Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook 
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook

IV. Policies Concerning Faculty and Expectations of Faculty



Absence Management

All faculty unit employees must enter sick and vacation time into the university’s Absence Management System (AMS) pursuant to Provision 24.6 of the CBA. AMS is a tool for attendance reporting only; it does not change the departmental process for requesting and approving time off and submitting documentation. For more information on AMS, please visit the HRDI webpage 

Absences/Missed Class Meetings

Classes should always meet on the days, at the times and in the locations listed in the University class schedule. In the event that a faculty member is unable to meet with a class, the Department Chair must be notified directly, normally before the class meeting and, in any case, as soon as possible. This information should not be left with an administrative assistant or other department employee, if at all possible. The faculty member who knows in advance of an absence must either work with the Department Chair to arrange for a qualified colleague to meet the class, or the faculty member must provide special assignments to the students. Online activities consistent with UPS 411.104 may be substituted for some regularly scheduled instructional sessions when the substitution furthers the academic goals of the class. California regulations specify that if a faculty member is absent from campus without leave for five days or more, he or she is considered to have resigned. For questions or guidance on other classroom and instruction policies, consult with your Department Chair, UPS 230.010, or Academic Human Resources, HRDI, ext. 2425.

Academic Freedom and Responsibility

It is the responsibility of each faculty member to abide by the guidelines set forth in the Statement on Professional Ethics (2009) of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). This is delineated in UPS 230.000, Reaffirmation of Statement of Professional Responsibility.

The Academic Senate of the California State University has endorsed the AAUP 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure and its 1970 Interpretive Comments.

Academic Integrity

When a faculty member has alleged that a student has performed an act of academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating on examinations or assignments, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, falsification/fabrication of University documents, or helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty), the faculty member must follow the process outlined in the policy on Academic Dishonesty, UPS 300.021.

When a faculty member has penalized a student for an act of academic dishonesty, the student has a right to formally contest the allegations and/or the penalty under the Academic Appeals policy, UPS 300.030. In this process, the faculty member assumes the burden of proof and must provide evidence in support of the charge that the dishonesty occurred.

Additionally, the faculty member shall report the student/s to the Student Conduct Office through the Incident Reporting Form on the Dean of Students website.

For further information, contact the Director of Student Conduct (by calling ext. 4436 email studentconduct@fullerton.edu). Definitions and additional information regarding academic integrity issues as well as the appeal process for faculty can be obtained in UPS 300.021, UPS 300.030, Title 5: Student Code of Conduct.


Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI)

The CSU Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) is the effort by the California State University system to ensure that information and communication technology (ICT) is accessible to all students, faculty, staff, and the wider community. This includes websites, computer software and hardware as well as multimedia, such as video.

ATI focuses on three areas:

  • Instructional Materials: Documents, multimedia, Canvas courses (LMS), etc.
  • Procurement: Purchases of Information and Communication Technologies
  • Web: The CSUF web environment and domain, as well as web-based ICT, including instructional materials

To ensure a sustainable ATI program, California State University, Fullerton has developed policies and procedures for our campus.

Animals in Teaching and Research

The use of live vertebrate animals in research and instruction is governed by federal regulations under two different statutes and two different agencies (U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health). For work with wildlife, additional state or federal permits may also be required. Any research or instructional project that involves live vertebrate animals requires the approval of the Cal State Fullerton Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) prior to initiating any work. Faculty should contact the Research Compliance Manager in the CSUF Office of Research and Sponsored Projects or the IACUC Chair for guidance on regulations, assistance on protocols, and other information related to the IACUC. Normally, new IACUC applications are reviewed by the IACUC Chair before being submitted to the IACUC. Application forms to request IACUC approval may be obtained from the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects. For information on animal carcass management, please contact Environmental Health and Safety (ext. 7233).

Book Orders/Instructional Materials

To ensure campus compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), it is important that faculty members provide instructional material information for every class they are assigned to teach. Instructional materials include: textbooks, Open Educational Resources, class supplies, course packs, lab books, materials from non-campus vendors, etc. As required by HEOA, all instructional materials are listed in the class schedule at time of registration for students, and those courses not requiring instructional material must be noted as such.

Any changes to instructional material need to be communicated in a timely manner, ensuring accuracy for Disability Support Services and enabling the department to prepare materials in accessible format when making necessary accommodations.

Campus due dates* for instructional material are:

  • Summer/Fall Term - March 30
  • Spring/Intersession Terms - October 1

*If a due date falls on a weekend, the following Monday is the due date. Due dates are subject to change.

The department chair and/or the department’s textbook coordinator can provide faculty members with more information regarding this process.

Class Cancellation

As stated in UPS 230.010, faculty members have a responsibility to meet their scheduled classes. Faculty members who know in advance that they will be unable to teach a class due to a professional obligation (e.g., attending a conference) should either work with the Department Chair to arrange for a colleague to cover the class or give students special class assignments that will cover the material that would have been presented had the faculty member been present. In the case of unexpected illness, this may not be possible, but in any event, the faculty member should, if possible, contact the Department Chair as well as the students in the class. UPS 411.104 restricts the conversion of classroom content to online delivery to no more than 20% of the course instruction.

Class Lengths/Breaks

Cal State Fullerton follows the Carnegie convention for class time: 50 minutes per week equals one unit for traditional lecture, discussion, and seminar classes. The majority of classes offered at CSUF are 3-unit classes; hence, they meet for a total of 40 actual hours (40 = 3 units* 16 weeks* .83 (50/60)) during the 16-week term. For 3-unit classes meeting three times a week, class time is 50 minutes, while class time for 3-unit classes meeting twice per week is 75 minutes. If a 3-unit class meets once per week, the 150-minute class is scheduled in a 165-minute block to include a 15-minute break midway through the class period. Laboratory, activity, and supervisory courses require additional minutes per week for each 1 unit of credit.

Classroom Assignments

The Scheduling Office is responsible for the assignment of general-use classrooms for instructional use and special events. The Initial Schedule Building Entry Phase is decentralized, giving the departments the liberty to establish the class schedule with their own initial rights allocated for room assignments set by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the individual’s College Dean’s offices. During the initial entry phase, departments must work with their Dean’s office to determine the allocated timeslots to utilize. Departments may contact the Scheduling Office to make requests if a large-capacity or branch campus rooms are needed. The large rooms will also have initial allocated timeslots designated to each individual college, and the Scheduling Office will only reserve unallocated time slots.

After the initial entry phase, all class scheduling is centralized with all general-use room assignments’ “first rights” reverting back to the Scheduling Office. All departments must contact the Scheduling Office by emailing scheduling@fullerton.edu to request room availabilities to secure a room before offering sections of a course or moving existing sections.

Initial rights room allocations (general-use and non-general use) assignments may not be changed without approval from the Associate Director, Academic Resource Projects.

NOTE: Disability Support Services (DSS) may need to deliver accessible furniture to accommodate a student in a specific course(s), where existing furniture is not accessible. Please allow delivery by Moving Services and ensure furniture being removed is not removed by anyone except Moving Services.

Classroom Emergency Information

All faculty members must know the following emergency information and relay this information to their students at the start of the semester: (a) identify the location of fire alarm pull stations; (b) review both location and content of evacuation maps including an outside meeting area for your department or class [instruct students to identify at least two exits from their location in the building]; (c) review emergency procedures in case of fire, medical emergency, hazardous materials release, a person with a weapon or any other violent situation, and earthquake; (d) invite any students with special needs to speak privately with the faculty member about specific requirements in the case of an emergency and make appropriate arrangements; (e) identify the location of the nearest phone to use in case of an emergency; and (f) practice emergency procedures during campus emergency drills.

