Public Health Courses are designated as PUBH in the class schedule.
PUBH 101 - Personal Health (3) Basic concepts relating to health and well-being from a holistic perspective. Mental, emotional, physical and socio-environmental dimensions of health, sexuality and relationships; nutrition and physical fitness; use and abuse of drugs; health care services and current health problems.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 115 - Introduction to Environmental Health and Safety (3) How environmental and safety hazards influence public health and sustainability. Multiple perspectives on water, air, and solid waste pollutions, sustainability and public safety issues.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 133 - Introduction to Aging Studies (3) Multidisciplinary overview of: characteristics, strengths and problems of older persons; diversity in aging process involving gender, race, ethnicity, subculture; services to older adults; gerontology as an academic discipline and a field of practice. (AGNG 133, SOCI 133, PUBH 133, HUSR 133 and PSYC 133 are the same course.)
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 201 - Introduction to Public Health (3) Introduction to the discipline of public health. Basic concepts and terminologies of public health. Topics include community health; environmental and occupational health; epidemiology; and healthcare policy and management.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 202 - Exploration of Health and Allied Health Professions (3) Overview of health-related professions in the U.S., including the healthcare system and major current concerns. Career exploration into health and allied health professions, including occupational, academic and extracurricular preparation. Develop knowledge to enhance preparation for graduate school.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 203 - CPR, Automated External Defibrillator and First Aid (1) Provides knowledge and skills necessary to respond to injuries and sudden illnesses in the community. Successful completion provides American Red Cross certifications in infant, child and adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and standard first aid. Credit/No Credit only. (PUBH 203 and KNES 203 are the same course)
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 300 - Integrative Health (3) Theoretical and philosophical foundations of integrative health. Differences between biomedical and integrative approaches to health promotion, prevention, and treatment, Eastern and Western therapies, and various global medical systems.
Prerequisite: junior or senior standing; or Pre-Health Professions minor.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 301 - Promotion of Optimal Health (3) Advanced health concepts and practices. Common health problems, causative factors and methods for prevention. Preventive and promotive health concepts and practices; integrating physiological, psychosocial, spiritual, cultural and environmental factors that inhibit or facilitate optimal health. Elective for nursing majors only.
Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category A.1 or A.2; not freshman standing.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 320 - Concepts in Public Health (3) Theoretical and practical issues of public health as a profession. Resources, roles in various settings, ethical issues, academic and professional development in public health.
Prerequisites: Public Health major; not freshman standing.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 321 - Drugs and Society (3) Habit-forming substances such as alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, hallucinogens, and related drugs, stimulants and depressants. Social, historical and legal aspects of the drug problem are considered.
Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category A.1 or A.2; not freshman standing.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 325 - Consumer Health (3) Analyze and evaluate health information, products and services; medical quackery, fraudulent health practices, and laws and agencies protecting the consumer.
Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category A.1 or A.2; not freshman standing.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 338 - Barrios and Health (3) Links between urban environments and health. How community development and the grassroots help shape health in barrios. Requires service learning with non-profit organizations. (CHIC 338 and PUBH 338 are the same course.)
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 342 - Stress Management (3) Nature of stress and physiological and psychological effects of prolonged stress responses. Short- and long-term somatic and behavioral techniques (exercise, relaxation, meditation, nutrition, time management and goal setting) for management of stress. (PUBH 342 and KNES 342 are the same course.)
Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category A.1 or A.2; not freshman standing.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 349 - Measurement and Statistics in Health Science (3) Measurement theory and statistics used to evaluate health and human performance, focusing on analyzing and interpreting data in different environments. Lecture, discussion, cooperative learning and field observation. Active participation and experiential learning.
Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category A.1 or A.2; not freshman standing.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 349L - Applied Measurement and Statistics in Health Science (1) Designed to give practical experience answering fundamental public health questions that arise in health science. Builds on concepts learned in PUBH 349, using quantitative methods and real-world datasets.
Prerequisites: PUBH 349 ; Public Health major.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 350 - Nutrition (3) Concepts of nutrition as they relate to nutritional needs, practices and problems throughout the life cycle. Nutritional counseling and education of individuals/groups toward health promotion and disease prevention.
