Sep 26, 2024  
2013-2015 University Catalog 
2013-2015 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



Courses are designated as ANTH in the class schedule.

  • ANTH 498 - Museum Practicum (3)

    Prerequisites: at least 15 units of anthropology and consent of instructor. Practical experience in museum operations, using the facilities of the Anthropology Museum. Topics include exhibit preparation, membership and funding operations, catalogue preparation and outreach activities. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of six units.
  • ANTH 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Prerequisites: at least 15 units of anthropology and consent of adviser. Individual research project involving library or fieldwork. Conferences with the adviser as necessary. Results in one or more papers. May be repeated for credit.
  • ANTH 504T - Seminar: Selected Topics in Anthropology (3)

    Prerequisites: completion of undergraduate major in anthropology and/or graduate standing or consent of instructor. Topic chosen and a general outline of the seminar are circulated prior to registration. May be repeated.
  • ANTH 507 - Grammatical Analysis (3)

    (Same as LING 507 )
  • ANTH 510 - Research Design in Anthropology (3)

    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Principles of anthropological research. Develop skills in designing a research project; literature search and review; application of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods; understanding ethical considerations in anthropology; identifying funding opportunities; proposal preparation; and oral presentation.
  • ANTH 511 - Theory and Method in Biological Anthropology (3)

    Prerequisites: ANTH 510  and completion of undergraduate major in anthropology and/or graduate standing. Basic theoretical positions and methodological spectrum in biological anthropology.
  • ANTH 512 - Theory and Method in Archaeology (3)

    Prerequisites: ANTH 510  and completion of undergraduate major in anthropology and/or graduate standing. Basic theoretical positions and methodological spectrum in archaeological anthropology.
  • ANTH 513 - Theory and Method in Cultural/Linguistic Anthropology (3)

    Prerequisites: ANTH 510  and completion of undergraduate major in anthropology and/or graduate standing. Basic theoretical positions and methodological spectrum in cultural and linguistic anthropology.
  • ANTH 597 - Project (3,6)

    Prerequisites: graduate standing and consent of project adviser. Completion of a project derived from original field or laboratory research, and/or from library study. Project could also be a museum exhibit, field report or other project. A copy of the approved written component of the project must be filed in the department through the department graduate program adviser. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of six units.
  • ANTH 598 - Thesis (3,6)

    Prerequisites: graduate standing and consent of thesis adviser. Completion of a thesis derived from original field or laboratory research, and/or from library study. A copy of the approved thesis must be submitted to the department through the department graduate program adviser, and a copy of the thesis must be approved by the University Graduate Studies Office for submission to the bookstore for binding and microfilming. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of six units.
  • ANTH 599 - Independent Graduate Research (1-3)

    Prerequisite: consent of adviser. Individual research involving fieldwork, laboratory, or library study, and conferences with a project adviser as necessary, and resulting in one or more papers. May be repeated for credit.


Courses are designated ARAB in the class schedule.

  • ARAB 101 - Fundamental Arabic-A (5)

    Introduction to essentials of Modern Standard Arabic vocabulary and structures. Emphasis on basic reading, writing and conversational skills using culturally appropriate language. Conducted primarily in Arabic. Not for educated native speakers.
  • ARAB 102 - Fundamental Arabic-B (5)

    Prerequisite: ARAB 101  or equivalent. Continuation of systematic introduction of fundamental vocabulary and grammatical structures of Modern Standard Arabic. Emphasis on sustained development of reading/writing and speaking skills along with considerations of Arabic culture. Conducted primarily in Arabic.
  • ARAB 201 - Arabic for Arabic Speakers-A (3)

    Prerequisite: Basic conversation in Arabic. Intermediate course to develop communicative skills in Arabic for heritage students, based on cultural and literary materials. Reading, writing, listening and speaking in Modern Standard Arabic, as well as an introduction to colloquial Arabic Dialects. Conducted in Arabic.
  • ARAB 202 - Arabic for Arabic Speakers-B (3)

    Prerequisite: ARAB 201  or intermediate competency in Arabic. Intermediate course to strengthen communicative skills in Arabic for heritage students based on cultural and literary materials. Reading, writing, listening and speaking in Modern Standard Arabic and several colloquial Arabic dialects. Conducted in Arabic.
  • ARAB 203 - Intermediate Arabic-A (3)

    Prerequisite: ARAB 102  or equivalent. Instruction in listening and reading comprehension, and oral and writing practice, in Arabic based on cultural and literary materials, with further development in vocabulary and grammar. Conducted primarily in Arabic.
  • ARAB 299 - Directed Study (1-3)

    Supervised research projects in Arabic language, literature, culture, linguistics or business, to be taken with consent of instructor and department chair. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of six units.
  • ARAB 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Supervised research projects in Arabic language, literature, culture, linguistics or business, to be taken with consent of instructor and department chair. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of six units.