Information about these procedures and other important emergency preparedness and response information for the classroom and the campus is available at the University’s Preparedness Website.

Please direct any questions to the Emergency Preparedness & Business Continuity Manager at (657) 278-7364

Classroom Enrollment Limits

During registration, Department Coordinators have the ability to adjust enrollment maximums for a particular course section(s) in the system to accommodate registration needs. However, departments must verify the capacity of the room with the Scheduling Office before making any adjustments. Any change in room capacity must be coordinated through the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The need for verification is due to safety concerns for the students and instructor. Room capacities are set by the State Fire Marshal’s office based on the applicable fire and building codes with change requests reviewed and coordinated through the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and CPFM. Over-enrollment in a room creates a potential fire hazard if the capacity exceeds the standards determined by the State Fire Marshal. If the official capacity of a room comes into question, all of the above offices must be consulted before any change in official capacity takes place.

Teaching Load

The normal teaching load for a full-time faculty member at Cal State Fullerton is 15 weighted teaching units (WTUs) per week, three of which are allocated for faculty members to engage in research and service activities. Hence, the actual teaching load of a full-time faculty member would normally be four 3-unit classes, but faculty members may find some of their teaching obligations being reassigned due to research productivity, curriculum development, or other service activities. In addition to their teaching duties, faculty members are expected to advise students and hold appropriate office hours. The campus policy on faculty office hours is available in UPS 230.020.

Article 20 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) discusses faculty workload. Typically, the Department Chair makes a recommendation of a faculty member’s teaching assignment to his/her College Dean, who is considered the appropriate administrator under the CBA. Section 20.3 details the factors that should be considered when making an individual’s class assignment.


Commencement is considered to be a working day for full-time faculty members, and all are encouraged to attend the event. Ceremonies are held over a four-day period after final exams in May. The Commencement schedule can be located at the Commencement website or by calling ext. 3480. Further information about college ceremonies can be provided by the deans’ offices.

Commitment to Community

Members of the University community are committed to ensuring an environment where learning and the creation and dissemination of knowledge are foundational goals and where freedom of speech and expression are viewed as essential characteristics of a community of scholars. Faculty members should act to support a climate where community is valued, appreciated, and where all members of the community are treated with dignity, respect, and care. Creating and maintaining a caring environment is the responsibility of the entire Cal State Fullerton community and part of the University’s mission and values. The Senate policy on civility is given in UPS 100.006, A Commitment to Community at CSUF. However, in light of the fact that the term ‘civility’ has been used to minimize voices from outside the dominant culture, Cal State Fullerton also abides by the principles includes in UPS 100.007, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Social Justice at CSUF. These two policies should be read together for a fuller understanding of the University’s commitment to community.

Copyright Statement

As the legal and ethical distribution of intellectual property is a fundamental component of education, all members of the Cal State Fullerton academic community are expected to respect copyright law and to model responsible behavior when distributing materials to students.

Copyright, under Title 17 of the U.S. Code, begins at the moment of creation and thereby provides incentive for creation and innovation. CSUF faculty members retain copyright for their research and course materials they create. To enjoy the privilege of copyright, it is necessary to respect the copyright of other authors.

When using a course management system, individual faculty members are responsible for determining the legality of distributing materials protected by copyright. While the law does not make a distinction between electronic and paper, its requirements for different media can vary. As a result, distributing films, music and other formats can create unique circumstances.

Copyright has a time limit after which the information is free to be transformed and distributed in any way necessary. This temporal limit is known as the public domain and is generally applicable to anything published before 1928. U.S. Federal publications are also in the public domain.

Many online materials are available through a Creative Commons license. While not everything in the commons is open to redistribution, Creative Commons enables many authors to allow public use of their works, with attribution, in non-profit ways.

As often as possible, materials should be distributed by linking to the Pollak Library databases. The Pollak Library dedicates a considerable amount of its budget to license articles and electronic e-books for the use of the campus community. Linking allows the library to track usage of these materials; subscriptions that do not receive a significant amount of use are subject to cancellation.

Often when considering whether it is lawful to distribute materials, a fair use analysis is necessary. Fair use (Section 107 of the Code) is an exception to copyright that allows for sharing copyrighted materials without the copyright holder’s permission. Each use of the work requires a specific assessment. Using a fair use checklist can often help make the decision easier.

Whenever a claim of fair use is made, materials must be clearly attributed with a copyright notice. In addition to proper attribution, these works must be accessible only to enrolled students behind a password protected site and only for a limited time.

When needed, permission can always be sought directly with the copyright holder through the Copyright Clearance Center or by placing the material in a coursepack through the Titan Shops Bookstore. All articles distributed through Titan Shops coursepacks are cleared for copyright before distribution. Please ensure that the materials are not available in the Library’s electronic databases before placing them in a coursepack.

For further information, please visit the Library Copyright Guide.

Course Fees and Sale of Materials

Fees associated with specific classes are regulated by Cal State University (CSU) system policy. Students may not be charged for materials or services used in classes without formal campus review and approval, and faculty may not sell materials for student classroom use directly to students. Materials such as books, manuscripts and normal classroom supplies are sold through the campus or other bookstores (refer to “Book Orders/Instructional Materials” above).

CSU’s Affordable Learning Solutions

Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) is a CSU system-wide project which enables faculty to choose and provide more affordable, quality educational content for their students. By reducing course material expenses, more students can acquire the course materials they need to succeed, and benefit from their CSU learning experience. Faculty and students now have greater access to quality, free, and low-cost learning materials through a variety of AL$ programs and partnerships available at Cal State Fullerton.

These programs include Open Educational Resources (OER), digital library reserves, faculty AL$/OER Ambassador Program, low and no-cost software, Titan Direct Access, and expanded low-cost textbook options (rental, digital, course packs, and used books).

Faculty are encouraged to explore these resources and expand on ways to help students save on their course materials. For more information, please visit the campus Open Fullerton Website or the CSU AL$ website.

Course Cancellation

In developing a department’s class schedule, the Department Chair strives to balance student need with available resources. In some cases, course demand is insufficient to justify its offering, and the course must be canceled. Such actions should be taken as early as possible to allow students enrolled in such a course to find other classes to take and to allow possible reassignment of the faculty member. As indicated in Article 12.5 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, if a class assigned to a temporary faculty member is canceled prior to the third class meeting, the faculty member is to be paid for the class hours taught.

If it is canceled after the third class meeting, the temporary faculty member shall either receive full pay for the class assignment or be provided an alternative work assignment.

Course Syllabi

Course syllabi provide clear guidelines to classes and must be compatible with approved course proposals and objectives on file in the AVP offices of Graduate Studies and Undergraduate Academic Programs and with course descriptions in the University Catalog. Syllabi must be provided to students in an accessible, ADA-compliant format within the first full week of classes, ideally on or before the first day of instruction. Information about what must be included in your syllabus is governed by UPS 300.004. An accessible syllabus template and syllabus checklist are available at the course development website. At minimum, the syllabus must give detailed information about: faculty information; course information including course name, number, description, modality, and learning outcomes; grading policy assignments with due dates, examination dates and make-up policy, and more The syllabus must also provide a link to the website with student information for course syllabi, which includes statements about students’ rights to accommodations, academic integrity, campus support services, emergency preparedness, accessibility, diversity, land acknowledgement, and more. For courses approved for general education (GE), the syllabi must also state the GE category the course satisfies, how the course meets the GE writing requirements, and a statement about the minimum passing grade, which depends if the course is in a “golden four” category (1.7) or in another GE area (1.0). Those statements are written out in UPS 300.004.