Prerequisites: non-freshman; completion of any Biology or Chemistry course in G.E. Category B.1 or B.2
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 353 - Physical Activity and Lifelong Well-Being (3) Integrating physiological, psychological and sociological understandings of the human being in relationship to physical activity as a lifelong pursuit. Physical fitness, nutrition, stress reduction, socialization, and individual differences in human behavior. (PUBH 353 and KNES 353 are the same course.)
Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Categories B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 358 - Contemporary Issues in Children’s Health (3) Overview of common causes of, interrelationships between, and prevention of morbidity and mortality among children and youth; preventive and promotive health concepts and practices; connections between health and learning are explored.
Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Category A.1 or A.2; not freshman standing.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 399 - Peer Mentoring for PUBH Student Success (3) Develop mentorship skills through seminar learning and serving as a peer mentor to fellow students. Enhance communication, cultural competency, leadership, motivational, goal achievement, personal managementand student success skills.Barriers to and resources for college student success. Requires mentor application approval.
Prerequisite: Public Health major.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
Department Consent Required |
PUBH 400 - Program Design in Kinesiology and Health Promotion (3) Provides skills necessary for developing, implementing and evaluating human movement and/or health promotion programs for specific target populations.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 or Health Science minor.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 401 - Epidemiology (3) Applying epidemiologic procedures to the understanding of the occurrence and control of infectious and chronic diseases, mental illness, environmental health hazards, accidents and geriatric problems.
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 ; PUBH 349 , KNES 349 or SOCI 303 .
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 402 - Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System (3) Addresses concepts related to U.S. health services organization, delivery, financing, and quality assessment and improvement. Historical influences and trends, contemporary challenges, and strategies to address these challenges are examined.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 ; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 405 - Worksite Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation (3) How work style, equipment, and environment contribute to worksite musculoskeletal injuries. Strategies that can minimize human error, injuries, discomfort and dissatisfaction through injury prevention and rehabilitation of the worker.
Prerequisites: KNES 202 or PUBH 320 ; junior or senior standing; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 410 - Community Health Education (3) Multiple settings for community health education practice and professional roles and skills that are required for health educators. Identification of community health education concepts with application to various segments of the nation’s health.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 ; or Health Science or Pre-Health Professions minor.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 411 - Promoting Health in Diverse Populations (3) Impact of cultural variables on health/illness. Current and potential strategies to improve health care delivery to underrepresented groups. Identifying cultural competence skills that are essential for health educators.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 ; or Health Science or Pre-Health Professions minor; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 415 - Environmental Health (3) Overview of environmental factors such as noise, water and land pollutions, pests and contaminants that influence human and ecological health on the regional scale. Methods of control to prevent diseases from environmental agents.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 or Health Science minor.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 416 - Global Issues in Environmental Health (3) Overview of environmental factors such as air pollution, population dynamics, urbanization, and energy production that influence human and ecological health on the global scale. Methods of control to prevent diseases form environmental agents.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 , Health Science minor, or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 420 - Chronic Disease Epidemiology (3) Areas in chronic disease epidemiology, the leading causes of death and disability, and the risk factors related to causes and the prevention of disease. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 , PUBH 401 .
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 421 - Infectious Disease Epidemiology (3) Applies epidemiological concepts to the study and control of infectious diseases in human populations. Epidemiological profile, including agents, modes of transmission, occurrence, clinical characteristics and prevention methods of specific infectious disease.
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 , PUBH 401 .
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 424 - Health Policy (3) Health policy actors and processes in the United States. Roles of Congress, the President, bureaucracy and interests groups in health policy and policy process are explored, including an introduction to policy analysis. (PUBH 424 and POSC 424 are the same course).
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 , POSC 320 or POSC 509 .
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 425 - Alternative Healing Therapies (3) Framework for understanding the philosophies, principles and use of alternative healing therapies. Includes analyzing research to demonstrate effectiveness and experiential learning.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 or Health Science minor.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 426 - Spirituality and Health (3) Relationship between spirituality and health. Topics include: relevance of spirituality in one’s life; impact of spirituality on decision making, health behavior; relationship of spirituality and health throughout lifespan; links between spirituality, health outcomes; diverse spiritualities.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 , Health Science minor, or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 440 - Determinants of Health Behavior (3) Contemporary research on the health effect of human behavior. Introduction to theoretical foundations and practical applications of behavior in the context of health: physical, psychological, cultural and social health. Current issues and theories of health behavior.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 or Health Science minor.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 450 - Applied Health Promotion in Aging Populations (3) Promotion/risk reduction program content, development, implementation and evaluation. Topics include weight control, stress management, substance abuse, physical fitness and accident prevention. (PUBH 450 and AGNG 450 are the same course.)
