Dec 11, 2024  
2021-2022 University Catalog 
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Prefix and Course Index 


Social Work

Courses are designated as MSW in the class schedule.

  • MSW 572 - Spirituality, Religion, and Social Work (3)

    Diverse spiritual and religious beliefs that may be integrated with current social work related theories and practice frameworks. Research on spirituality and religion in the helping professions, particularly social work.

    Prerequisite: junior, senior or graduate standing.


  • MSW 573 - Trauma-Focused Social Work Practice (3)

    Traumatic stress and its impact on human behavior. Major theories and current research about trauma and its sequelae, and how the brain processes information are explored along with current treatment modalities within a social work focus. Requires consent of instructor.

    Prerequisite: MSW 511 .


  • MSW 574 - Death and Dying: Social Work Practice and End-of-Life Care (3)

    Palliative care and hospice services for individuals and families dealing with end-of-life issues; ethics and practical implications of death and dying from a social work perspective.

    Prerequisite: MSW graduate standing.


  • MSW 575 - International Social Work (3)

    Concepts and practice issues regarding social work and social welfare from a global perspective. A practice elective for students with a special interest in applying social work within the international context.

    Prerequisite: MSW graduate standing.


  • MSW 578 - Social Work Practice with Latino/a Populations (3)

    Prepares social workers for practice with Latino/as by focusing on the development of awareness, knowledge, and culturally competent skills. Examines social welfare practice, theory and policy frameworks that inform culturally competent practice.

    Prerequisite: MSW graduate standing.


  • MSW 596 - MSW Master’s Project Development (3)

    Under direction and approval of a faculty advisor, a student develops and prepares the beginning chapters of their MSW project and submits human subjects’ approval to conduct research. Prepares students to complete their project.

    Prerequisite: MSW 530 .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • MSW 597 - MSW Master’s Project (3)

    Under direction and approval of a faculty advisor, student completes a research project on a question developed in MSW 596. This is a final written project that culminates the MSW program.

    Prerequisites: MSW 530 , MSW 596 .


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • MSW 599 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Individualized study with an instructor whose recognized interests are in the area of the planned study. Conferences with the instructor as necessary, with work culminating in one or more papers. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Requires consent of graduate program advisor and instructor.

    Prerequisite: MSW graduate standing.


    Department Consent Required


Courses are designated as SOCI in the class schedule.

  • SOCI 101 - Introduction to Sociology (3)

    Basic concepts of sociology: social interaction, culture, personality, social processes, population, social class, the community, social institutions and socio-cultural change.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 133 - Introduction to Aging Studies (3)

    Multidisciplinary overview of: characteristics, strengths and problems of older persons; diversity in aging process involving gender, race, ethnicity, subculture; services to older adults; gerontology as an academic discipline and a field of practice. (AGNG 133, SOCI 133, PUBH 133, HUSR 133 and PSYC 133 are the same course.)

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 201 - Social Media and Social Interaction (3)

    Self, identities, culture, communities, inequalities, and social interaction as experienced through social media and technology. Students will use sociological perspectives to evaluate the benefits and hazards of social media for themselves and society.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 300 - Social Work (3)

    History, philosophy, values of social work profession, fields of practice (casework, group work, macro practice); theories of human behavior in social environments. Social work as career objective and qualifications necessary. Recommended for students considering careers in human services, social work, social policy development.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 302 - Social Research Methods (3)

    Qualitative and quantitative perspectives on social research. Purpose and components of qualitative and quantitative research design, including the role of theory in research, sampling, reflexivity, the practice of mixed methods of data collection, analysis and writing results.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 303 - Statistics for the Social Sciences (3)

    Techniques for the elementary statistical analysis of social data. Description and inferential measures include tests, chi-square, analysis of variance, contingency table analysis and linear regression.

    Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Categories B.4 and D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 304 - Black Families in America (3)

    Issues of race, class, gender, sexuality and identity within African American families. Topics will include: black single mothers and welfare, prisons, black middle class families and residential housing, black youth and activism, and LGBT family formations. (AFAM 304 and SOCI 304 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101  or completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 305 - Social Work Practice (3)

    Theories, methods, principles, ethics, fields of social work practice. Generalist model; micro (individual), mezzo (group), macro (organization, community, advocacy, case management) levels of intervention. Methods and theories underlying social work practice. Recommended for students considering careers in human services, counseling, social work or social policy development.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 306 - Applying Sociology in the Community (3)

    Combines community service with an analysis of select community issues. At least 40 hours of community service required, applying theories and methods to field site. Findings and analysis discussed in weekly meetings.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 307 - Sociology for Career Success (3)

