Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 University Catalog 
2017-2018 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Prefix and Course Index 


Human Services

Courses are designated as HUSR in the class schedule.

  • HUSR 480 - Case Analysis and Intervention Techniques (3)

    Psychodynamic principles of evaluation, diagnosis and intervention; techniques of counseling appropriate to diverse populations; application of a psychoanalytic perspective to the diagnostic categories of the DSM-IV.

    Prerequisites: HUSR 380  HUSR 396 , HUSR 396L .

  • HUSR 490 - Practicum in Group Leadership (3)

    Supervised experience as a group leader. Approaches and techniques of group leadership. May be used as a substitute for HUSR 495 /HUSR 495L  or HUSR 496 /HUSR 496L  with coordinator approval. May be repeated for a maximum of six units.

    Prerequisites: HUSR 300 , HUSR 380  and consent of instructor.

  • HUSR 495 - Fieldwork Seminar (2)

    Classroom analysis of agency experience focusing on skills and techniques of human service workers and organizational analysis. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: HUSR 396 ; HUSR 396L . Corequisite: HUSR 495L  

    Course not available for Graduate Credit
  • HUSR 495L - Fieldwork (1)

    Supervised fieldwork in one or more human service agencies for a minimum of eight hours per week. One or more sections may be offered in any online format. Credit/No Credit only.

    Prerequisites: HUSR 396 , HUSR 396L . Corequisite: HUSR 495 .

  • HUSR 496 - Internship Seminar (2)

    Supervised internship in a community service agency in area of specialization. Seminar consists of group supervision and discussion of cases. One or more sections may be offered in any online format. Credit/No Credit only.

    Prerequisites: HUSR 495 , HUSR 495L  or HUSR 490 ; minimum of two courses in approved specialization. Corequisite: HUSR 496L 

    Course not available for Graduate Credit
  • HUSR 496L - Internship (1-3)

    May be taken for a maximum of three units. Credit/No Credit only. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: HUSR 495  and HUSR 495L ; or HUSR 490  when taken in lieu of HUSR 495  and HUSR 495L . Corequisite: HUSR 496 . Requires 120 hours of supervised internship experience in one or more human service agencies in one semester.

  • HUSR 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Individual research project, either library or field, under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units; only three units in one semester.

    Prerequisites: approval of coordinator; consent of instructor; junior or senior status.

  • HUSR 510 - Ethics in Human Services Leadership (3)

    This course provides a framework for ethical decisions, ethical behaviors, and ethical cultures in human service organizations. The focus is on theoretical perspectives, leadership styles, and value-driven leadership needed in human services administration.

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

  • HUSR 540 - Fundraising and Financial Leadership (3)

    This course presents the fundamentals of fundraising and financial leadership in Human Service organizations. The class focuses on practical applications and approaches including major donor development, direct mail campaigns, special events, corporate sponsorships, capital campaigns, endowments, and planned giving.

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

  • HUSR 570 - Agency and Personnel Management in Human Services (3)

    Theories, roles, functions and responsibilities of human services managers. Topics include: evidence-based macro practices; management and organization practice; finance; leadership analysis; gender, cultural and ethnic issues in management; and designing and managing services in complex settings. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: HUSR 510 .

Instructional Design and Technology

Courses are designated as IDT in the class schedule.

  • IDT 505 - Foundations of Instructional Design and Web Authoring Tools (3)

    Understanding operating systems, hardware and networking environments to develop instructional tools and products using a multimedia authoring tool. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: successful completion of summer on-campus orientation (Boot-Up Orientation).

  • IDT 510 - Research Practices in Instructional Design and Technology (3)

    Terms and accepted procedures in qualitative and quantitative inquiry as they apply to instructional design and technology. Conduct controlled portions of IDT research and prepare preliminary proposals for larger projects. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: completion of orientation program for M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT).

  • IDT 520 - Instructional Design 1: Issues in ELearning and the Design Process (3)

    Systematic design of instructional courseware, including analysis, media selection, design, development and evaluation. Learning principles, learner characteristics, instructional strategies, screen design, response analysis, feedback and interactivity. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: IDT 505 .