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 ; junior or senior standing; or Kinesiology or Sociology major; or Health Science or Gerontology minor; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 455 - Designing Health Education Curricula (3) Theory and skills necessary to develop curriculum based on analysis of individual, community and societal needs and interests.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 ; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 460 - Worksite Health Promotion (3) Philosophy, rationale and guidelines for developing health promotion programs in the corporate setting. Unique considerations in assessing needs, planning and implementing programs, evaluating effectiveness and coordinating activities in the workplace are discussed. (PUBH 460 and KNES 460 are the same course.)
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 or KNES 202 ; not freshman standing; or Health Science minor; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 461 - Occupational Health and Safety (3) Occupational health principles, including anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of occupational hazards are presented to heighten awareness of workplace hazards on human health. Occupational health laws, regulations and methods of compliance.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 , Health Science minor, or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 462 - Environmental Toxicology and Health (3) Fundamental toxicological concepts including absorption, distribution, storage, biotransformation and elimination of toxicants, target organ toxicity and risk assessment. Toxicological effects of environmental agents such as pesticides, industrial chemicals, household chemicals, and food contaminants.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 , Health Science minor, or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 463 - Air Pollution and Health (3) Health effects of air pollutants on local, regional, and global scales are addressed. Health effects of urban smog, particulate matter, indoor, outdoor, and occupational exposures. Health implications from global warming, ozone-depletion and acid rain.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 , Health Science minor, or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 465 - Introduction to International Health (3) Issues in international health emphasizing core disease conditions. Introduction to leading causes of death and disability within an international context as well as programmatic and policy responses to improve international health.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 , Health Science minor, or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 466 - Hazardous Materials, Regulations and Emergency Response (3) Principles of hazardous material management, hazardous waste handling†and chemical emergency response. Understand chemical classifications and waste disposal requirements; analyze federal and state environmental health and safety regulations; and evaluate exposure mitigation strategies and emergency response planning and execution.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 .
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 467 - Food Safety (3) Overview of public health response in safeguarding and investigating food safety issues and food-borne illnesses. Discussion of various requirements in managing a food protection program to identify and prevent important biological and chemical agents of foodborne illnesses.
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 , completion of G.E. Category B.2; Public Health minor; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 470 - Childhood Obesity, Nutrition and Social Context (3) Multidisciplinary approach to understanding childhood obesity in diverse/underserved populations, including basic biological processes, the role of nutrition, health consequences and cultural factors associated with childhood obesity.
Prerequisites: PUBH 350 ; PUBH 320 or Health Science, Pre-Health Professions or Food Studies minor; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 471 - Obesity, Policy and Hispanic Communities (3) Structural approach to understanding obesity in immigrant Hispanic communities. Lectures and activities emphasize role of federal and local health/nutrition policy and the built environment on obesity in immigrant Hispanic communities. (PUBH 471 and CHIC 471 are the same course)
Prerequisites: PUBH 350 ; PUBH 320 or Health Science, Pre-Health Professions or Food Studies minor; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 472 - Nutritional Assessment (3) Overview of nutritional assessment. Gain practice in and understand four primary nutritional assessment techniques: anthropometric, biochemical, clinical and dietary.
Prerequisites: PUBH 350 ; PUBH 320 or Health Science, Pre-Health Professions or Food Studies minor; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 475 - Public Health Planning, Research and Evaluation (3) Identification and application of concepts related to public health planning, research and evaluation. Analyze planning and research designs applicable to health professionals, as well as tools for measurement of health status at individual, community, national levels.
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 , PUBH 349 . Pre- or corequisite: PUBH 401 .
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 480 - Transdisciplinary Perspectives on HIV/AIDS (3) Multilevel complexity of the HIV/AIDS pandemic from the perspective of several disciplines within an overreaching public health context. Analysis at the levels of individuals and physical, social-structural and cultural environments.
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 , PUBH 401 ; or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 481 - Health in a Global Society (3) Health effects of globalization. Health concerns arising from political, economic and social interconnectedness and the need to find common solutions to ensure human health worldwide.
Prerequisite: PUBH 320 , Health Science minor, or graduate standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 494 - Health Science Practicum (1-3) A requirement for health science majors offering an opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate special community-based projects under faculty supervision. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Credit/no credit only.