    Examines key sociological theories and concepts to situate work in the context of historical, hierarchical power relations that reproduce dominance. Uses sociology to help navigate job markets, career opportunities, and improve mobility in post-industrial world of work.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 308 - Writing for Sociology Students (3)

    Composition, sources of information and sociological writing for different audiences. Satisfies the classroom portion of the upper-division writing requirement for sociology majors. Instructional fee.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 325 - The American Drug Scene (3)

    Uses sociological research and theory to understand drug use in the U.S. Drug subcultures, moral panics, the social consequences of drug policies, crime and trends in drug use.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 341 - Social Interaction (3)

    Social and socio-psychological dimensions of group behavior and the socialization of the individual. Social interaction and its impact on the individual and personality formation.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 345 - Sociology of Communication (3)

    Social processes involved in communicating with symbols-verbal, visual and body-language - in interpersonal settings and the mass media.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 348 - Collective Behavior (3)

    Characteristics of crowds, mobs, publics. Analysis of social movements and revolutions, their relation to social unrest and their role in developing and changing social organization.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 350 - Social Relationships and Emotions (3)

    Consideration of social relationships emphasizing emotional bonds as the primary integrating force, including interactions between emotions and relationships.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 351 - Sociology of Families (3)

    The family as a social institution. Historical and cross-cultural perspectives; social change affecting marriage and the family; analysis of American courtship and marriage patterns; the psycho-dynamics of family life.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101  or completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 352 - The Sociology of Education (3)

    Education as a social institution and agent of socialization. Dynamic interplay with economic, political, religious, family institutions, and community. Gender, race, and class inequality in education. Cross-national perspectives on education and related social problems and social policy.

    Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category D.1; SOCI 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 353 - Sociology of Children and Youth (3)

    Historical, cross-national, and contemporary views of children, adolescents and youth in society; childhood socialization and the effects of the family, school, peers, gender roles, the media community, and technology; social problems of children and youth; recommendations for social policy.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 354 - Gender, Sex and Society (3)

    Gender as a social and institutional construct, including analyses of identity, sexuality, media, family, work, economy, the state, and global relations.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 355 - Women in Contemporary Societies (3)

    Micro and macro analyses of women’s roles and experiences in contemporary societies. Topics may include gender socialization, institutional inequalities, women’s work, violence against women, resistant to inequality, women’s health and sexuality.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 356 - Social Inequality (3)

    Development, patterns, structures and consequences of social inequality, with emphasis on social class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality in the U.S. Dynamics of resistance and social change are also discussed.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 357 - Race and Ethnic Relations (3)

    Development and current conditions of minority/majority relations through study of social, political and economic causes and consequences of prejudice and discrimination. Evolutionary and revolutionary movements for change will be studied.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 360 - Sociology of Death and Dying (3)

    Dying as a social process; functions of bereavement behavior; the grief process; fear of death and dying; death related rituals, demographic aspects of mortality; American death acceptance-denial controversy.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 361 - Population and the Environment (3)

    Population composition, growth and movement. Social factors affecting birth rates, death rates and migration. Environmental and resource base implications of population growth, urbanization and migration. Role of the economy, poverty, gender and development on population dynamics.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 365 - Law and Society (3)

    Relationship between a society and its laws using sociological theory and major concepts. Analyze court process, legal professions, and related social institutions.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 366 - Deviant Behavior (3)

    Social construction, nature and patterns of deviance. Topics include theories of deviance, research on deviance, types of deviance, constructing deviance, deviant identity, relations among deviants, deviant acts, and deviant careers.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 371 - Sociology of City Life (3)

    Ecology, patterns of growth, institutional inequalities, social problems, cultures, and organized resistances of urban communities in global contexts.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 380 - The Social Life of Food (3)

    Food has a social reality, created out of institutions and global systems. Investigatethis reality through food’s production, distributionand consumptionwithin a globalized and commoditized modern world. Inequalities and social struggle, including food justice movements.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 381 - Sociology of Human Sexuality (3)

    Sociological aspects of sexualities, socio-historical and comparative perspectives; relationships of sexual constructs to life cycle, gender, race, class, nation and power.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 385 - Family Violence (3)

    Contemporary issues of family violence: victims, perpetrators and societal responses. Explores causes, intervention and prevention of all types of abuse - child, sibling, spouse, parent and elder - through the examination of theories, research findings and practical field application.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 403 - Queer Communities and Social Change (3)

    Sociological investigation into queer communities and social change. Draws from queer theoretical perspectives to promote an understanding of social control and political resistance and offers a transnational/global perspective on queer social formations.

