archaeological site. Archaeological mapping, photography and recording. Laboratory methods of cataloging, preservation, description and interpretation of archaeological materials. Saturday field sessions. May be repeated once for credit as an elective. (1 hour lecture, 6 hours laboratory)

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 404 - Analytical Methods in Archaeology (3)

    Employing physical data collecting techniques (e.g., photographic, paleomagnetic) in the field, and analyzing artifact collections and data from previous field operations in the laboratory. May be repeated once for credit as an elective. (1 hour lecture, 6 hours laboratory)

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 406 - Descriptive Linguistics (3)

    Sounds (phonology), forms and meanings (morphology), and syntax of languages. Examples and problem-solving in various languages. (LING 406 and ANTH 406 are the same course.)

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 411 - The Anthropology of Human Rights (3)

    Introduces students to the study of human rights from anthropological and interdisciplinary perspectives. Students will examine human rights issues and specific cases of human rights abuses within the context of international and ethno-specific domains.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 102  or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 413 - Global Ethnographies of Food (3)

    Ethnographic approach to global food systems. Production, circulation and consumption of food; emphasizing the cultural politics of food as it relates to local identity and notions of global citizenship.

    Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category D.1 or ANTH 102 or graduate standing

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 414 - Economic Anthropology (3)

    Ethnology and ethnography of economic life, principally in non-Western societies; operation of systems of production and distribution within diverse cultural contexts.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 102 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 415 - Anthropology of Tourism (3)

    Tourism and travel as cultural practices. Domestic and international tourism; perspective of hosts and travelers; global economy and tourism; souvenirs, artifacts and symbolic landscapes; tourism as pilgrimage.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 102 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 416 - Anthropological Linguistics (3)

    Nature and functions of language; language structure and change; classification of languages; use of linguistic evidence in anthropology. (ANTH 416 and LING 416 are the same course.)

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 418 - GIS and Archaeology (3)

    Introduction to the use of Geographic Information Systems as they apply to the study of archaeology. Spatial analysis of past cultural remains from anthropological perspectives.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 420 - Visual Anthropology (3)

    Development of the field of visual anthropology and the changing and diverse approaches to the use of visual media in representing and interpreting other cultures.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 100 , ANTH 101 , ANTH 102 , ANTH 103 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 421 - Archaeology of South America (3)

    Development of South American cultures over a 13,000-year time span based on archaeological and interdisciplinary evidence. Follows a temporal and regional approach to the prehistory of South American cultures; includes Indigenous, post-contact and other postcolonial South American archaeologies.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 422 - Mass Media Cross-Culturally (3)

    Media and popular culture in a variety of cultural and national contexts. The centrality of mass media to contemporary life, and the need for anthropology to explore its analytical and practical significance.

    Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category D.1 or ANTH 102 or graduate standing

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 423 - The Ancient Maya (3)

    Archaeology and ethnohistory of the Maya area of Southern Mesoamerica. Problems of initial settlement of the area and the rise and dynamics of ancient Maya civilization.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 424 - The Aztecs and Their Predecessors (3)

    Archaeological survey of principal Mesoamerica pre-Columbian cultures north and west of the Maya area. Aztecs and their predecessors, religion, art, architecture, intellectual achievements and the Olmec heritage.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 425 - Lithic Analysis (3)

    Teaches students about key theoretical and methodological facets of prehistoric lithic (stone) artifact analysis. Through readings, discussions, and lab practicums students will learn how archaeological lithic analysts infer pertinent technological, behavioral, and social information about the past.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 426 - Bioarchaeology (3)

    Scientific study of human remains from archaeological sites. How bioarchaeologists generate and solve research questions about past human lives, populations and societies. Professional and ethical standards in research design in bioarchaeology. Contemporary ethical issues.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 101, ANTH 102 or ANTH 103; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 427 - Settlement Patterns (3)

    Introduction to settlement pattern studies in archaeology. Dispersion of aggregates and households within communities, and communities within regions, as a way to study political, social and economic organization in past societies.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 431 - Mesoamerican Cultures (3)

    Cultural survey of Mesoamerican cultures from the colonial period to the present. Mesoamerican cultures are examined within the context of the Pre-Hispanic past, the impact of colonization, interactions with states and empires, and contemporary issues.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 102  or completion of G.E. Category D.1 or D.2.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 435 - Anthropology of Death and Mortuary Practices (3)

