Mar 02, 2025
2019-2020 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Kinesiology, M.S.
(30 UNITS)
At least 18 of the 30 units toward the graduate degree in Kinesiology must be 500 level. Once accepted into the program, each student must create an adviser-approved study plan before completing 13 units of work. With adviser approval, up to nine units of 400/500-level coursework may be included on the study plan that was taken at another university or in another department at Cal State Fullerton.
Admission Requirements
Students must meet the CSU requirements for admission to a master’s degree program. Please consult the Graduate Admissions section in this catalog for complete information. In addition, applicants to the graduate program in Kinesiology, must submit to the Kinesiology graduate program: - transcripts showing completion of an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology (or equivalent field) with a grade-point average of at least 3.2 in upper-division major coursework;
- Graduate Record Exam general test results with recommended minimum scores at or above the 50th percentile for Verbal and Quantitative and 3.5 for Analytical Writing;
- a 500-word essay describing the applicant’s academic/professional interests, which also identifies a specific Advising Track(s) of interest and, where possible, specific faculty with whom they wish to work; and
- two letters of recommendation, preferably from former faculty who can address their academic ability and potential for success in graduate school.
Any student without an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Physical Education, or a related field must complete a prescribed set of undergraduate coursework (usually about 12 units) with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Any student with a grade-point average deficiency must complete additional undergraduate coursework as specified by the Kinesiology graduate program adviser. Classified Standing
Classified standing requires the development of a study plan (see below) approved by the faculty adviser, kinesiology graduate program adviser, and office of graduate studies. No more than nine units of graduate work taken before classification may be included on the study plan. Any changes to the study plan after classified standing is granted must be approved in advance, in writing, by the Kinesiology graduate program. Advancement to Candidacy
Advancement to candidacy is attained by requesting a graduation check in the semester prior to graduation (see class schedule for deadlines) and receiving subsequent approval from the graduate studies adviser on the grad check completion review form, mailed by the Graduate Studies Office. Students not completing requirements by the graduation date specified on the original graduation check must contact the Graduate Studies Office. Graduate Study Plan
The study plan must include KNES 508 and KNES 510 (which fulfills the graduate level writing requirement), and at least two advanced study courses, one in the student’s major academic area of interest and one in a minor or supporting academic area. The study plan also must include 15 units of electives selected from one of nine sub-disciplinary areas: Exercise Physiology; Clinical Sport Healthcare; Sociocultural and Philosophical Aspects of Human Movement; Gerokinesiology; Pedagogy; Sport and Performance Psychology; Biomechanics; Strength and Conditioning; and Motor Behavior. Finally, the study plan must include one of three culminating experience options: a thesis, a project, or a comprehensive examination. Core Course Requirements (9 units)
Additional Information
*Students who select the Comprehensive Examination shall be required to complete an additional adviser-approved 500-level course in Kinesiology (3 units). Advising Track Requirements (21 units)
The remaining 21 units of coursework are to be selected from one of the following nine sub-disciplinary areas: Exercise Physiology; Clinical Sport Healthcare; Sociocultural and Philosophical Aspects of Human Movement; Gerokinesiology; Pedagogy; Sport and Performance Psychology; Biomechanics; Strength and Conditioning; and Motor Behavior. Advanced study courses are required within each track, as well as recommended electives. |