  • IDT 525 - Learning Theories for Postsecondary and Adult Instructional Settings (3)

    Behavioral, cognitive, constructionist learning theories, related concepts and their implications for designing instruction. Develop critical thinking about desirable cognitive outcomes when designing educational experiences. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: IDT 510 . Corequisite: IDT 520 .

  • IDT 530 - Instructional Design 2: Advanced Issues in Implementation, Management and Program Evaluation (3)

    Applying computer-based instructional design principles to develop new methods and materials for technology-based instruction. Computer-based instruction, project management, planning, assessment, design principles and development tools. Design multimedia courseware. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: IDT 520 .

  • IDT 535 - Instructional Strategies and Universal Design Issues in Learning Environments (3)

    Training in instructional strategies for Pre-K through adulthood. Current research on instructional strategies and assistive technologies in a variety of instructional contexts. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: IDT 525 . Corequsite: IDT 530 .

  • IDT 540 - Systematic Approaches to Web and Multimedia Design and Development (3)

    Design, develop and implement Web pages and sites for instructional purposes. Issues surrounding using the World Wide Web for instruction. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: IDT 530 ; successful completion of Midpoint Symposium.

  • IDT 545 - Trends, Emerging Technologies and Issues in Instructional Design (3)

    Theoretical basis, issues and strategies for improving teaching and learning through the use of emerging technologies. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: IDT 530 , IDT 535 . Corequisite: IDT 540 .

  • IDT 550 - Practicum in Instructional Design and Technology (3)

    Strategies for effectively implementing and evaluating instructional design and technology to improve learning; includes significant field work assignments in work-related settings. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: consent of Program Coordinator. Corequisite: IDT 597 .

  • IDT 597 - Project (3)

    Individual research on an empirical project, with conferences with the instructor, culminating in a project. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: consent of Program Coordinator. Corequisite: IDT 550 .

Information Systems and Decision Sciences

Courses are designated as ISDS in the class schedule.

  • ISDS 161A - Statistics and Probability SI Workshop (1)

    Supplementary instruction. Student-centered workshop focusing on problem-solving in business statistics. Provides additional academic support for students wishing or needing to strengthen their achievement in ISDS 361A.

    Corequisite: ISDS 361A .

  • ISDS 161B - Business Decision Modeling SI Workshop (1)

    Supplementary instruction. Student-centered workshop focusing on problem-solving of business decision models. Provides additional academic support for students wishing or needing to strengthen their achievement in ISDS 361B .

    Corequisite: ISDS 361B .

  • ISDS 309 - Introduction to Programming (3)

    Structured programming principle; object-oriented programming principles; using GUI objects; handling events; processing files and streams. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: ISDS 265 .

  • ISDS 351 - Principles of Information Systems (3)

    How business professionals can leverage Information Systems (IS) through planning, oversight and management. Understanding the implications of IS, learning to identify and evaluate potential opportunities to employ IS, understanding the role of IS as a major facilitator of the fundamental business activities and learning to manage IS projects. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Corequisite: BUAD 301 .

  • ISDS 361A - Business Analytics I (3)

    Statistical data analysis and inference techniques within the context of business analytics. Selecting statistical tools that are appropriate for a given application. Develop a high level of proficiency in Microsoft Excel. One or more sections offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: MATH 135 . Corequisite: BUAD 301 .

  • ISDS 361B - Business Analytics II (3)

    Advanced concepts and applications of business analytics. Developing analytical thinking, applying business analytics solutions, and communicating insights based on the solutions to decision makers in an organization. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: ISDS 361A , 2.5 cumulative GPA for online section registration.

  • ISDS 371 - C++ For Business Applications (3)

    C++ syntax, structured programming, table handling, design standards, object oriented programming.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 309 .