    Prerequisites: SOCI 354  or SOCI 381 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 408 - Sexual Abuse in American Society (3)

    Sociological examination of sexual abuse in contemporary society, specifically patterns of forcible rape and child sexual victimization. Theories and research findings regarding causes, consequences and other dynamics of sexual victimization, including responses of social groups to such victimization.

    Prerequisites: SOCI 101 SOCI 366 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 410 - Theories of Social Behavior (3)

    Main schools of sociological thought, both European and American. Systems of theory, methodology of theorists, cultural change and social institutions.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 ; or junior or senior standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 411 - Criminology (3)

    Extent, causes and control of criminal behavior. Criminal law, causal factors and theories, correctional institutions, probation and parole and preventive efforts.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 413 - Juvenile Delinquency (3)

    Juvenile delinquency as a social problem. Sociological study of the causes of delinquent behavior and programs of control, treatment and prevention.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 415 - Mass Incarceration and Punishment (3)

    Histories, theories, policies and practices thathave influenced the development of the U.S. correctional system. Topics may include background and social contexts associated with incarceration, correctional institutions, inmate populations and subcultures,and prison administration/management.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 417 - Violence against Women and Girls: Global Realities (3)

    Violence against women of all ages in the global context. The ways violence against women manifests and is explained across cultural, sociodemographic and geographic boundaries.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 443 - Sociology of Aging (3)

    Population age structure; theories of aging; aging in family, economic, political, religious, educational, leisure/esthetic institutions, aging and ethnicity, social policy and the future of aging.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 455 - Sociology of Health and Illness (3)

    Comprehensive sociological perspective for interpreting medicine and medical behavior. Considers disease processes as they affect the individual and others in this environment, health practice and petitioners, health institutions and the cost and service of health services in a multifaceted approach.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 456 - Immigrant Orange County (3)

    Migration through the lens of Orange County. Requires research project including data collection (surveys or interviews or focus groups), data analysis and report writing. (SOCI 456 and GEOG 456 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: for SOCI 456 - completion of G.E. Category D.1; for GEOG 456  - GEOG 361  or GEOG 362 ; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 457 - Whiteness, a Racial Formation (3)

    Formation and transformation of racial categories, emphasizing the historical, political and social forces shaping definitions of whiteness in the U.S. How racial categories are inhabited, challenged and changed. (SOCI 457 and ETHN 457 are the same course).

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101  or AFAM 101 /ASAM 101 /CHIC 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 458 - Sociology of Religious Behavior (3)

    Religious behavior examined by social science theories. Religious rituals/beliefs to cope with anxiety and powerlessness before natural forces and social structures and processes. Religion’s contributions to individual identity, societal order and change. (SOCI 458 and RLST 458 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 463 - Political Sociology (3)

    Theoretical perspectives; nature of power and authority; social structure and political institutions; elites and decision making; social influences on political behavior; political movements.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 467 - Sociology of Sport (3)

    Nature, position, functions and growing importance of sports in contemporary industrial society. Relationships between structure, variety and extent of sports activity and other institutional sectors in society.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 470 - Sociology of Money (3)

    Sociological perspectives on history, nature, functioning and impact of economic perspectives and phenomena. Topics include money, markets, prices and value, commodification, the state, networks and inequality.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101; or graduate standing.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 473 - Social Behavior in Organizations (3)

    Sociological analysis of formal organizations (industrial, governmental, welfare, military, medical, educational, correctional, etc.) as systems of social interaction. Blueprinted vs. informal organization, structure, authority, decision-making, role conflicts, communication and morals.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 101 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 485 - Research Applicatons (3)

    Design and implement an individual research project that integrates accumulated training from previous courses in a single in-depth exploration of a topic of interest.

    Prerequisites: SOCI 101 , SOCI 302 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SOCI 495 - Sociological Internship (3)

    Supervised field experience permitting application of relevant sociological material in practical settings. Requires 120 hours in the field. May be repeated once for credit.

    Prerequisites: 12 units of upper-division in Sociology; minimum 3.0 GPA in the major.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.Department Consent Required
  • SOCI 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Individual research project, either library or field. Must enroll with an instructor whose recognized interests are in the area of the planned independent study. Conferences with the instructor as necessary; work culminates in one or more papers. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: completion of 12 units of Sociology; GPA of at least 3.0.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • SOCI 501T - Seminar: Topics in Societal Structure and Process (3)

    Analyze a specialization within the study of society such as: socialization and personality; deviance; social change; institutional structure and process. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 18 units.