Corequisite: PUBH 320 .
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
PUBH 495 - Internship in Public Health (3) Supervised observation and field experience in community health settings as conducted by government, voluntary, professional or industrial/corporate organizations. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisites: PUBH 320 ; all PUBH 400-level classes except PUBH 475 ; senior standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
Department Consent Required |
PUBH 499 - Independent Study (1-3) Topics based on a study plan prepared in cooperation with a faculty supervisor. Culminates in a paper, project, comprehensive examination or performance. Application forms must be completed and approved prior to enrollment. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units; only three units in any one semester.
Prerequisites: minimum of 15 upper-division Public Health courses; junior or senior standing.
400-level Undergraduate Course available for Graduate Credit
Department Consent Required |
PUBH 500 - Issues in Public Health (3) Historical perspectives, definitions and discussion of current public health issues. Prepares public health professionals to draw on knowledge and skills from a variety of disciplines to define, critically assess, evaluate and resolve public health problems.
Prerequisite: Public Health graduate standing.
PUBH 501 - Advanced Methods in Epidemiology (3) Advanced application of epidemiologic procedures to the understanding of the occurrence and control of diseases and other health problems. Emphasis is given to study design, data quality, statistical analysis and causal inference.
Prerequisite: Public Health graduate standing.
PUBH 508 - Statistical Methods in Health Science (3) Statistical theory, data collection procedures, techniques for analysis and interpretation of data.
Prerequisite: graduate standing.
PUBH 509 - Qualitative Research and Field Methods in Health (3) Theory, epistemology, sampling, data collection, data analysis and reporting results in qualitative research and evaluation. Field work in communities and applications to health.
Prerequisite: graduate standing.
PUBH 510 - Research Methods in Health Science (3) Fundamental tools of research. Types of research, process of scientific inquiry and critical analysis of research. Topic selection and development of a research.
Prerequisites: PUBH 508 ; graduate standing.
PUBH 515 - Advanced Environmental Health (3) Ecological impacts of human activities and the need to control factors that are harmful to human health. A framework is provided for investigation/management of health hazards. Principles of environmental health emphasizes the relationships between population, natural resources, disease, toxicology and pollution.
Prerequisite: Public Health graduate standing.
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 520 - Advanced Topics in Community Health (3) Theories, principles, planning and intervention strategies and evaluation approaches relevant to current community health promotion programs in the United States.
Prerequisite: MPH graduate standing.
PUBH 524 - Public Health Administration (3) Principles, practices and skills essential to successful public health administration. U.S. health care system and factors that shape it. Public health services and administration, patterns of diseases, managed care, ethics and quality of care.
Prerequisite: Public Health graduate standing.
PUBH 525 - Alternative and Complementary Medicine (3) Role of alternative medicine in health behavior, disease, treatment, coping and healing. Its history, philosophy, concepts, development and how each of its disciplines fits in the larger scheme of Western medicine.
Prerequisite: graduate standing.
PUBH 535 - Program Planning and Evaluation (3) Comprehensive theories and methods for planning and evaluating health promotion programs. Techniques for collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. Skills for measuring effectiveness of health promotion programs. (PUBH 535 and AGNG 535 are the same course)
Prerequisite: Public Health or Aging Studies graduate standing.
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
PUBH 540 - Advanced Study in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (3) Psychological, social, ecological, economic and political theories relevant to the mission and process of health promotion. Applying behavioral change techniques and health education methodology to health promotion targeting individuals and whole communities.
Prerequisite: Public Health graduate standing.
PUBH 595 - MPH Student Internship (1-5) Apply classroom knowledge to practical problems in the field, acquire additional knowledge and skills, carry out a mutually beneficial project, produce a written analytical evaluation and interact regularly with public health professionals.
Prerequisite: PUBH 500 .
Department Consent Required |
PUBH 597 - Project (3) Directed independent inquiry. Not open to students on, or subject to, academic probation. Requires graduate classified status, successful completion of an oral presentation of the project and signature of all committee members on or before the census date of the semester in which the student elects to enroll.
Prerequisite: Public Health graduate standing.