  • ISDS 402 - Database Management Systems (3)

    Essential concepts, principles and methods for analysis, design and implementation of database management systems; covers theory and practice; emphasis the relational model; examines issues and problems associated with developing single and multiple user applications both today and in the future; project required. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: BUAD 301 .

  • ISDS 406 - Systems Analysis and Design (3)

    Systems analysis and design for business information systems; systems development methodologies; managing changes to system parameters; systems process and data models; case tool types and their use; structured vs. object oriented analysis and design. One or sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: BUAD 301 , ISDS 402 .

    Course not available for Graduate Credit
  • ISDS 409 - Business Telecommunications for Information System Design (3)

    Essential concepts for developing a data communication architecture to support information systems for a business enterprise. Requires group project to design a LAN. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: BUAD 301 , ISDS 309 . Pre- or corequisite: ISDS 406 .

  • ISDS 411 - Business Applications using Web Technologies (3)

    Contemporary issues in the design and development of integrated, graphical user interface-based business applications. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: ISDS 309 . Corequisite: ISDS 402 .

  • ISDS 415 - Principles of Business Intelligence (3)

    Principles and procedures related to the design and use of expert systems and decision support systems principles in management decision making; development of expert systems using shells.

    Prerequisites: CBE student, not pre-major; or ISDS 402  with a “C” or better and MIS or IS minor; or MCBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 418 - Privacy and Security (3)

    Security and privacy problems associated with the use of computer systems; ways to minimize risks and losses. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: CBE student, not pre-major; or ISDS 402  or ISDS 309  with a “C” (2.0) or better, and MIS or IS minor; or MCBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 435 - Integrated Enterprise Information Systems (3)

    Application programming fundamentals for ERP systems; accessing and management of ERP database tables and external files; layout design and data extraction for advanced output; testing, debugging and analysis tools; security issues in an ERP system. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: MGMT 339 .

  • ISDS 442 - Business Modeling Using Spreadsheets (3)

    Use Microsoft Excel to implement business models. Excel will be used to effectively organize, analyze and present information. Examples include operations, production, marketing and finance. Macros, goal seek, solver, simulation and data tables.

    Prerequisite: ISDS 361B 

  • ISDS 443 - Marketing Analytics: Decision Making in the Information Age (3)

    Applying analysis and modeling techniques to a broad range of marketing decision making domains. (MKTG 443 and ISDS 443 are the same course.)

    Prerequisites: ISDS 361A , MKTG 351 , MCBE majors, not pre-major/undeclared; or MCBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 444 - Social Media Marketing and Analytics (3)

    Theoretical concepts and practical skills used by organizations in developing social media marketing strategies and in generating and utilizing analytics. Create social media content and produce actionable analytics from the social media content. One or more sections may be offered in any online format (MKTG 444  and ISDS 444 are the same course.)

    Prerequisite: MKTG 353 , ISDS 361A .

  • ISDS 454 - Senior Project: Information Systems Development (3)

    Integrates information systems development concepts of analysis, design and implementation. Develop an information system from concept to completion. Individual and team effort. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: BUAD 301 , ISDS 402 , ISDS 409 .

    Course not available for Graduate Credit
  • ISDS 462 - Applied Business Regression Analysis (3)

    Regression analysis as applied to developing prediction models for a variety of business decision problems. Understanding data issues and appropriate use of statistical software. Numerous real relevant business case studies and examples that can be used to practice the application of concepts.

    Prerequisite: ISDS 361A .

  • ISDS 473 - Applied Business Forecasting (3)

    Forecasting methods applied to problems in business and industry; practical multiple regression models with computer solutions; basic techniques in time-series analysis of trend, cyclical and seasonal components; correlation of time-series and forecasting with the computer.

    Prerequisites: BUAD 301 , ISDS 361A ,  ISDS 361B , not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or MCBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 474 - Data Mining for Managers (3)

    Fundamentals of data mining. Topics may include association, classification, clustering, decision trees, statistical modeling, and visualization. Motivation for the applications of data mining techniques. Use of data mining software suites on data sets.