    Cultural practices relating to death. Burial practices, believes about the afterlife and memorializing the dead in diverse cultural contexts, both contemporary and ancient. Integrate archaeological, linguistic, cultural and biological data in a holistic approach.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 102 , completion of G.E. category C.2, completion of G.E. Category D.1 or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 441 - Human Variation (3)

    Processes underlying and the theories for the existence of the present variation between and within human populations. Genetics of human populations and the significance of racial classifications. (2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory)

    Prerequisites: ANTH 343 ; ANTH 301 , ANTH 322  or ANTH 344 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 442 - Medical Anthropology (3)

    Human health and disease and their relationship to cultural practices, beliefs and environmental factors; histories of various diseases as factors of cultural change; health care delivery systems.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 342 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 443 - Advanced Topics in Human Osteology (3)

    Analytical methods stressing morphological examination of human bone in a laboratory setting (determination of human, prehistoric; analysis of fragmented and commingled remains; basic identification and report writing; pathological conditions). For those interested in archaeology, hominid evolution and/or forensic science.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 343  and one of ANTH 301 , ANTH 322  or ANTH 344 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 444 - Forensic Anthropology (3)

    Forensic Anthropology and associated techniques and skills. Work with human remains to estimate age, determine sex, ancestry, stature and any other evidence relevant to forensic studies.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 343 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 445 - Quantitative Methods in Anthropology (3)

    Develops skills and knowledge in the application of quantitative methods in anthropological research. Integrated approach to research design, data collection, data management and data analysis through hands-on training.

    Prerequisites: Anthropology major or minor, junior or senior standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 451 - Advanced Evolutionary Anthropology (3)

    Uses life history theory to examine the evolutionary ecology of human behavior. Human life course, resource acquisition, parenting and fertility. Computer labs utilizing eHRAF. (ANTH 451 and BIOL 451 are the same course.)

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 452 - Human Fossil Record (3)

    In-depth and detailed analysis of the fossil evidence for human evolution using fossil cast material and computer-aided virtual models. Uses modern evolutionary theory to interpret the fossil evidence and understand hominin phylogeny.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 301 , ANTH 322  or ANTH 344 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 453 - Human Evolutionary Anatomy (3)

    Uses an evolutionary framework to conduct an in-depth and detailed examination of the structure and function of human anatomical systems, their interaction, and their evolutionary histories and how those histories affect health in modern populations.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 301 , ANTH 322  or ANTH 344 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 454 - Primate Conservation (3)

    Uses behavioral ecology and life history theory to understand issues surrounding conservation of non human primates. Develop theoretical background crucial to understanding the population dynamics and ecological principles driving primate conservation strategies.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 301 , ANTH 322  or ANTH 344 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 455 - Behavioral Observation (3)

    Preparation to conduct advanced behavioral observation research from an anthropological perspective. Research design, data collection techniques, ethical and other considerations unique to varied data collection settings, computerized resources and literature resources. Incorporates service learning.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category B.5.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 456 - Hormones and Behavior (3)

    How hormones influence the development and activation of behavior, and how behaviors, in turn, regulate neural and endocrine physiology. Integrates evolutionary, developmental and clinical perspectives gleaned from studies of humans, nonhuman primates and other animals. (ANTH 456 and BIOL 456 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category B.5.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 457 - Advanced Primate Behavior (3)

    Advanced topics in primate behavioral ecology. Combines evolutionary and ecological approaches to the study of primate behavior, through in-depth reading and discussion of the literature.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category B.5.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 458 - Sustainable Urban Food Systems (3)

    This course develops students’ skills and knowledge in the natural, social, and economic environment. Students will learn an integrated approach to understanding urban ecosystems and food security through sustainable urban agriculture.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 101  or completion of General Education Category B.3.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 459 - Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (3)

    Exploration of anthropological perspectives on food and nutrition. Topics include how nutritional needs vary and are met in different times and places, cultural values surrounding food, human evolutionary history of food and nutrition.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 315 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 460 - Cultural Resource Management (3)

    Current professional and ethical responsibilities of archaeologists in Cultural Resource Management (CRM). Review local, state and federal legislation affecting the protection and preservation of archaeological sites and other cultural resources.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 461 - California Archaeology (3)

    Evolution and development of native California Indian tribes over a 13,000-year time span are based on archaeological and anthropological data. Follows a temporal and regional approach in covering prehistory, ethnography and early history of native California cultures.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 463 - Archaeofaunal Analysis (3)

    Method, theory and lab work in analyses of archaeofaunal remains recovered from archaeological sites and reconstruction of prehistoric subsistence patterns and paleoenvironments based on faunal remains. Vertebrate skeletal identification, taphonomy, subsistence studies and quantification.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 472 - Los Angeles/Mumbai: Cinematic City Cross-Culturally (3)

    The relationship between cinema and contemporary urban life and the interconnections between city life, cityscapes and cinematic representations of Los Angeles and Mumbai, cities that are home to two of the largest film industries in the world.

    Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category D.1 or ANTH 102 or graduate standing

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 476 - Archaeological Investigations (3)

    Methodology and practice of archaeological fieldwork. May be repeated for credit. (1 hour lecture, 6 hours laboratory)

    Prerequisite: ANTH 103 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 480 - History of Anthropology (3)

    Principal contributions of anthropologists 1850-1950; evolutionary, diffusionist, historical, particularist, configurationalist, and culture and personality approaches in anthropology.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 101 , ANTH 102 , ANTH 103 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 481 - Contemporary Anthropology (3)

    Anthropologists from 1950 to present; neoevolutionist, sociological, structuralist, psychological and symbolic approaches.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 101 , ANTH 102 , ANTH 103 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 482 - Globalization and Culture Change (3)

    Interrelations between global, cultural and social processes that affect culture change, including transnationalism, migration, technology, media (including social media), tourism, development and other factors related to globalization. Anthropological contributions to theory and practice through selected examples in applied anthropology.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 102 , completion of G.E. category C.2, completion of G.E. Category D.1 or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 486 - Anthropology of Digital Media (3)

    Digital media practices, social media, cultural production and practices. Ethnographic analysis of culture formation in virtual worlds; cultural variations in the use of digital media; social media and identity; the use of media in social and political activism.

    Prerequisites: ANTH 102 , completion of G.E. category C.2, completion of G.E. Category D.1 or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 490T - Undergraduate Seminar in Anthropology (3)

    Topics in anthropology. May be repeated once for credit with a different topic.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ANTH 491 - Internship in Anthropology (3)

    Career opportunities. On-the-job training under faculty supervision in museum, industry or governmental service. One or more papers required. May be repeated once for credit.

    Prerequisites: 18 upper-division units in anthropology or related fields.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • ANTH 498 - Museum Practicum (3)

    Practical experience in museum operations, using the facilities of the Anthropology Museum. Exhibit preparation, membership and funding operations, catalogue preparation and outreach activities. May be repeated once for credit.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 402 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • ANTH 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Individual research project involving either library or fieldwork. Conferences with the adviser as necessary. Results in one or more papers. May be repeated for a maximum of six units. Requires consent of adviser.

    Prerequisite: minimum 15 units of anthropology.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • ANTH 504T - Seminar: Selected Topics in Anthropology (3)

    The chosen topic and a general outline of the seminar are circulated prior to registration. May be repeated for credit with different topic.

    Prerequisite: completion of undergraduate major in Anthropology; or graduate standing.


  • ANTH 507 - Grammatical Analysis (3)

    Word formation in a variety of languages with emphasis on the terminology used to describe morphological representation on various levels; problem solving of selected language data. (LING 507 and ANTH 507 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: LING 406 .


  • ANTH 510 - Research Design in Anthropology (3)

    Introduction to anthropological research. Develop skills in designing a research project; literature search and review; applying quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods; understanding ethical considerations in anthropology; identifying funding opportunities; proposal preparation; and oral presentation.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing.


  • ANTH 511 - Theory and Method in Evolutionary Anthropology (3)

    Basic theoretical positions and methodological spectrum in evolutionary anthropology.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing.


  • ANTH 512 - Theory and Method in Archaeology (3)

    Basic theoretical positions and methodological spectrum in archaeological anthropology. Requires instructor permission.

    Prerequisite: senior standing; or graduate standing.


  • ANTH 513 - Theory and Method in Cultural/Linguistic Anthropology (3)

    Basic theoretical positions and methodological spectrum in cultural and linguistic anthropology.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing.


  • ANTH 597 - Project (3-6)

    Complete a project derived from original field or laboratory research, and/or from library study. Project could also be a museum exhibit, field report or other project. A copy of the approved written component of the project must be filed in the department through the department graduate program adviser. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 6 units. Requires consent of project adviser.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing.