Courses are designated as ART in the class schedule.

  • ART 101 - Introduction to Art (3)

    Historical and contemporary art forms of painting, sculpture, architecture and design. Field trips required. Not open to art majors for credit except by permission of Art Department. (3 hours lecture)
  • ART 103 - Two-Dimensional Design (3)

    Art concepts, aesthetic elements and materials of two-dimensional design and visual organization. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 104 - Three-Dimensional Design (3)

    Art concepts, aesthetic elements and materials of three-dimensional design and spatial organization. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 106A - Beginning Ceramics (3)

    Form as related to ceramic materials, tools, processes. Kiln loading and firing, hand building, wheel throwing and raku. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 106B - Beginning Ceramics (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 106A . Form as related to ceramics. Glaze batching and its application, and the presentation of ceramic technique. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 107A - Beginning Drawing (3)

    Traditional and contemporary use of drawing materials integrated with visual experiences and art concepts. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 107B - Beginning Painting (3)

    Traditional and contemporary use of painting materials integrated with visual experiences and art concepts. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 117 - Life Drawing (3)

    Drawing the live model. (9 hours activity)
  • ART 123 - Descriptive Drawing (3)

    Descriptive drawing, rendering techniques and theories representing forms of nature. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 201A - Art and Civilization (3)

    Ideas, forms and styles of the visual arts as they developed in various cultures from prehistoric time to the present. (3 hours lecture)
  • ART 201B - Art and Civilization (3)

    Ideas, forms and styles of the visual arts as they developed in various cultures from prehistoric time to the present. (3 hours lecture)
  • ART 205A - Beginning Crafts (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 . Pre- or corequisite: ART 104 . Traditional and contemporary concepts and processes with emphasis on design principles in the development of aesthetic forms based on function. (9 hours laboratory) Development of esthetic forms based on function, with emphasis on design principles and the creative use of hand tools and power equipment. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 205B - Beginning Crafts (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 205A .
  • ART 207A - Drawing and Painting (Experimental Methods and Materials) (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117  or equivalents. Traditional and contemporary methods and concepts. Image-making using various materials and approaches (representation and abstraction). (6 hours activity)
  • ART 207B - Drawing and Painting (Experimental Methods and Materials) (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117  or equivalents. Traditional and contemporary methods and concepts. Image-making using various materials and approaches (representation and abstraction). (6 hours activity)
  • ART 216A - Beginning Sculpture (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 104 . Creative use of wood and metal, power equipment and hand tools. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 216B - Beginning Sculpture (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 104 . Creative use of wood and metal, power equipment and hand tools. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 217 - Life Drawing for Animation (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 117 . Continuing course of the human figure. Develops animation student’s skills of drawing from observation. May be repeated once for credit. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 223A - Lettering and Typography (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 103 . History, design and use of letter forms; the rendering and use of hand-lettered forms. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 223B - Lettering and Typography (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103  and ART 223A  or equivalents. History, design and use of letter forms; techniques for rough and comprehensive layouts, and introduction to computer graphics. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 223C - Typography into Graphic Design (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 223A . Technology and its application to typographic and graphic design solutions. Conceptual understanding of current technology as medium and tool in the creative process. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 224 - Introduction to Glassblowing (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 103  and/or ART 104 . Introduces processes of art-making with hand blown glass as the medium. Historical and creative processes from concept to design to the execution of well-crafted glass projects.
  • ART 238 - Photo Visual Concepts (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 103 . Introductory photography course for art majors. Includes the study of photographic vision and design, visual conceptualization and examination of the qualities of light through the use of instant and automatic cameras. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 247 - Introduction to Linoleum and Woodcut Prints (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B . Woodcut, linocut and monoprint as a medium of personal expression. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 253 - Introduction to Traditional Animation (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 117 , ART 217 . Principles and practices of traditional animation techniques ranging from the fundamentals of squash, kinetics and acting. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 255 - Introduction to 3D Computer Animation (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 107A , ART 107B . Introduction to the art of creating three-dimensional digital character animation. (9 hours activity)
  • ART 263 - Perspective Drawing (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A  and ART 123 . Introduction to linear perspective systems used to develop and place natural and fabricated forms in space on a two-dimensional surface. Integrated with methods and techniques of rendering light, shadow and reflection on varied subject matter, including the human figure. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 300 - Writing in the Visual Arts (3)

    Prerequisite: junior standing. Principles, practices and objectives of writing in the visual arts. Includes descriptive, analytical and expressive essays; project and grant proposals; artist’s statements; resumes; and professional correspondence. Satisfies the classroom portion of the upper-division writing requirements for art majors.
  • ART 301 - Ancient Art (3)