    Prerequisites: BUAD 301 ISDS 361A , ISDS 361B , not CBE pre-major or undecided/undeclared major; or MCBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 476 - Web Mining and Text Mining (3)

    Fundamental concepts related to text (Web) document pre-processing and analysis. Topics will include information extraction, structuring and dimension reduction, similarity between documents, classification, clustering, predictive modeling, and social network analysis. Individual and group effort.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 402 . Corequisite: ISDS 474 .

  • ISDS 485 - Wireless Business Networks for Information Systems (3)

    Concepts of wireless networks and technologies and their management from the perspective of an organization. Wireless LANs, services offered by wireless carriers, analysis and design of wireless networks, wireless security, and how organizations can leverage wireless technologies to their advantage. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Corequisite: ISDS 409 .

  • ISDS 495 - Internship (1-3)

    Planned and supervised work experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Credit/No Credit only.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 361A , ISDS 361B , concentration in management science; or ISDS 309 , ISDS 402 , concentration in management information systems; consent of department internship adviser and at least junior standing; 2.5 GPA and one semester in residence at the university.

  • ISDS 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Open to qualified students desiring to pursue directed independent inquiry. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Not open to students on academic probation.

    Prerequisites: BUAD 301 ISDS 361B , senior standing and approval by the Department Chair.

  • ISDS 505 - Programming Concepts for Information Technology (3)

    Application programming fundamentals for information technology systems; structured and object-oriented programming, accessing and management of database tables and external files; layout design and data extraction for advanced output; testing, debugging and analysis tools. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: admission to the MS in Information Technology program.

  • ISDS 513 - Statistical Analysis (3)

    Basic probability and descriptive statistics; sampling techniques; estimation and hypothesis testing; simple and multiple regression, correlation analysis; computer packages and other optional topics.

    Prerequisites: MATH 135 , ISDS 265 , classified MCBE status.

  • ISDS 514 - Decision Models for Business and Economics (3)

    Linear programming; inventory; PERT-CPM; queuing; computer simulation; time-series forecasting; and other optional topics. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 513 . MCBE graduate standing; not Economics graduate standing or pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 516 - Supply Chain Analytics (3)

    Scope of logistics; external and internal environment; analysis of demand, analysis of cost, commodity and transportation rates; structure of transport industry, inventory management, merchandise storage and warehousing; framework of regional analysis; methods of location analysis.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 514  or ISDS 361B , and graduate student in MCBE (no pre-MBA).

  • ISDS 526 - Forecasting for Analytical Decision Making (3)

    Time series analysis. Trend, cyclical and seasonal components. Statistical decision theory. Fundamental principles of experimental design; interaction. Software packages. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 514 , MCBE graduate standing; not Economics graduate standing or pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 540 - Statistics for Data Science (3)

    Quantitative analysis and data visualization in R programming, random variables and probability distributions, sampling distributions, confidence intervals and testing hypotheses, p-value and significance level, regression analysis to measure relationships and ANOVA to analyze designed experiments. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: MCBE graduate standing.

  • ISDS 543 - Marketing Analytics for Managers (3)

    Organizations are increasingly becoming data-driven and are actively seeking managers with knowledge and experience in data analysis and marketing analytics. Focuses on the integrative application of various marketing analytics techniques to solve typical business problems. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.  (ISDS 543 and MKTG 543 are the same course)

    Prerequisites: ISDS 513 , MKTG 519 .

  • ISDS 550 - Telecommunications and Business Networks (3)

    Developing data communication architecture for a business enterprise. Transmission media, speed, efficiency, protocols, security in a variety of network architectures, such as LAN, WAN, VPN, leading to state of the art wireless networks. Technical implications of doing business on the Internet.