For courses approved for the upper-division writing requirement (UDWR), the syllabi must state that the course meets the UDWR and describe how it satisfies the writing requirements described in UPS 320.020. UDW-certified courses must require individual, multiple papers or multiple drafts of a single paper that involve the organization and expression of complex data or ideas. The instructor must provide careful and timely evaluations of writing so that deficiencies are identified and suggestions for improvement are offered on subsequent writing in the course. Assessment of each student’s writing competence shall determine at least 60% of the final grade.

Degree Requirements

The total number of semester units necessary for a bachelor’s degree-includes courses for the major, general education, all university requirements, and free electives. The minimum units for baccalaureate degrees are: 120 for the Bachelor of Arts, 132 for the Bachelor of Fine Arts, 120 for the Bachelor of Science, and 132 for the Bachelor of Music. For additional information, see the Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree section in the University Catalog select “Degree Programs” on the left side of the page.

A master’s degree requires a minimum of 30 approved semester units. The Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) degree requires a minimum of 60 approved semester units, and the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree requires a minimum of 36 approved semester units. Degree requirements can be found in the University Catalog “Degree Programs” on the left side of the page.

For additional information, see the Graduate Regulations section in the University catalog Graduate Regulations - California State University Fullerton - Acalog ACMS™.

Disaster Service Worker

California Government Code sections 3100-3109 have been amended from the original version passed in 1950 and apply to CSU employees. They now refer to public employees not as “civil defense workers” but as “disaster service workers.” California Government Code Section 3100: “all public employees are hereby declared to be disaster service workers subject to such disaster service activities as may be assigned to them by their supervisors or by law.” California Government Code section 3101: “The term ‘disaster service worker’ includes all persons employed by the state or any county, city, city and county, state agency or public district, excluding aliens legally employed.”

California Government Code sections 3102-3103: “All disaster service workers shall, before they enter upon the duties of their employment, take and subscribe to the oath or affirmation… set forth in Section 3 of Article XX of the Constitution of California.” California Government Code section 3107: “No compensation nor reimbursement for expenses incurred shall be paid to any disaster service worker by any public agency unless such disaster service worker has taken and subscribed to the oath or affirmation required by this chapter.”

On a practical level, University employees should report to their supervisors immediately following a disaster for further instructions. Additionally, Disaster Service Workers are automatically covered in case of injury and duties are assigned based on their training or ability. All questions pertaining to this requirement should be referred to the Emergency Preparedness & Business Continuity Manager at 657-278-7364

Driving on University Business

The following are required for a University employee in active, state-funded pay status or an individual designated as a University volunteer to drive either a University vehicle or a private or personal vehicle on University business:

  • A valid California or other state driver’s license appropriate for the type of vehicle being driven..
  • A signed Travel Authorization if the employee or volunteer will be driving off campus.
  • Completion of an INF 254 form so that University Police may review the employee’s or volunteer’s driving record to determine whether it is acceptable according to criteria developed by the University. If accepted, the employee or volunteer must maintain a good driving record. This form need only be submitted once.
  • Completion of the University’s defensive driving course, which is available online. This training must be renewed every four years.

  • Completion of an STD 261 form if the employee or volunteer would like to drive a private or personal vehicle on University business.

Please contact Environmental Health and Safety at extension 7233 for information about enrolling in the online training mentioned above or obtanining a waier from the defesive driving course.

University employees or volunteers should note that an employee’s or volunteer’s personal automobile liability insurance is the primary coverage if at fault in an accident that occurs when driving a private or personal vehicle on University business. This insurance may also be primary if an employee or volunteer rents a vehicle. While the normal practice of insurance carriers is to allow occasional use of personal vehicles for business purposes, University employees or volunteers should confirm this with their carrier. In addition, the University’s automobile liability coverage does not provide for damages to private or personal vehicles used on University business. However, a University employee may seek relief for out-of-pocket expenses such as a deductible by filing a claim with the Chancellor’s Office. Please contact Risk Management at extension 7346 on how to file this type of claim.

University vehicles may only be used to conduct University business and may only be driven by University employees or volunteers. They may not be loaned or leased to any non-state entity including University auxiliary and affiliate organizations or to students.

For additional information, please contact Risk Management at ext. 7346.

Drug Free Workplace/Campus

The University is committed to maintaining a workplace free from the unlawful manufacture, possession, distribution, dispensation or use of controlled substances as defined in schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C Section 812 and 21 C.F.R. Part 1308). Employees directly engaged in the performance of a contract or grant awarded by any federal or state agency must refrain from the above as a condition of employment on the federal or state contract or grant. Employees directly engaged in the performance of a contract or grant awarded by a federal agency must notify the Director of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations within five days of conviction of any criminal drug conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace.

Employees who violate campus drug and alcohol policies may be subject to discipline or may be required to satisfactorily complete an appropriate substance abuse program. For additional information, please review President’s Directive No. 1 and CSU Executive Order 930.

For additional information on this policy click here to view annual notification:

Emergency and Disaster Information

In the case of a campus emergency requiring police, fire, or medical assistance, call/text 911 or use the blue emergency phones located throughout the campus grounds and parking lots. The call will be answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week by a University police dispatcher. Explain the problem calmly and in as much detail as possible including the location of the emergency.

In the event of a natural disaster, fire, or other emergency situation, remain calm and follow the appropriate emergency procedures posted in every building on campus.

During building evacuations, do not use the elevators. Proceed to designated evacuation areas as directed by Building Marshals, identified by their orange hats and vests, or other campus authorities. In an earthquake, always “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.” The primary goal is to protect your head from injury. Do not run for an exit. Often, it is better to stay indoors after an earthquake until directed to evacuate, or you feel it is unsafe to stay indoors.

Either harmful environmental conditions or dangerous situations, such as bomb threats or a person with a weapon, can cause a notice to Shelter in Place. When sheltering against environmental conditions: Go indoors, seek shelter in a room, and block fumes from coming in around the door. Stay calm and follow directions from authorities. When sheltering during an active shooter situation, remember the phrase: “Run, Hide, Fight.” Run from the dangerous situation if it’s safe to do so. If this is not possible, find a secure place to hide and lock the door or barricade it with heavy items. Silence all electronic devices, darken the room, and stay quiet. If a secure shelter is not available, be prepared to fight for your survival. When law enforcement arrives, show your hands and follow their instructions.

A map of campus evacuation areas and information on preparing for emergencies can be obtained through the Emergency Preparedness website or by contacting Abby Holmen, Emergency Preparedness & Continuity Manager via phone by calling (657) 278-7364 or by emailing aholmen@fullerton.edu.

The iFullerton app now has information on what to do during an emergency and how to get prepared, along with on-campus and local weather information.

Environmental Health and Safety

The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) is responsible for implementing the University’s health, safety, and environmental programs and policies. EHS works with University Risk Management to monitor the effectiveness of these programs, provide training and education, and ensure the overall institutional compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations. Additionally, EHS develops and maintains programs for hazardous material management, waste disposal, chemical and biological safety, radiation safety, fire prevention, food sanitation, and indoor air quality as well as provides guidance in identifying, evaluating, and correcting safety hazards.