    Department Consent Required
  • ANTH 598 - Thesis (3-6)

    Complete a thesis derived from original field or laboratory research, and/or from library study. A copy of the approved thesis must be submitted to the department through the department graduate program adviser, and a copy of the thesis must be approved by the University Graduate Studies Office for submission to the bookstore for binding and microfilming. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 6 units. Requires consent of thesis adviser.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing.


    Department Consent Required
  • ANTH 599 - Independent Graduate Research (1-3)

    Individual research involving fieldwork, laboratory, or library study, and conferences with a project adviser as necessary, and resulting in one or more papers. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 6 units. Requires consent of adviser.


    Department Consent Required


Courses are designated ARAB in the class schedule.

  • ARAB 101 - Fundamental Arabic-A (3)

    Introduction to essentials of Modern Standard Arabic vocabulary and structures. Basic reading, writing, and conversational skills using culturally appropriate language. Conducted primarily in Arabic.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ARAB 102 - Fundamental Arabic-B (3)

    Continuation of systematic introduction of fundamental vocabulary and grammatical structures of Modern Standard Arabic. Sustained development of reading, writing and speaking skills with a focus on culture. Conducted primarily in Arabic.

    Prerequisite: ARAB 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ARAB 203 - Intermediate Arabic-A (3)

    Instruction in listening and reading comprehension, and oral and writing practice, in Arabic based on cultural and literary materials, with further development in vocabulary and grammar. Conducted primarily in Arabic.

    Prerequisite: ARAB 102 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ARAB 299 - Directed Study (1-3)

    Supervised research projects in Arabic language, literature, culture, linguistics or business, to be taken with consent of instructor and department chair. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 6 units.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit


Courses are designated as ART in the class schedule.

  • ART 101 - Introduction to Art (3)

    Historical and contemporary art forms of painting, sculpture, architecture and design. Field trips required. Not open to art majors for credit except by permission of Art Department. (3 hours lecture)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 103 - Two-Dimensional Design (3)

    Art concepts, aesthetic elements and materials of two-dimensional design and visual organization. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: Art major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 104 - Three-Dimensional Design (3)

    Art concepts, aesthetic elements and materials of three-dimensional design and spatial organization. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: Art major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 106A - Beginning Ceramics (3)

    Form as related to ceramic materials, tools and processes. Kiln loading and firing, hand building, wheel throwing and raku. (9 hours laboratory)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 106B - Beginning Ceramics (3)

    Form as related to ceramics. Glaze batching and its application, and the presentation of ceramic technique. (9 hours laboratory)

    Prerequisite: ART 106A .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 107A - Beginning Drawing (3)

    Traditional and contemporary use of drawing materials integrated with visual experiences and art concepts. (6 hours activity)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 107B - Beginning Painting (3)

    Traditional and contemporary use of painting materials integrated with visual experiences and art concepts. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: Art major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 117 - Life Drawing (3)

    Drawing the live model. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: Art major.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 123 - Descriptive Drawing (3)

    Descriptive drawing, rendering techniques and theories representing forms of nature. (6 hours activity)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 201A - Art and Civilization (3)

    Ideas, forms and styles of the visual arts as they developed in various cultures from prehistoric time to the present. (3 hours lecture)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 201B - Art and Civilization (3)

    Ideas, forms and styles of the visual arts as they developed in various cultures from prehistoric time to the present. (3 hours lecture)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 205A - Beginning Crafts (3)

    Traditional and contemporary concepts and processes with emphasis on design principles in the development of aesthetic forms based on function. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 103 . Pre- or corequisite: ART 104 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 205B - Beginning Crafts (3)

    Development of esthetic forms based on function, with emphasis on design principles and the creative use of hand tools and power equipment. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 205A .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 207A - Drawing and Painting (Experimental Methods and Materials) (3)

    Traditional and contemporary concepts. Image-making using various materials and approaches (representation and abstraction). (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 207B - Drawing and Painting (Experimental Methods and Materials) (3)

    Traditional and contemporary concepts. Image-making using various materials and approaches (representation and abstraction). (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 216A - Beginning Sculpture (3)

    Creative use of wood and metal, power equipment and hand tools. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 104 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 216B - Beginning Sculpture (3)

    Creative use of wood and metal, power equipment and hand tools. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 104 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 217 - Life Drawing for Animation (3)