    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SOCI 502A - The Research Process (3)

    Requires the completion of a research project including such elements as theory construction, hypotheses formation, sampling, survey construction, data collection and data analysis. Meets the University Graduate Writing Requirement. Instructional fee.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.


  • SOCI 502B - The Research Process (3)

    Problems of social research. Causal inferences, value bias and measurement, construction of scales. Instructional fee.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 502A .


  • SOCI 581 - Advanced Theories of Social Behavior (3)

    Basic elements and key problems in constructing and evaluating sociological theories.

    Prerequisite: SOCI 410 .


  • SOCI 585 - The Practice of Sociology (3)

    The nexus between theory and methods in current sociological research. Uses applied skills to critically analyze specialized studies in sociology.

    Prerequisite: Sociology graduate standing.


  • SOCI 596 - Teaching Symposium (3)

    Placement with mentor for training to teach college-level sociology classes. pedagogy, course design and assessment. Requires consent of adviser.


    Department Consent Required
  • SOCI 597 - Project (3)

    Under the direction of a faculty member: select a topic that integrates learning in the program with an applied area of interest; develop and submit a major project on the topic. May be repeated once for credit. Requires classified standing in the M.A. in Sociology program, and proposal approved by supervising faculty member and the Sociology Department Graduate Studies committee.


    Department Consent Required
  • SOCI 598 - Thesis (3)

    Individual research under supervision, reported in a thesis and defended successfully in an oral examination conducted by a faculty committee. Requires acceptance as a candidate for the M.A. in Sociology, and approval of topic.


    Department Consent Required
  • SOCI 599 - Independent Graduate Research (1-3)

    Individual research on a library or empirical project, with conferences with instructor as necessary, culminating in one or more papers. May be repeated once for credit. Requires consent of graduate adviser and instructor.


    Department Consent Required


Courses are designated SPAN in the class schedule.

  • SPAN 101 - Fundamental Spanish-A (3)

    Develop listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing and cultural awareness to communicate on a basic level. Introduction to customs, culture and civilization of Spanish-speaking communities. Conducted primarily in Spanish.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SPAN 102 - Fundamental Spanish-B (3)

    Continued development of listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing and cultural awareness to communicate on a basic level. Introduction to customs, culture and civilization of Spanish-speaking communities. Conducted primarily in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 101 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SPAN 105 - Intensive Review of Fundamental Spanish (5)

    Intensive course to develop listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing and cultural awareness necessary to communicate on a basic level. Conducted primarily in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Prior experience equivalent to SPAN 101  and SPAN 102  or three years of high school Spanish taken two or more years ago.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 202 - Spanish for Spanish Speakers (3)

    Intermediate course designed to further develop existing communicative skills in Spanish. May not receive credit for both SPAN 202 and SPAN 204. Conducted in Spanish.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 203 - Intermediate Spanish-A (3)

    Develop listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing Spanish based on cultural and literary materials. Oral expression and developing correct pronunciation. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 102  or SPAN 105 . Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 213  recommended.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 204 - Intermediate Spanish-B (3)

    Continued development of listening and reading comprehension, practice in speaking and writing Spanish based on cultural and literary materials. Vocabulary building and developing grammatical accuracy. Conducted in Spanish. Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 214 recommended.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 202  or SPAN 203 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 213 - Intermediate Conversation (3)

    Practice in oral expression. Not open to students with proficiency in Spanish. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 102  or SPAN 105 . Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 203  recommended.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 214 - Intermediate Composition (3)

    Practice in written expression based on cultural and literary materials. Conducted in Spanish. Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 204 recommended.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 202  or SPAN 203 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 301 - Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)

    Grammar analysis and written expression. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisites: SPAN 214 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SPAN 303 - Writing for the Hispanic Media (3)

    A hands-on writing course designed to provide the foundations of effective copywriting to reach the Hispanic community using diverse media. Conducted primarily in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 306 - Spanish for Health and Human Services - A (3)

    Provides students in the health professions with an introduction to the skills necessary to effectively communicate in Spanish, using terminology and culturally appropriate expressions specific to the field.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 214 or equivalent Spanish communicative competency.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 307 - Spanish for Health and Human Services - B (3)

    Provides students in the health professions with skills necessary to effectively communicate in Spanish at an advanced level, using terminology and culturally appropriate expressions specific to the field.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 306.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 310 - Spanish in the Business World (3)