Faculty members engaged in research or instructional activities involving hazardous material or equipment or engaging in activities that require special licenses or permits are required to receive specialized training before commencing these activities. Examples of academic activities requiring prior training include work with chemicals (solvents, flammable substances, caustics, and acids), radioisotopes, controlled substances, animals, compressed gases, lasers, and high voltage. Call EHS at ext. 7233 for more information.

Comprehensive information regarding EHS programs and direct access to safety guidelines and procedures is available at the EHS website. To report a hazard or obtain additional information, call ext. 7233, send an email to safety@fullerton.edu, or send a report using the “Report a Hazard or Liability” form.

Examinations and Tests

The preparation of examinations and the assignment of grades is normally the responsibility of the individual faculty member. For some departments where there are common exams across all sections, a department subcommittee may be responsible for preparing some or all of the exam questions. The posting of grades from examinations or other forms of assessment may not reveal the names, campus identification, or social security numbers of students receiving the grades.

Disability Support Services (DSS) provides a large number of testing accommodations to students with disabilities. Faculty and students participate in arranging accommodated exams with DSS support. DSS utilizes an online testing accommodations system TITANable (see for more information and tutorials).

Final examinations or activities, if required by the instructor, are to be given at times scheduled by the university. Once established, the final examination schedule may not be changed unless approved by the Department Chair and the College Dean. An instructor shall not shorten the academic semester by scheduling a final examination before the week scheduled for final examinations. No major examinations shall be given during the last week scheduled for instruction unless there is also to be a final examination at the time assigned in the Class Schedule. When a take home final examination (or paper/project) is due during the final exam period, it shall be due no earlier than the date scheduled for the final examination in that class. Department Chairs and the Deans of each college shall be responsible for ensuring that this policy is followed (see UPS 300.005).

Makeup final examinations may be given for reasons of illness, verified emergency, or other serious and compelling reasons approved by the instructor.

Faculty have the right and the responsibility to provide careful evaluation and timely assignments of appropriate grades each term. The faculty shall report course grades for their students through online grading available via their Common Management System (CMS) Faculty Center link in the Portal. Grades are to be posted by the instructor by the published deadlines, which shall be no fewer than six days after the last day of final examinations. Department Chairs and Program Coordinators shall be responsible for assuring that instructors record and post grades online by the designated deadline. For additional information, consult UPS 300.010, UPS 300.016, UPS 300.020, UPS 300.030, and the University Catalog.

Field Trips

The University views a “field trip” as an “off-campus group learning activity led by a faculty or staff member who travels with the group.” Field trips do not include off-campus assignments such as internships or visits to a local museum where a student acts independently of a group assignment. Field trip participants are limited to University faculty members, staff, volunteers, and enrolled students. In extraordinary circumstances, a spouse, partner, parent, guardian or child may participate in a field trip due to the length or purpose of the trip. For more information, please contact Risk Management at ext. 7346.

Faculty responsibilities concerning field trips include the following:

  • Make any field trip a component of the course requirements and include this activity in any course syllabus. Student Travel Accident Insurance, which can provide medical expense benefits to an injured student and is administered by Risk Management, is only available if the field trip is listed as a course requirement.
  • Inform and discuss with students the known risks associated with the field trip.
  • Work with Disability Support Services to ensure accessibility of the field trip.
  • Instruct and discuss with students how to properly and safely handle situations reasonably likely to occur during the field trip. Inform and discuss with students campus emergency procedures and explain their application to the field activity.
  • Inform and discuss with students their right to not participate in a field trip based on their perception of the risks involved. See UPS 420.105.
  • Exercise a degree of supervision over the activity appropriate for the degree of hazards involved.
  • Ensure that only those students who have signed a Release of Liability, Promise Not to Sue, Assumption of Risk and Agreement to Pay Claims may participate in the field trip. All participants, including University employees, should complete the University Field Trip Emergency Participant Roster for the field trip. Copies of these documents should be taken on the field trip and provided both to the department office and to Risk Management. For some field trips, a Student Conduct Agreement Travel Related Event or Activity should be considered.

  • Call 911 immediately concerning any incident involving serious injury or death, multiple injuries, extensive property damage, or whenever appropriate. Contact University Police at ext. 2515 or Risk Management at ext. 7346 as soon as possible.

For additional information concerning field trips, please contact Risk Management at ext. 7346.

Graduate Studies

The Office of Graduate Studies enhances the graduate experience by reducing student barriers and providing support for the campus community. We provide direct graduate student services through the Graduate Studies Center (GSC), located in LH 216. The GSC guides prospective graduate students offers one-on-one writing support appointments and hosts regular workshops and events. The Office of Graduate Studies provides campus support for curricular development of graduate programs, graduate admissions, progress to degree, thesis and dissertation publication, and degree conferral. We support graduate advisors by providing regular trainings, information, and resources they need to guide their students. For general questions, please contact us at gradstudiesrecept@fullerton.edu.

The academic standards for graduate students are delineated in UPS 410.106. UPS 270.102 defines the functions of graduate committees and advisors, UPS 270.103 provides information on the staffing of graduate courses, while UPS 330.163 details the culminating experiences for master’s programs. UPS 410.170 details Doctoral program guidelines.

Grants and Contracts

See Section on Research Support  

Injuries/Hazardous Condition Reporting

If an employee, including a student employee, or a University volunteer becomes ill or is injured while at work, please contact Total Wellness at ext. 5626 or 2824 for assistance. Staff in Total Wellness will direct you how to respond, including whether another University employee may transport the injured/ill employee or volunteer to receive medical care. Call 911/text for all injuries or illness that requires more than basic first aid. CSUF Police Department will respond and determine the appropriate response.

If any injury or illness occurs after hours and treatment is needed, the injured/ill employee should seek treatment and contact Total Wellness the next work day. Any injury or illness should also be reported to the employee’s or volunteer’s Department Chair or supervisor and an Employee/Volunteer Injury/Illness Report form should be completed.

If a student becomes ill or is injured during a class activity on campus, please call/text 911. CSUF Police Department will respond and determine the appropriate response. If the activity is off campus, and the injury requires more than basic first aid, please call 911 and contact Risk Management at ext. 7346 when possible. A Student/Visitor Injury/Illness Report form should also be completed when possible.

All hazardous conditions or situations should be reported using the Report a Hazard or Liability form.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Cal State Fullerton Institutional Review Board (“CSUF IRB”) is a University committee appointed by the President to review and safeguard the use of human participants in research pursuant to Federal Code of Regulations (45 CFR 46). The responsibility and authority for implementing and administering policies and procedures that protects the dignity, rights, and welfare of human participants is delegated to the IRB, subject to review by the Academic Senate and the University.

CSUF receives federal funding and adheres to the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) regulations for use of human participants in research and has signed an assurance letter with the Department of Health and Human Services that all CSUF protocols that involve human participants will be reviewed for compliance with these regulations before each researcher collects data.

