Feb 18, 2025
2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Nursing, Nurse Educator Concentration, M.S.
Master of Science in Nursing
The Master of Science degree in Nursing (MS) prepares students for a specialty focus to expand their career options. The MS program is designed to foster interdisciplinary collaborative skills and independent functioning within a focused specialty area, called an MS concentration. Current MS concentrations are: Nursing Leadership, Nurse Anesthetist, School Nursing, Nurse Educator and Women’s Health Care. Within the Women’s Health Care concentration, students will choose an emphasis as either a nurse midwife or women’s health nurse practitioner. The Nursing Leadership, School Nursing and Women’s Health Care concentrations are flexible, allowing for either full-time or part-time study. The Nurse Anesthetist concentration follows a set full-time schedule. High quality resources, both on and off campus, are available for the MS concentrations. Application Deadlines
The Graduate Nursing program accepts applications for the fall semester only. University Application
The application period opens the previous Oct. 1, and closing date depends on enrollment across the campus. It is best to apply as soon as applications are open. Applications may be accessed online at: calstate.edu/apply. School of Nursing Application Deadlines
The Nurse Anesthetist concentration accepts applications Nov. 1-30. All other concentrations have a priority deadline of Jan. 5. Applications received after that date will be considered on a space available basis until the program is full or the university closes admissions. Admission Requirements and Procedures
School of Nursing admission requirements and application procedures vary by program and concentration. The School of Nursing and university application procedures can be found on the school’s website: nursing.fullerton.edu. Nurse Educator Concentration (42 units)
The Nurse Educator concentration focuses on a synthesis of nursing and educational theory, research knowledge and instructional approaches to learning. Students obtain experience through supervised practice in utilizing theory and research in university, community college, institutional or community settings. Foundation or core courses in the MS/Nurse Educator program address theoretical concepts, ethical and legal aspects of decision-making, use of evidence-based practice, instructional design, development and evaluation of nursing curricula, and insight into vulnerable population issues. All students complete a project or thesis at the end of their studies. Clinical fieldwork in the concentration consists of supervised learning experiences working with preceptors in academic, institutional and community settings, either in academic areas, clinical education or community teaching programs. In order to experience the educator role, students are required to select a site where they have no direct reporting responsibility and to work under the supervision of a preceptor who also is not within a direct reporting relationship to the student in the workplace. Core Requirements (12 units)
Concentration Requirements (26 units)
Culminating Experience (4 units)