Department Consent Required |
PUBH 598 - Thesis (3) Student will select and have approved a research proposal, conduct the research and prepare a formal analysis and report. Not open to students on, or subject to, academic probation. Requires graduate classified status, successful completion of an oral presentation of the thesis and signatures of all committee members on or before the census date of the semester in which the student elects to enroll.
Prerequisite: Public Health graduate standing.
Department Consent Required |
PUBH 599 - Graduate Independent Research (1-3) Student research in a specific area of public health. Application forms must be completed and approved prior to enrollment. Upon completion of the research, a written report must be submitted. Not open to students on, or subject to, academic probation. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units; only 3 units in any one semester. Requires consent of the faculty adviser and chair.
Prerequisite: graduate standing.
Department Consent Required |
Religious Studies |
RLST 100 - Introduction to the Study of Religion (3) An introduction to the academic study of religion, exploring the social and cultural dimensions of religion, as well as religious consciousness and perception. Key concepts, theorists and methodological approaches.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 105 - Religion and the Quest for Meaning (3) Nature of religious experience as the human pursuit of meaning and transcendence, exploring its central themes, phenomena and questions; its principal types of figures and communities; and its major categories of sacred rituals, objects, seasons and places.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 110 - Religions of the World (3) Introduction to at least five religious world views from an historical and comparative perspective, with descriptive analyses of their belief systems, moral codes and symbolic rituals: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. (RLST 110 and PHIL 110 are same course.)
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 200 - Introduction to Christianity (3) Overview of the Christian tradition, including Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant expressions. Beliefs, practices and authority structures.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 201 - Introduction to the New Testament (3) Textual and historical study of the origins and content of the New Testament in the context of first-century Christianity.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 210 - Introduction to Judaism (3) The Jewish tradition - its scriptures, laws, customs, holidays and world view in their historical setting.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 246A - Basic Hatha Yoga (2) Basic yoga postures, beginning meditation, breathing and relaxation techniques presented from a theoretical and experiential perspective. Awareness, concentration, and other practices that accompany the study of Hatha Yoga. (1 hour lecture, 2 hours activity) (KNES 246A and RLST 246A are the same course)
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 246B - Intermediate Hatha Yoga (2) Intermediate and advanced yoga sequences, including postures, breathing practices, meditation techniques and guided relaxation. Yoga philosophy and movement based on various Hatha yoga traditions. (1 hour lecture, 2 hours activity) (KNES 246B and RLST 246B are the same course.)
Prerequisite: KNES 246A /RLST 246A .
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 250 - Introduction to Islam (3) Religion of Islam, its background and main teachings: the rise of Islam; the caliphate; Islamic theology, teachings, mysticism and philosophy.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 270T - Introduction to the Asian Religions (3) Main teachings of a major South Asian, Far Eastern or Oriental religion per semester, including such religions as Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Taoism, Shintoism and Zoroastrianism. May be repeated for credit with different subject matter.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 280 - Introduction to Buddhism (3) Introduction to the origins and development of Buddhism. The major teachings found in all traditions of Buddhism, the three major traditions of Buddhism and the position of Buddhism in the U.S.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 300 - Methods of Studying Religion (3) Academic study of religion to include the definition, functions and varieties of religion; the methods used to study it; and key figures who have shaped the development of this discipline.
Prerequisite: completion of any lower-division Religious Studies course.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 302 - Religion and Ecology (3) An examination of ecology, environmentalism, globalization, and sustainability from the viewpoint of traditional religions.
Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Categories B.2 and C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 305 - Anthropology of Religion (3) Beliefs and practices in the full human variation of religious phenomena, with an emphasis on primitive religions. Forms, functions, structures, symbolism, and history and evolution of religious systems. (ANTH 305 and RLST 305 are the same course.)
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 306 - Contemporary Practices of the World’s Religions (3) Comparative study of how the beliefs, practices and moral codes of the world’s major religions influence the way nations and individuals behave in the spheres of daily life, culture, ethics, business and politics.
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 307 - Non-violence, Animal Rights and Diet in Jainism (3) Development of the beliefs, practices, culture, philosophy and art of the Jain religion. Examine core Jain principles, such as nonviolence and non-possessiveness and their contemporary relevance. Fieldtrip to a major Jain site in Southern California.
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2, D.1 or D.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 311 - Religion and Film (3) Explores religion and religious themes in film. Film is a powerful medium through which we explore the meaning of life, relationships, moral quandaries and ontological issues.