The membership of the IRB and the qualifications of the members shall comply with federal policy (45 CFR 46.107, IRB Membership). The CSUF IRB consists of faculty members who have the professional competence necessary to review research activities. Faculty from the College of Health and Human Development, the College of Communications, the School of Nursing, the Department of Kinesiology, the Department of Psychology, the Department of Sociology, and the College of Education shall each have a standing representative as voting members on the Board. Two or more remaining members will be appointed to the IRB, drawing on faculty or staff from departments without standing representation who have professional competence necessary to review research activities. Additional members include a non-voting student; the Director of the Student Health and Counseling Center; a representative of Environmental Health and Safety; a community representative not affiliated with the University; a prisoner advocate, and the Associate Vice President for the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (non-voting member). The members of the IRB shall select a Chair and Vice Chair from among the voting members of the IRB and in conjunction with appointment periods. Staff support to the IRB is provided by the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects.

CSUF IRB accepts applications year round. CSUF IRB applications are reviewed at three levels: Exempt, Expedited, and Full Committee. The CSUF IRB meets as a full committee one time per month except in July.

International Teaching/Travel Opportunities

At Cal State Fullerton, faculty members are actively involved in numerous international programs and activities, which are becoming increasingly important in defining the University’s reputation as a “regional university with a global outlook.” Faculty members play an important role in bringing a world view to the campus, whether by broadening the curriculum, articulating courses from international partners for CSUF transfer, promoting and leading study-abroad programs, integrating international student experiences into their classroom discussions, or encouraging student research projects overseas. Through agreements established with institutions all over the world, opportunities are abundant for international teaching and research. For more information, contact your Department Chair or Dean, Extension and International Programs (EIP), Risk Management, or Travel. Faculty members should contact the Study Abroad and Global Engagement Office (SAGE) within EIP if interested in leading a program abroad (, as well as virtual and domestic programs away).  SAGE will advise about and provide support for university approvals and processes throughout all phases of the program lifecycle.

The appropriate campus policy documents for establishing international agreements are:

Faculty members should also be familiar with the following Cal State University Chancellor’s Office Executive Orders:

  • EO 1080 International Agreements
  • EO 1081 Study Abroad and Exchange Programs
  • EO 1082 International Students

Faculty members may be able to take advantage of the following funding opportunities:


  • Instructionally Related Activities funding administered by Associated Students, CSUF, Inc.
  • International Travel Grant for Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Activity
  • Center For Internships and Community Engagement funding for programs meeting service learning requirements
  • IT Grant for
  • Funding opportunities administered by CSUF Philanthropic Foundation (e.g. fundraising and private scholarship opportunities)
  • Department, program or college funds (e.g. Consolidated Course Fees)


Internships and Community Engagement

Departments coordinating academic internships, service-learning, and/or other experience-based learning activities for students off campus must comply with University procedures for academic merit review and risk management while providing students with the proper precautions to ensure their safety during the experience. The Center for Internships and Community Engagement (CICE) reviews proposed sites and positions, and documents student placements on behalf of participating departments and colleges.and provide the proper precautions to ensure students’ safety. The Center for Internships and Community Engagement (CICE) reviews sites and positions and documents student placements for participating departments and colleges.

In addition, CICE offers a variety of resources and assistance to faculty, including grants, resources for training and professional development, and networking with other community engagement faculty. CICE collects data about community engagement courses, students, and service hours from all colleges every semester. Contact them in LH-206, ext. 3746 for information on procedures and guidelines to ensure student safety and compliance with Chancellor’s Office risk management policies, or go to the center’s website www.fullerton.edu/cice

Jeanne Clery Act Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act), the Annual Security Report (ASR) and contains statistics about certain reported crimes that occurred on Clery Geography (campus, campus residential, non-campus, and public property), for January 1 through December 31 of the most current year and the two previous calendar years. Hate crimes are also included in the report as are institutional procedures, policies and programs pertaining to security procedures and practices, crime prevention, and drug and alcohol programs. In addition, the ASR covers CSUF Police Department law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, investigation and disciplinary procedures, and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus.

The Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR) is published by Housing and Residential Engagement.  It includes topics such as Emergency Notifications for fire incidents, fire safety policies for student housing, fire safety education and training as well as plans for future improvements in fire safety.  It also includes CSUF housing fire statistics for January 1 through December 31 of the most current year and the two previous calendar years.

The Office of Risk Management collects crime reports from a variety of campus personnel that the Clery Act considers to be Campus Security Authorities or CSAs. These faculty and staff have significant responsibility for student and campus activities, such as all employees and volunteers in the Division of Student Affairs, club and student activity advisors, employees of the CSUF Police Department and numerous additional individuals within the other campus divisions. All CSAs have an obligation to report information about offenses reported to them for inclusion in the ASR. Questions about CSAs can be directed to the Clery Compliance Coordinator, Anne Grogan at (657) 278-5465.

The ASR and AFSR is posted on the HRDI website September 15th of each year. Paper copies are available at the Office of Risk Management at 2600 E. Nutwood Blvd., 7th Floor, Fullerton, CA 92831, or by calling (657) 278-5465.

CSUF Campus Keys

CSUF campus keys are available at the CSUF Police Department on the corner of Gymnasium Dr. and State College Blvd., Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. When picking up campus keys, individuals must present picture identification and a completed blue key request form with the department’s authorizing signature. To confirm if campus keys are ready for pick up, call (657) 278-4308 or email csufkeys@fullerton.edu.

Lost campus keys can be replaced for $25.00 per standard key and $100.00 per Grand Master key. If lost keys are found and returned to CSUF Police Department within three months, all replacement fees will be refunded. The CSUF Police Department does not manage keys to the College Park building.

Library Resources

The Pollak Library, located at the center of campus, provides access to over 200 research databases, more than 600,000 ebooks, over 75,000 electronic journals, and online collections of streaming audio, video, and digitized primary source materials. In addition to physical book collections of approximately 1 million volumes, the Library also contains other materials, including print and online government publications (federal, state, local and international), audiovisual collections, archival and rare items, maps, and microforms.
As part of the University’s focus on student success, the Pollak Library offers a variety of instructional programs and services. The Library has a well-developed instruction program designed to teach basic and advanced information literacy skills, and library faculty work closely with classroom faculty to create discipline and course based instruction sessions that have proved to be an effective tool in a student’s success in the classroom. Library faculty are also available to work with students and faculty in person, by appointment or through its virtual reference service.

The Library’s website provides access to OneSearch, the Library’s tool for searching and discovering books, articles, and other media. OneSearch can also be used to search the 29 million volumes of the CSU libraries and request materials through the CSU+ delivery service. Materials outside the CSUs may be requested through ILLiad. Faculty can embed links to articles and e-books in their class sites in the Titanium learning management system. Remote access to licensed library resources is provided to students, faculty and staff via portal authentication. The TitanCard, issued by the University, serves as a Library card for checking out books and other materials.

CSUF Campus Lost and Found

The CSUF campus lost and found is located at the CSUF Police Department. To inquire about a lost item, call (657) 278-4308 or search the CSUF Police Department lost and found property website.

If an individual has lost an item, they can file a claim using the web link above. To claim lost and found property, come to CSUF Police Department station off State College Blvd. and Gymnasium Dr., Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Picture identification will be required when picking up property. All lost and found property is securely stored and held for three months.

Individuals who have lost state property must report the items to the department head. For additional assistance or questions, consult with your department chairperson.

Loyalty Oath

California Government Code Sections 3100-3109 outline the requirement that all state employees, including Cal State Fullerton faculty members, must take and subscribe to the oath or affirmation set forth in Section 3 of Article XX of the California Constitution prior to the start of employment. University faculty and staff are asked to complete this requirement as part of the University’s sign-in process.