    Continuing course of the human figure. Develops animation student’s skills of drawing from observation. May be repeated once for credit. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 117 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 223A - Lettering and Typography (3)

    History, design and use of letter forms; the rendering and use of hand-lettered forms. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 103 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 223B - Lettering and Typography (3)

    History, design and use of letter forms; techniques for rough and comprehensive layouts and introduction to computer graphics. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 103 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 223C - Typography into Graphic Design (3)

    Technology and its application to typographic and graphic design solutions. Conceptual understanding of current technology as medium and tool in the creative process. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 103 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 224 - Introduction to Glass (3)

    A survey of glass working techniques in glass blowing, hot glass casting, kiln forming, and cold fabrication.

    Prerequisite: ART 103  or ART 104 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 238 - Photo Visual Concepts (3)

    Introductory photography course for art majors. Includes the study of photographic vision and design, visual conceptualization and examination of the qualities of light through the use of instant and automatic cameras. (6 hours activity)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 253A - Principles of 2D Digital Animation (3)

    Foundational principles and practices of character animation, including mechanics of movement, animation problems and acting, taught using 2D Digital animation tools.

    Prerequisites: ART 103, ART 104, ART 117.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ART 253B - Principles of Traditional Animation (3)

    Foundational principles and practices of character animation, including mechanics of movement, animation problems and acting, taught using pencil/paper.

    Prerequisites: ART 103, ART 104, ART 117.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ART 253T - Principles of Animation (3)

    Foundational principles and practices of character animation including, mechanics of movement, animation problems and acting. May be taught using pencil/paper, 2D Digital or 3D Digital tools (see notes in class schedule). May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 117 . Corequisite: ART 217 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ART 255 - Introduction to 3D Computer Animation (3)

    Fundamentals of 3D digital animation production. Introduction to the Maya interface and tools necessary to create 3D assets and explore animation principles. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 104 , ART 107A .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ART 255A - Intro to 3D Modeling (3)

    Fundamentals of 3D computer graphics through the development of props, environments and characters, both stylized and realistic. Utilizes contemporary workflows to texture, light and render 3D models for animation and games.

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 107A .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ART 255B - Introduction to 3D Animation (3)

    Introduction to the principles of animation in a 3D environment, focusing on body mechanics, weight, believability and gaining a solid understanding of timing and spacing. Build skills through a series of projects leading to character performance.

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 107A .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ART 263 - Perspective Drawing (3)

    Introduction to linear perspective systems used to develop and place natural and fabricated forms in space on a two-dimensional surface. Integrated with methods and techniques of rendering light, shadow and reflection on varied subject matter including the human figure. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisite: ART 107A .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 300 - Writing in the Visual Arts (3)

    Principles, practices and objectives of writing in the visual arts. Includes descriptive, analytical and expressive essays; project and grant proposals; artist’s statements; resumes; and professional correspondence. Satisfies the classroom portion of the upper-division writing requirements for art majors.

    Prerequisite: ART 201A  or ART 201B .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • ART 305A - Advanced Crafts (3)

    Advanced concepts and processes in the development of esthetic forms based on function, emphasizing individual growth and personal expression. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 205A , ART 205B .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 305B - Advanced Crafts (3)

    Advanced concepts and processes in the development of esthetic forms based on function, emphasizing individual growth and personal expression. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 205A ART 205B .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 306A - Advanced Ceramics (3)

    Traditional and contemporary use of ceramic methods, materials and concepts. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 306B - Advanced Ceramics (3)

    Traditional and contemporary use of ceramic methods, materials and concepts. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 307A - Drawing and Painting (3)

    Concepts, materials and activities in drawing and painting, emphasizing individual skills, ideas, and expression. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B  and/or ART 207A .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 307B - Drawing and Painting (3)

    Concepts, materials and activities in drawing and painting, emphasizing individual skills, ideas, and expression. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B  and/or ART 207A .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 310A - Watercolor (3)

    Watercolor media related to varied subject matter and design applications. Includes field trip activity. Provides skills and concepts useful for school art programs. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 310B - Watercolor (3)

    Watercolor media related to varied subject matter and design applications. Includes field trip activity. Provides skills and concepts useful for school art programs. (6 hours activity)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • ART 311 - Foundations of Modern Art (3)

    History of painting and sculpture from the French Revolution to the end of the 19th century.

    Prerequisite: junior, senior or postbaccalaureate standing.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit


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