    Practical vocabulary and structure of business language, as well as the cultural background of business procedures in the Hispanic world. No credit toward Spanish major or minor. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisites: ECON 201 , SPAN 202 . Pre- or corequisite: SPAN 301 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 311 - Spanish for International Business (3)

    Acquire vocabulary appropriate to the Hispanic business world and study its economic institutions. Emphasizes reading comprehension, conversation and composition. No credit toward Spanish major or minor. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 310 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 315 - Introduction to Spanish Civilization (3)

    Readings and discussions on Spanish literature, arts, and institutions. Strengthens facility in the language. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2. Pre- or corequisite: SPAN 301 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SPAN 316 - Introduction to Spanish-American Civilization (3)

    Readings and discussion in Spanish-American literature, arts and institutions. Strengthening of facility in the language. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2. Pre- or corequisite: SPAN 301 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    One or more sections may be offered in any online format.
  • SPAN 325 - Contemporary Culture of Spain (3)

    Develop an understanding of the culture of Spain from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Ideologies, institutions, literature and arts. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301 ; Spanish language competency; completion of G.E. Category C.2.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 326 - Spanish-American Modern Culture (3)

    Develop an understanding of Spanish-American culture from the 19th century to the present day. Ideologies, institutions, literature and arts. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301 ; Spanish language competency; completion of G.E. Category C.2.

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 375 - Introduction to Literary Forms (3)

    Introduction to literary forms and concepts of literary techniques and criticism. Analysis and interpretation of various texts. Strengthens abilities in reading, language and literary criticism. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2; SPAN 301 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 400 - Advanced Writing in Cultural Studies (3)

    Cultural studies approaches (race, gender and sexuality, social class, social movements, identity and power, etc.) in Hispanic/Latinx contexts. Refining critical and analytical competencies and developing academic writing at an advanced level. Conducted in Spanish.

    Pre- or corequisite: SPAN 375 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 405 - Spanish Editorial Convergence Writing Model (3)

    Review and analyze new editorial business models that have worked in the Spanish language markets within the U.S and Puerto Rico.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301 .

    Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit

    Department Consent Required
  • SPAN 406 - Spanish American Cinema: Historical and Cultural Representations (3)

    Cinema and literature as vehicles to analyze Spanish America historical and cultural realities such as stratification, gender and political practices. Taught in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 316 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 407 - Spanish Visual Representations of Cultural Transformations in the 20th Century (3)

    Traces the development of modern Spanish society from the Second Republic of 1930 to 1983’s democracy. How films are texts capable of expressing social, historical or political issues and cultural changes. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 315 .

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 430 - Spanish Literature to Neoclassicism (3)

    Spanish literature from its beginnings to 1700. Representative works of each genre. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisites: SPAN 315 , SPAN 375 ; or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 440 - Spanish-American Literature to Modernismo (3)

    Spanish-American literature to modernismo. Conducted in Spanish. (LTAM 440 and SPAN 440 are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 316 , SPAN 375 ; or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 441 - Spanish-American Literature Since Modernismo (3)

    Spanish-American literature from modernismo to the present. Conducted in Spanish. (LTAM 441 and SPAN 441 are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 316 , SPAN 375 ; or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 461 - Spanish Literature Since Neoclassicism (3)

    Representative works of Spanish literature from 1700 to the present. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisites: SPAN 316 , SPAN 375 ; or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 466 - Spanish Phonology and Dialectology (3)

    Phonology of Spanish, specifically, the sound system, suprasegmentals and connected speech. Description and analysis of the dialectal varieties of Spanish. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301  or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 467 - Spanish Morphology and Syntax (3)

    Analytical procedures of general linguistics as applied to Spanish word and sentence structure. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301  or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 468 - Spanish/English Bilingualism and Language Contact (3)

    Comprehensive study of topics related to Spanish-English Bilingualism and language contact. Analyze the linguistic situation of the Hispanic groups in the United States within psycholinguistic, grammatical and sociolinguistic theoretical frames. Conducted in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301  or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 470 - Foundations of Translation (3)

    The underpinnings of translation as an academic and professional field. Overview of theoretical frameworks under which translation is studied as a cognitive, sociocultural and ethical enterprise.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 468 or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 471 - Practice in Translation I (3)

    Key theoretical concepts. Practical experience with the particularities of, and challenges posed by, translating commercial, cultural, financial and literary texts.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 470 or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit

  • SPAN 472 - Practice in Translation II (3)

    Review key theoretical concepts and gain practical experience with the particularities of, and challenges posed by translating legal, medical, political, scientific and technical texts.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 470 or graduate standing in Spanish.

    400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit


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