Individuals who have questions about or may object to this requirement should contact an Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion or the Director of Labor and Employee Relations and Compliance to discuss those questions or concerns. These administrators can be reached at ext.2425.


According to the CSU Policy on Nepotism, “The California State University seeks the most qualified candidates for faculty, administration and staff. There are no bars to the appointment of immediate family members in the same or different departments; however, no employee shall participate in any personnel matter which may directly affect the employment status of an immediate family member.”

Members of the CSUF community have an obligation to address both the substance and the appearance of conflicts of interest, including those related to the employment status of an immediate family member, and, when they arise, to immediately disclose them in writing, to the appropriate University representative and withdraw from debate, voting, or other decision-making processes where a conflict of interest exists or might arise.

If it is determined that there is a conflict of interest, the appropriate administrator shall develop a management plan in consultation with Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion. The development of a management plan itself should not involve the participation of the related individuals.

For additional information, please review UPS 210.060: Nepotism & Conflict of Interest in Employment and/or contact Risk Management at extension 7346.


Notice of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender or Sex

The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, which includes sex and gender identity or gender expression, or sexual orientation in its education programs or activities.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and certain other federal and state laws, prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation in employment, as well as in all education programs and activities operated by the University (both on and off campus), including admissions. The protection against discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and gender based dating and domestic violence and stalking.

Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to have experienced the conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or sexual harassment), inperson, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the contact information listed below for the Title IX Coordinator, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the person’s verbal or written report. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number or electronic mail address, or by mail to the office address, listed for the Title IX Coordinator.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination Policies and Title IX complaints for Cal State Fullerton:

Sarah Bauer
Title IX Coordinator
2600 Nutwood Ave Suite 205
Fullerton, CA 92831
(657) 278-2929
Office for Civil Rights
San Francisco Office
U.S. Department of Education
50 United Nations Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94102
Telephone: (415) 486-5555
Facsimile: (415) 486-5570
Email: OCR.SanFrancisco@ed.gov
The most up-to-date version of this notice is available at https://www.fullerton.edu/titleix/about/notice.php.

Office Hours

Office hours are an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, administrators and individuals external to campus to meet with faculty.  Therefore, instructors shall maintain their scheduled office hours on a weekly basis.  The scheduling and number of hours required are outlined in UPS 230.020. Full-time faculty members are expected to hold a minimum of three scheduled office hours—either in-person or online–per week. Part-time faculty members are expected to make themselves available to their students on a commensurate pro-rata basis, with a minimum of one hour per week. For further information see UPS 230.020.

A schedule of office hours and the office phone number must be posted next to the faculty member’s office door with a copy provided to the department. Office hours, including schedule, location, and contact information, shall be listed on the syllabus for each course and in the Learning Management System (Canvas). Departments shall also post a listing of all faculty office hours in a public location near the department office and/or on the department website.

Faculty shall notify their department office (e.g., by email, phone, or in person) in the event that they are unable to meet scheduled office hours. A notice shall be posted on the faculty member’s door when office hours are cancelled. For online office hours that cannot be honored, a message shall be sent via email to all enrolled students and/or posted on the Learning Management System per UPS 230.020.

Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)

Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides specialized services to faculty members with a high level of support and assistance in managing all sponsored projects. OSP provides post-award administration for campus programs and for externally funded grants and contracts and cooperative agreements in areas of research, training, and other scholarly activities awarded to the University.

OSP is responsible for new project setup, new project orientations, review and approval of expenditures, invoicing, budget reallocations, expense transfers, reporting, and project close-out. The Sponsored Programs staff is responsible for review and administration of all awards in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the award as well as all applicable federal and state regulations.

OSP strives to provide all CSUF faculty and staff the highest level of customer service while protecting and maintaining the integrity of our campus community. For additional information, OSP can be contacted at ext. 4103.

Online Education and Training

Online Education and Training (OET) creates, promotes, and supports online education at Cal State Fullerton. This includes fully online courses as well as hybrid courses, and courses using technology-mediated instruction. The OET team includes individuals with expertise in teaching and learning, instructional design, multimedia, open educational resources, accessibility, educational technologies, and our learning management system, Canvas.

Canvas support offered by OET includes:

OET also offers

  • Consulting on online and hybrid course design or redesign
  • Multimedia services (including a fully equipped media studio for faculty use)
  • Professional development certificate programs, workshops, and webinars
  • Resources on Accessibility and Open Educational Resources
  • Many useful resources and more detail about OET’s services can be found at the OET website.

OET can be reached by phone at 657-278-4528, by email at oet@fullerton.edu, and in-person at PLS-237.


Parking for Faculty

Faculty members can purchase a parking permit online through the Parking & Transportation Services website at parking.fullerton.edu. Permit options include a semester permit or payroll deduction permit.

A payroll deduction permit is available for faculty members working six months or longer at the University.

The payroll deduction initial payment applies to the current month of purchase, and the monthly fee will be deducted from the paycheck each month thereafter. This will continue until the permit owner cancels their participation.

Faculty members who teach at both Cal State Fullerton and another CSU campus are eligible to receive a reciprocity parking permit. Faculty members can apply for a reciprocity parking permit by completing the Reciprocity Permit Application.

For further information please visit parking.fullerton.edu

Parking for Guest Lecturers

Parking for guest lecturers, an individual who will attend the class as a guest speaker facilitating the class lecture, is complimentary. To secure a complimentary parking permit for a guest lecturer, a request must be submitted at least 72 business hours prior to the guest’s arrival. The request must be made online at the Parking & Transportation Services website via Online Parking Request (OPR) and will need to include the five-digit schedule number for the class.

Political Speech

California law prohibits the use of public resources for political campaign activity.  This means state resources cannot be used to promote a partisan position.  For example, faculty and other state employees cannot use an office photocopier to duplicate campaign flyers for a political candidate.  State agencies must exercise neutrality and employees must be cautious to distinguish personal opinion from an institutional position.  While expressing one’s political views as a public citizen is appropriate and protected, creating the perception that one’s viewpoint is the official view of the CSU is not.  So while it may be acceptable to wear a political button to work on Election Day, it is not acceptable for a CSU employee to use their title and University letterhead to endorse a particular political candidate or issue, or to link from a CSU website to a candidate’s website.  It is not permissible for individual employees to conduct campaign advocacy or solicit funds by using their University e-mail accounts.  Personal opinions on political issues are not permissible in university publications. 

UPS 230.100, University Employees and Student Elections, prohibits the use of instructional time to encourage students to vote or not to vote for any particular candidate in a student election.  Also, students may not be released from instructional time for the purpose of voting in a student election.

Preference for Available Temporary Work/Order of Assignment

If a department determines that it needs to assign new and additional work to temporary faculty members after all other required assignments are made, then work must be offered to qualified temporary faculty members in the department who have performed satisfactorily in the order of assignment detailed in Article 12 of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Please refer to the CBA for more information.

Professional Development

The Engagement and Learning Unit in the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Programs is invested in creating space and providing opportunities for every employee to grow and develop as an individual and as a professional. Through professional development, diversity education, and campus-wide events, we seek to foster a culture of holistic growth where employees feel empowered in their role and as a member of our community. Engagement and Learning is recognized for:                                    

  • Facilitating personal and professional development
  • Fostering holistic growth and empowerment
  • Supporting the Strategic Plan 

Contact Engagement and Learning at (657) 278-2918 or visit the https://hr.fullerton.edu/diep/learning-opportunities/ for more information.