Prerequisite: Completion of any lower-division RLST or CTVA course.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 312 - The Bible as Literature (3) Literary qualities of biblical literature and the influence of major themes upon Western literary traditions. (CPLT 312 and RLST 312 are the same course.)
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 321 - Psychology of Religion (3) A survey of classical and contemporary empirical psychological research investigating religious beliefs, experiences and practices. Topics include religious behavior across the lifespan; the social psychology of religious organizations; and religious connections to morality, coping, and psychopathology. (RLST 321 and PSYC 321 are the same course).
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 322 - Asian Pacific Americans and Religion (3) Historically, religion plays a significant role for immigrants. Explores religion as a cultural dynamic in the incorporation and persistence of Asian Pacific Americans into American society, especially in Orange County and the greater Los Angeles area. (ASAM 322 and RLST 322 are the same course.)
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 325 - African American Religions and Spirituality (3) African-American belief systems and denominations. Folk beliefs among Blacks, African-American religious groups and the role of the Black Church in politics and social change in the Black community. (AFAM 325 and RLST 325 are the same course.)
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 330T - Hebrew Scriptural Studies (3) Specific areas of Hebrew Scriptures, such as major and minor prophets, Psalms, values of wisdom writers, books of the Old Testament. May be repeated for credit with different topics or a maximum of 6 units.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 331T - New Testament Studies (3) Specific areas of the New Testament such as the Synoptic Gospels, the Pauline Corpus, the Johannine Corpus, etc. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 6 units.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 332 - Islamic Scriptural Studies (3) Study of selected basic texts of Islam: The Qur’an and Hadith. Introduction to history and compilation of Qur’an and Hadith, methods of interpretation, classical and modern critical analysis, as well as issues related to the authenticity of these texts.
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 333 - Religion and Sexuality (3) Connection between religion and sexuality. The religious ideas behind political and public debates related to sexuality and consideration of the private realm, such as sexual identity, family life, gender roles and reproduction.
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category D.1.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 335 - Judaism, Christianity and Islam Compared (3) Comparative study of the three great monotheistic traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam; their beliefs, practices and structures.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 337 - Indigenous Religions and Philosophies (3) Religious and philosophic perspectives of indigenous peoples. Religious interpretations and thought in various facets of belief, ranging from traditional African religions to Islam and Christianity. Highlights contemporary religious activities and reformulations in the diaspora. (AFAM 337 and RLST 337 are the same course.)
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 341 - Hindu Tradition to 400 B.C.E. (3) Hindu thought in its earliest period. Overview of Vedic literature, especially its religious content and the major rituals of the early Veda; philosophical developments in the Upanisads or later Veda; and related sacred writings.
Prerequisite: RLST 110 or completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 342 - Hindu Tradition from 400 B.C.E. (3) Hindu thought after the Vedic period. The beginnings of Hindu philosophies, classical Hindu practice, devotionalism, modern or neo-Hindu groups appearing in the 19th century, and the contributions of thinkers, such as Ramakrishna and Gandhi.
Prerequisite: RLST 105 , RLST 110 or completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 351 - History and Development of Early Christian Thought (3) Historical study of the diversity of Christian beliefs, movements and key figures from New Testament times to the late Middle Ages, including important creeds and councils, spiritual movements, and central figures such as Augustine and Aquinas.
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 352 - History and Development of Modern Christian Thought (3) Historical study of the diversity of Christian beliefs, movements and key figures from the late Middle Ages to the present, including the context and thinkers of the Reformation era, post-Reformation controversies and recent debates and trends.
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 354T - Topics in Buddhism (3) Historical survey of Buddhist doctrines, schools and practices in a particular region or regions, which are: South Asia, Tibet, China, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 6 units.
Prerequisite: RLST 105 , RLST 110 or RLST 280 .
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
RLST 361 - History and Development of Jewish Thought: Biblical and Rabbinical Eras (3) Hebrew Scriptures in their historical context, development of rabbinical Judaism and the Talmud, and Judaism in the Christian and Muslim worlds down to the close of the Spanish Golden Age (1150).
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
RLST 362 - History and Development of Jewish Thought: Medieval and Modern Eras (3) Maimonides’ legacy, impact of mysticism, rise of anti-Semitism, emancipation of European Jews, the Holocaust, Israel’s founding and history, and contributions of Jews to American culture.
Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.
Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit
One or more sections may be offered in any online format. |
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