    Developments in art from the Paleolithic to late antiquity.
  • ART 302 - Medieval Art (3)

    Developments in art from the late antiquity through the Gothic.
  • ART 305A - Advanced Crafts (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 205A , ART 205B . Advanced concepts and processes in the development of esthetic forms based on function, emphasizing individual growth and personal expression. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 305B - Advanced Crafts (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 205A , ART 205B . Advanced concepts and processes in the development of esthetic forms based on function, emphasizing individual growth and personal expression.
  • ART 306A - Advanced Ceramics (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 106A , ART 106B . Traditional and contemporary use of ceramic methods, materials and concepts. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 306B - Advanced Ceramics (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 106A , ART 106B . Traditional and contemporary use of ceramic methods, materials and concepts. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 307A - Drawing and Painting (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117 , and ART 207A , ART 207B  or equivalents. Concepts, materials and activities in drawing and painting, emphasizing individual skills, ideas and expression. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 307B - Drawing and Painting (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117 , and ART 207A , ART 207B  or equivalents. Concepts, materials and activities in drawing and painting, emphasizing individual skills, ideas and expression. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 310A - Watercolor (3,3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B  or equivalents. Watercolor media related to varied subject matter and design applications. Includes field trip activity. Provides skills and concepts useful for school art programs. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 310B - Watercolor (3,3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B  or equivalents. Watercolor media related to varied subject matter and design applications. Includes field trip activity. Provides skills and concepts useful for school art programs. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 311 - Foundations of Modern Art (3)

    Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. History of painting and sculpture from the French Revolution to the end of the 19th century.
  • ART 312 - Modern Art (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 101 , ART 201A , or ART 201B , or junior or senior standing and Art major. History of painting, graphic arts and sculpture from late 19th century to World War II.
  • ART 315A - Jewelry (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 205A , ART 305A . Pre- or corequisite: ART 305A . Design and creation of jewelry. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 315B - Jewelry (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 205A , ART 305A . Pre- or corequisite: ART 305A . Design and creation of jewelry. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 316A - Sculpture (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 104 , ART 216A . Sculptural materials and processes. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 316B - Sculpture (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 104 , ART 216A  . Sculptural materials and processes. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 317A - Life Studies, Drawing (3)

    Prerequisites: three units lower-division life drawing. Drawing from the live model. Observation and anatomy. Concepts and techniques in drawing the figure. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 317B - Life Studies, Painting (3)

    Prerequisites: three units lower-division life drawing. Painting from the live model. Observation, structure and color. Concepts and techniques in painting the figure. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 317C - Sculpting Life Forms (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 117 , ART 217 ; and ART 317A  or ART 318A . Three-dimensional investigation of any life form, its characteristics and expressive possibilities. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 318A - Drawing and Painting the Head and Hands (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117 . Construction and anatomy of the human head and hands, and their principal use in drawing, painting and illustration. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 318B - Portraiture (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B . Comprehensive studies in composition, concept, content and execution of portraits. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 320 - History of Architecture Before the Modern Era (3)