Proposing a New Course

The development of curriculum begins with a faculty member creating a new course proposal that is evaluated at the academic unit, college, and university levels.

In general, a new course may be proposed at any time, but will be approved through either the fall or spring cycle.  If fully approved in the fall cycle, the new course will be implemented in the following fall.  If fully approved in the spring cycle, the new course will be implemented in the following spring. UPS 411.100 details the guidelines, procedures, and approval cycles pertaining to proposing a new course.

Please consult with your Department Chair, or the Chair of your Department Curriculum Committee, for more information on the curriculum process. Curriculum is submitted via an online system called Curriculog that is accessed through the CSUF Portal. For more information on Curriculog please consult Undergraduate Academic Programs and Enrollment website.

Proposing a New Program

A faculty member may, with the support of an Academic Unit, submit a New Program Proposal for approval. Programs include: undergraduate and graduate degrees; concentrations; minors; and certificates; and credentials. Preliminary consultation with the Offiice of Undergraduate Programs or the Office of Graduate Studies is encouraged at the early stages of developing any new program proposal.

New degree programs require full review through approval of the Cal State University (CSU) Chancellor’s Office and CSU Board of Trustees. They are also reviewed by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). New concentrations, within a degree, require WSCUC approval, Presidential approval and notification of the Chancellor’s Office. New minors require full campus review and Presidential approval.  New certificates and credentials require full campus review along with WSCUC and Presidential approval. Information regarding guidelines and procedures for proposing new programs can be found in UPS 410.103.

Please consult with your Department Chair, or the Chair of your Department Curriculum Committee, for more information on the curriculum process. Curriculum is submitted via an online system called Curriculog that is accessed through the CSUF Portal. For more information on Curriculog please consult the Undergraduate Academic Programs and Enrollment website

Religious Holidays and Accommodations

Although the State of California does not recognize the vast majority of religious holidays, some students and faculty members observe the holy days within their respective denominations. Students should be encouraged by faculty to provide reasonable notice of observation of religious holidays. However, even without prior notice, students who observe religious holidays should not be penalized for such absences, and faculty members should permit students to make up missed work or exams. Faculty members should make arrangements in advance with their Department Chairs to have their classes covered or appropriate assignments made when they observe such days.

Questions or requests regarding the reasonableness of a particular request for religious accommodation may be directed to the DHR Administrator, ext. 4933.

Requests from Outside Speakers

Faculty members are sometimes approached by outside organizations, including employers, asking to make presentations in their classes concerning internships, jobs and other career-related services for students. Some of these organizations collect personal information from students. This is not appropriate and should not be permitted.

Faculty members who are approached by an outside organization or an individual who asks to make an announcement in class should be aware of the following:

  1. Only organizations, including employers that work through the Cal State Fullerton Career Center have been granted legitimate and controlled access to students. None of these will directly contact faculty members asking for time in their classes.
  2. Faculty members may question the credentials of anyone asking for access to their class. Contact the Career Center Director at Ext. 2499 should any organization or individual ask to make announcements in your class before granting access to that individual or organization.
  3. Faculty members are also encouraged to contact University Police at Ext. 2515 if they observe any questionable activities regarding campus visitors.

Research Misconduct

UPS 630.000, “Policy for Investigating Instances of Possible Research Misconduct,” defines “research misconduct” as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or in reporting research results:

  1. Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them.
  2. Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
  3. Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results or words without giving appropriate credit.
  4. Research misconduct does not include honest error(s) or differences of opinion. Substantiated research misconduct may result in, among other things, removal from a project, reimbursement of funds, withdrawal of manuscripts or articles pending or published, and/or disciplinary action.

Security/Student Disruption/Cal State Fullerton Police Department

Although it is rare, faculty members may encounter students whose behavior is disruptive in class. Should this occur, faculty members should talk with those students and clearly define the particular behavior that is considered inappropriate. If the student continues disruptive behavior, the faculty member should inform their Department Chair who, after consulting with the faculty member, might talk with such students to clarify their perception of the situation and, as necessary, underscore that disruptive behavior must stop. The Office of Student Conduct may initiate the student conduct process where the behavior violates the student conduct code as defined by Title 5. For more information, contact the Office of Student Conduct at ext. 4436 or via email to studentconduct@fullerton.edu. 

After consulting with the faculty member, the Dean of Students might talk with such students to clarify their perception of the situation and, as necessary, underscore that disruptive behavior must stop. The Dean of Students has responsibility for handling student disciplinary procedures. For more information, contact the Dean of Students located in TSU-235 and at ext. 3211.

Any faculty member who believes a Titan community member is experiencing a mental health crisis is encouraged to contact the CSUF Police Department and request the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) Mobile Crisis Team. The CAPS Mobile Crisis Team is comprised of a CAPS-licensed mental health professional and a CSUF Police Department unarmed civilian campus safety specialist (CSS). The team is part of a new holistic tiered safety response system where responding personnel are dispatched based on the best fit to support a safe, inclusive, and welcoming university for all Titans to thrive.

Faculty members should immediately report all incidents of acts or threats of violence to the CSUF Police Department at ext. 2515, or, if the situation seems life-threatening, call/text 911. In other situations that do not require an immediate response, any faculty, staff, or student may report any threat of violence or actual violence via the Workplace Violence Incident Reporting form. Upon submittal, these reports are reviewed by the CSUF Police Department and Risk Management.

They are open and staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to report any situations of concern immediately to the CSUF Police Department. They can be reached by calling/texting 911 in an emergency, by phone at ext. 2515 for non-emergency situations, or in person at the corner of State College Blvd. and Gymnasium Dr.


Effective September 1, 2017, all California State University campuses shall be 100% Smoke Free and Tobacco Free. Smoking, the use or sale of tobacco products, and the use of designated smoking areas are prohibited on all California State University properties. Members of the CSU community are expected to fully comply with the policy.

Any sponsorship and/or advertising in respect to any university activity or event by a tobacco product manufacturer is prohibited unless explicitly authorized by the University President or designee.

“Smoke Free” means the use of cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and other “smoke” emanating products including e-cigarettes, vapor devices and other like products are prohibited on all University properties.

“Smoke” or “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, cigarillo, pipe, hookah, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or in any form. “Smoke” or “Smoking” also includes the use of an electronic smoking device that creates an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking.

University Properties include the interior and exterior campus areas of any California State University campus. This definition includes buildings (including residence halls), structures (including parking structures), parking lots, and outdoor areas owned, leased or rented by the university or one of its auxiliaries. Also included are vehicles owned, leased or rented by the university or one of the university’s auxiliaries. Private vehicles on university-owned, leased, or rented land or in university-owned, leased, or rented parking structures will also be subject to compliance with Executive Order 1108.

Staffing Formulas

Staffing formulas, also known as course classifications, determine the character (lecturer, seminar, lab, etc.) and  general size of a class. Because the choice of staffing formula also has consequences for faculty workload, it is important to consult with your Department Chair before submitting the course proposal as they will help determine the appropriate staffing formula for the course.

For additional information, please visit the Curriculum Development website and insert “staffing formulas” in the search box.

