Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 University Catalog 
2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Educational Leadership website

Educational Leadership, Department of

Department Chair

Eugene Fujimoto

Department Office/Website

College Park 520


Meri Beckham, Daniel Choi, Ding-Jo Currie, Marc Ecker, Eugene Fujimoto, Jennifer Goldstein, Rebecca Gutierrez Keeton, Maritza Lozano, Carol Lundberg, Ron Oliver, Dawn Person, Nancy Watkins

Degree Descriptions

People who apply to the Educational Leadership and Administration program are typically credentialed teachers working in P-12 settings, other educational professionals who possess a California teaching or services credential, or students from outside the United States who want to develop their skills as educational leaders. The degree courses can also apply toward the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) so that students earn both the M.S. in Educational Leadership and Administration and the PASC by the end of their program of study. The learning outcomes for the program are grounded in the standards established by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and reflect the core values of the Department of Educational Leadership: (a) just, equitable and inclusive education; (b) the application of theory to practice; and (c) leadership for change.

The M.S. in Higher Education (the MSHE Program) is designed to prepare entry-level professionals and career changers to assume professional roles that enhance student learning and development. Graduates of the program might work in offices, such as orientation, housing, residential life, TRIO, multicultural and international affairs, financial aid, academic advising, alumni relations and similar college or university offices. Program-level learning outcomes for the MSHE program reflect the expectations for graduate-level programs in students affairs developed by the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS), and are organized around the following five learning domains: (a) leadership; (b) social justice and advocacy; (c) education; (d) assessment and evaluation; and (e) personal and professional development.

The CSUF Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership delivers that training, and does so through two unique doctoral program specializations: P-12 Leadership and Community College Leadership. The P-12 (preschool and K-12) program cohort is completely immersed in and interfaces with P-12 students and faculty. In the Community College program, the cohort specifically focuses on and interfaces with community college students and faculty. The inquiry-based, problem-solving curriculum for both programs is designed to help education professionals learn by fully integrating their experiences in discussion, research and fieldwork. The Ed.D. in Community College Leadership is designed to prepare educators to take on the roles in areas, such as senior administration, faculty leadership, student affairs or business and human resource administration in the community college setting. The curriculum is designed to develop socially and globally aware community college leaders who can appropriately respond, understand and contribute to the rapidly changing world of community colleges and lead those institutions toward excellence. Courses build leadership skills and knowledge in such areas as the role and scope of community colleges, higher education law and policy, ethical decision making, policy and governance, research methods and resource optimization. The Ed.D. in P-12 Educational Leadership is designed to prepare preschool and K-12 educators as administrators, educational researchers or teacher leaders to design and renew excellent educational institutions across the P-12 landscape. The curriculum is designed to prepare instructional leaders who can formulate and implement policies that support powerful, equitable teaching and learning and who can exercise significant and ethical influence on the quality of teaching and learning both in and out of schools. Courses build skills in strategic planning, collaborative problem solving, ethical decision making, technological proficiency and leadership development.

Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

Policies of the Department

Candidates for our programs will be selected on the basis of leadership potential and commitment to the improvement of education and will engage in a rigorous course of study.

The courses offered by the department are arranged in a specific order, which must be followed by all students. Cohorts of students are formed and move through the courses as a group.

Administrative Services Credentials

The Administrative Services Credential programs of the Department of Educational Leadership are approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Because regulations governing these programs change, students should contact the department office for current information and requirements.

Credential Requirements

Students who wish to apply for credential programs must complete a separate applicant portfolio. Please contact the department for additional information.

Students applying for the Preliminary Administrative Credential Program are required to have three years teaching experience when entering the program. Waiver requests for 1-2 years of experience may be considered for those starting a second career or under unusual circumstances.

The minimum GPA required to be recommended for a certificate of eligibility or a credential is an average of 3.0 for all classes taken in the credential program.

Preliminary Credential

The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential requires a total of 24 units of work (which may be incorporated into the master’s degree program). Upon receipt of the Preliminary credential, one is eligible for employment as an administrator in California public schools. A master’s degree is required for California State University to recommend a candidate for this credential.

Professional Credential

The Clear Administrative Services Credential is required of all California school administrators.

Candidates must hold a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and have completed an accredited Preliminary Administrative Credential Program.

Students enrolled in the Ed.D. program may complete the professional credential through an embedded standards-based program. Holding a job as administrator and the Preliminary Credential are prerequisites to entry to the program for the Professional Credential.

Programs and Courses Offered


    Master of ScienceDoctor of EducationCertificate


      Educational Administration

      Courses are designated as EDAD in the class schedule. Students who desire only isolated courses from the M.S. amd Ed.D programs are normally denied admission to such courses.

      Educational Leadership