    Selected monuments from Stonehenge through the late Baroque. Interrelationship between patronage, style, function, structural principles and technological developments.
  • ART 323A - Graphic Design (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 223A , ART 223B , ART 223C  or equivalents. Development and projection of ideas in relation to the technical, aesthetic and psychological aspects of advertising art. Intermediate use of computer graphics. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 323B - Graphic Design (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 223A , ART 223B , ART 223C  and ART 323A  , or equivalents, or consent of instructor. Development and projection of ideas in relation to the technical, aesthetic and psychological aspects of advertising art. Intermediate use of computer graphics. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 324 - Beginning Glass Casting (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 . Hot glass laboratory equipment and casting techniques. Introduction to hot pour, sand and kiln casting. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 326A - Ceramic Sculpture (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 117 . Concepts, materials and investigation of sculptural forms, emphasizing individual growth. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 326B - Ceramic Sculpture (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 117 . Concepts, materials and investigation of sculptural forms, emphasizing individual growth. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 330 - Creative Papermaking (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 . Use of papers and fibers as an art form. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 336 - Moldmaking and Cast Sculpture (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 216A . Theories and techniques of rigid and flexible moldmaking incorporated with both cold material and hot metal casting processes. Recommended for concentrations in Entertainment Art/Animation, Ceramics and Crafts; required for Sculpture majors. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 337 - Animal and Wildlife Drawing (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117 , ART 317A . Principles and practices of drawing animals, including construction, anatomy, texture, movement and expression. Fundamentals, historical information and critiques are covered in the classroom; field studies are conducted at various zoos and wildlife habitats. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 338A - Creative Photography (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 103  or equivalent. Photographic media in personal expression. Historical attitudes and processes; new materials and contemporary aesthetic trends. Field trips required. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 338B - Creative Photography (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 338A . Photographic medium as personal expression. Historical and contemporary aesthetic issues. Exploration of black and white, color and digital media. Field trips required. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 346 - Kinetic Sculpture (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 216A  or ART 216B . Kinetic sculpture is sculpture in motion. Theory and practice of creating sculpture that uses both motorized and nonmotorized means of activation. History of the medium and basic fabrication techniques. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 347A - Printmaking Etching (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117 , ART 247 . Concept development, exploration and materials involved in printmaking techniques. Includes etching and aquatint. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 347B - Printmaking Lithography (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117 , ART 247 . Concept development, exploration and materials involved in lithography. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 348 - Artists’ Books (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 107A  or ART 247 . Personal vision and concepts applied to the book form as art; the history and aesthetics of artists’ books. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 353A - Animation Preproduction (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 117 , ART 253 . The animation filmmaking preproduction process through the creation of a preproduction package for an animated film. Writing a story, developing and designing characters, storyboard creation, slugging, storyreel construction, dialogue animation/test animation and layout design. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 353B - Animation Production (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 353A . The animation filmmaking production process. Animated short films with a sound track will be produced based upon a preproduction package created in ART 353A . Using the art of animation to create an entertaining, character-driven, animated film. May be repeated once for credit. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 355 - 3D Computer Animation (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 255 . Intermediate and advanced instruction in the art of creating three-dimensional digital character animation. May be repeated once for credit. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 357 - Woodcuts and Monotypes (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B  or equivalents. Woodcut and monotype as a means of personal expression. Traditional, as well as contemporary materials and trends. May be repeated once for credit. (9 hours laboratory)
  • ART 363A - Illustration (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117 . Story, book, magazine and film illustration. May be repeated once for credit. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 363B - Illustration (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 363A . Computer aided illustration. May be repeated once for credit. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 363C - Digital Narrative Illustration (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 363B . Narrative illustration using advanced digital painting programs and techniques. Theory of illustration concepts, composition and current trends in illustration as it relates to digital media. May be repeated once for credit. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 364A - Stained Glass (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 . Architectural and autonomous stained glass design and craftsmanship. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 364B - Stained Glass/Kiln Working (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 364A . Flat glass fusing and slumping. Designs are fused together in kilns and slumped over or into molds to create sculptural relief and low vessel forms. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 367 - Elements of Sequential Art (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 317A . Theory and practice of pictorial narrative in film storyboard and graphic novel. Character and scenic design; story sketch, “breakdown” and production design. Considerations: plot, scene, exposition, transition and continuity. Individual and team projects. May be repeated once for credit. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 373 - Cartooning and Caricature (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 107A , ART 107B , ART 117 . Principles and practices of cartooning and caricature construction, anatomy and expression. Historical overview of the field with an emphasis on professional applications and the impact of computer graphics. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 380 - Art and Child Development (3)

    Prerequisite: completion of General Education Category C.1. Art concepts, materials and processes as they relate to child development. (6 hours activity)
  • ART 383 - Package Design (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 223C , ART 323A , ART 323B  and a working knowledge of the Macintosh computer. Principles and practices of design in relationship to package design. Conceptual development. May be repeated once for credit as upper-division elective.
  • ART 401 - History of Women Artists (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 201B . Study of art made by women in the context of major art historical developments from the 10th century to the present. Analysis of images of women and the evolution of gender stereotypes in art. (3 hours lecture)
  • ART 410 - The Digital Studio (3)

    Prerequisite: any 300-level art studio class. Digital imaging as a medium of visual expression. Computer applications for creating and manipulating images are fundamental for the contemporary visual artist. May be repeated once for credit. (6 hours laboratory)
  • ART 413 - History of Contemporary Art (3)

    Prerequisite: ART 312  recommended. Historical perspective of contemporary art beginning with major developments in Europe and the United States in the 1950s. New materials, new exhibition methods, and in particular, the major conceptual issues raised by individual artists and groups.
  • ART 418 - Seminar in Creative Photography (3)

    Prerequisite: any 300-level art course. Introduces studio art majors to photographic and media criticism and theory. Provides studio artists with necessary theoretical background and context for creating and understanding their work in current media culture.
  • ART 424A - Glass Blowing (3)

    Prerequisites: ART 103 , ART 104 , ART 324 . Creating hand-blown glassware and sculpture from molten glass using traditional and contemporary tools and techniques. Each course may be repeated once for credit. (9 hours laboratory)

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