Summer Session Teaching

Faculty members may be assigned summer session teaching as an additional and voluntary assignment for additional pay. The provisions that cover summer term employment include the work assignment, salary paid, and benefits provided as detailed in Article 21 of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement. In summary, summer teaching assignments are made by the President or designee, with priority given to all probationary and tenured faculty members to satisfy a prescribed percentage of the summer faculty (at the time of this revision, 35% of Cal State Fullerton’s summer faculty must be permanent or probationary.) Once that percentage is reached by the campus, additional teaching assignments may be made to qualified lecturers in keeping with the order of appointment described in Article 21. Due to accreditation standards, certain departments and colleges may consider the academic or professional qualifications of the faculty when making summer course assignments. Faculty members who agree to teach in summer session must ensure that their personal/professional calendars permit them to meet their full obligations. Faculty members shall not miss any scheduled classes in order to attend to other personal or professional business (including attendance at professional conferences) without the express, advance, written permission of their College Dean. For additional information, contact your Department Chair or refer to Article 21 of the CBA.

Teaching Schedule

A faculty member’s instructional assignment (teaching schedule) is delineated in section 20.2b of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. This section states the following: “The instructional assignments of individual faculty members in the classroom, laboratory, or studio will be determined by the appropriate administrator after consultation with the department chair or designee and/or the individual faculty member. The department or other appropriate unit’s overall instructional or course assignments shall be consistent with department and student needs.” Section 20.3 goes on to state: “a. Members of the bargaining unit shall not be required to teach an excessive number of contact hours, assume an excessive student load, or be assigned an unreasonable workload or schedule. b. In the assignment of workload, consideration shall be given at least to the following factors: graduate instruction, activity classes, laboratory courses, supervision, distance learning, sports, and directed study. Consideration for adjustments in workload shall be given to at least the following: preparation for substantive changes in instructional methods, research, student teacher supervision, thesis supervision, supervision of fieldwork, and service on a University committee. c. In determining what is “excessive” or “unreasonable” under this section, the items listed under 20.3(b), as well as the number of students seeking to take courses in the academic area, the distribution of student enrollment, the level of support provided in the program, and the effects of the introduction of new instructional technologies, and the prior practices of the University shall be among the primary elements to be considered. The parties agree that consideration of the prior practices of the University shall include the calculation of Weighted Teaching Units in prior years.”

Title IX and Gender Equity

CSU Nondiscrimination Policy

The California State University (CSU or University) is committed to maintaining an inclusive and equitable community that values diversity and fosters mutual respect. We embrace our community differences in Age, Disability (physical and mental), Gender (or sex), Gender Identity (including nonbinary and transgender), Gender Expression, Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Race or Ethnicity (including color, caste, or ancestry), Religion (or religious creed), Sexual Orientation, Veteran or Military Status. All Students and Employees have the right to participate fully in CSU programs, activities, and employment free from Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Retaliation.  The CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation (Nondiscrimination Policy) is the applicable policy.

Except as provided in Article V.B of the Nondiscrimination Policy (below), any Employee, including faculty, who knows or has reason to know of incidents that may violate the Nondiscrimination Policy has a duty to promptly report to the Title IX Coordinator/Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation (“DHR”) Administrator, who are the campus officials designated to receive these reports. Violations of the Nondiscrimination Policy include Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation.  These Employees are known as Responsible Employees and are required to disclose all information available, including the names of the Parties involved, even where the person has requested anonymity.

Employees Who Do Not Have a Duty to Report

Except as required by law (see Nondiscrimination Policy  or successor policy for exceptions), the following Employees generally do not have a duty to report to the Title IX Coordinator/DHR Administrator:

Physicians; psychotherapists; professional licensed counselors; licensed clinical social workers, and clergy who work on or off campus, acting solely in those roles or capacities as part of their employment, in the provision of medical or mental health treatment or counseling (and those who act under their supervision, including all individuals who work or volunteer in these centers and offices).

Sexual assault and domestic violence counselors and advocates who work or volunteer on or off campus in sexual assault centers, victim advocacy offices, women’s centers, and health centers and who are acting solely in that role (including those who act in that role under their supervision, along with non-professional counselors or advocates who work or volunteer in sexual assault centers, victim advocacy offices, women’s centers, gender equity centers, or health centers) in the provision of counseling or advocacy services.

A CSU union representative is not required to report a possible violation of this Nondiscrimination Policy if the information is provided to the union representative, acting in that role, in a confidential setting by a union member seeking advice about a possible violation or representation in a matter within the scope of representation. However, CSU union representatives are strongly encouraged to report the information to the Title IX Coordinator/DHR Administrator.

Any questions or concerns about Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating/Domestic Violence, Stalking, and any other form of Discrimination or Harassment based on Sex, Gender, or Sexual Orientation can be directed to Sarah Bauer, Title IX Coordinator: sarahbauer@fullerton.edu, (657) 278-2929, or the Title IX and Gender Equity website.  

Sarah Bauer
sarahbauer@fullerton.edu / 657-278-2121

Any questions or concerns about Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation based on Age, Disability (physical and mental), Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Race or Ethnicity (including color, caste, or ancestry), Religion (or Religious Creed), and Veteran or Military Status can be directed to Derek Bowe, DHR Administrator: derekbowe@fullerton.edu, 657-278-8454, or the DHR website.

Derek Bowe
derekbowe@fullerton.edu / 657-278-8454


Individuals traveling on official University business must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the University’s Travel Policy. Travelers must ensure they have documented authorization to travel prior to embarking on the trip and/or prior to making non‐cancellable travel arrangements by completing a Business Travel and Prepayment Request form. Travelers should make certain that the business-related expenses they incur are ordinary, reasonable, not extravagant and necessary for the purpose of the trip.

Faculty members traveling internationally on University business must request foreign travel liability insurance prior to submitting their Business Travel and Prepayment Request. Risk Management pays for this insurance. For information about travel insurance and placing such insurance for students, please contact Risk Management at extension 7346.

Please note that travel to countries designated as High Hazard, Level 3—Reconsider travel, or Level 4—Do not travel requires campus President approval. Travel to areas designated as War Risk requires approval from both the campus President and the Chancellor. Risk Management coordinates all such approvals on behalf of faculty and students. For additional information, please refer to the Foreign Travel section on the Risk Management website.

Visiting Faculty/Invitations to Other Faculty

The campus policy on visiting scholars is given in UPS 108.000. As indicated in this policy, the University typically does not provide housing, travel or other financial support for visiting scholars. There are two categories of visiting faculty: those from the U.S. and those from abroad.

From the U.S.

Scholars from other universities may occasionally request permission to work on the Cal State Fullerton campus. All such invitations are granted after appropriate consultation with the department chair and dean and approval by the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs. Informal or short-term arrangements with colleagues or academic contacts cannot be made without a formal request and approval. For more information, contact your department chair or dean.

From Abroad

Cal State Fullerton welcomes visiting scholars from abroad for stays of varying duration in order to conduct research, teach and/or consult with faculty members at the University. Such visits are in keeping with the University’s reputation as a “regional university with a global outlook,” as the participants contribute to the internationalizing of the campus. Visiting foreign scholars and faculty members are participants in the “Exchange Visitor Program” regulated and administered by the U. S. Department of State. All invitations are made by the Associate Vice President for Extension and International Programs after appropriate consultation with the Department Chair and Dean. For more information, please contact your Department Chair or Dean.

Whistleblower Complaints

Employees and third parties who wish to submit an allegation that an improper governmental activity and/or significant threat to health or safety has occurred or is occurring at the CSU can do so by contacting the University’s Whistleblower Contact, Anne Grogan at extension 5465. For additional information, please visit the Whistleblower Complaints website.