    Prerequisite: MCBE graduate standing and not Economics graduate standing or pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 551 - Info Resources and IT Project Management (3)

    Expanding role of information systems in the overall strategy and management of organizations is examined. Topics include strategic value of information systems, management of the information systems development and procurement process, E-commerce, and integrated enterprise systems. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: MCBE graduate standing and not Economics graduate standing or pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 552 - Systems Analysis, Design and Development (3)

    Systems analysis and design concepts, life cycle and prototyping; planning and managing projects; systems evaluation, selection and development. Interface design with controls, object-oriented design concepts and tools, including the use cases and UML. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: MCBE graduate standing; not Economics graduate standing or pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 553 - Electronic Commerce: Analysis and Evaluation (3)

    Electronic commerce. Understanding the technical infrastructure, which enables E-commerce. Organizational challenge for developing an appropriate business model for emergence of the electronic business. Social economical impact of electronic commerce. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: MCBE graduate standing and not Economics graduate standing or pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 555 - Business Databases: Design & Processing (3)

    Internet and multi-user databases; accessing Web servers; data warehouse, structured query language, client-server database systems and programming; object-oriented databases. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: MCBE graduate standing and not Economics graduate standing or pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 556 - Data Warehousing and Foundations of Business Intelligence (3)

    Basic concepts, architectures and development strategies of data warehousing, issues in managing data as organizational assets and its potentials for competitive advantages in dynamic business environments. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 552 , ISDS 555 , MCBE graduate standing; not Economics graduate standing or pre-MBA.

  • ISDS 557 - Issues in Business Information Technology (3)

    Advanced concepts of global networks, advanced communications design and management, global information security and privacy, global communications protocol and applications to industry, government and commercial sectors. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: MGMT 515  or ISDS 551 .

  • ISDS 558 - Advanced Software Development with Web Applications (3)

    Advanced client/server software development techniques with specific emphasis on the Internet. Topics include file structure, managing relational databases with data control and SQL, and ActiveX components and objects. One or more sections offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 552 , ISDS 555 ISDS 411 .

  • ISDS 560 - Advanced Deterministic Models (3)

    Advanced linear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, non-linear programming, business applications. Software packages and computer-utilization.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 514 .

  • ISDS 563 - Geographic Information Systems for Business (3)

    Use of Geographic Information Systems in support of business applications, such as site location, scheduling, marketing and real estate. Develop GIS applications for local businesses.

    Prerequisite: ISDS 555 .

  • ISDS 570 - Business Data Transformation (3)

    Relational and multidimensional data extraction from local and remote sources, designing ETL processes, querying multidimensional cubes, dimension and time-based hierarchies, and adding calculated members. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisites: ISDS 555 ; ISDS 415  or ISDS 556 . ETL/ELT aspects of business data analysis.

  • ISDS 574 - Data Mining for Business Appl (3)

    Fundamentals of data mining. Association, classification, clustering, decision trees, statistical modeling and visualization. Motivation for the applications of data mining techniques. Introduction to business analytics and case studies. Use of data mining software suites on data sets. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

    Prerequisite: ISDS 540  or equivalent course in Statistics.

  • ISDS 576 - Business Modeling and Simulation (3)

    Theory and application of modeling and simulation methodology. Probabilistic concepts in simulation; arrival pattern and service times; simulation languages and programming techniques; analysis of output; business applications. Requires projects. The individual project will fulfill the terminal degree requirement.

    Prerequisite: ISDS 514 .

  • ISDS 577 - Seminar in Information Systems Implementation (3)

    Integrates the development concepts of project management, analysis, design and implementation with telecommunications, database design, programming, testing and system integration issues. Develop information systems from concept to completion through individual and team effort. Requires projects. Individual project will fulfill the terminal degree requirement.

    Prerequisites: to be taken in the last semester or with completion of at least seven ISDS courses in the program.

  • ISDS 599 - Independent Graduate Research (1-3)

    May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Not open to students on academic probation.

    Prerequisite: MCBE graduate standing and not pre-MBA; consent of department chair and associate dean.


Courses are designated ITAL in the class schedule

  • ITAL 101 - Fundamental Italian-A (5)

    Develop listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing, and cultural awareness to communicate on a basic level with a focus on oral expression. Introduction to Italian customs, culture, and civilization. Conducted primarily in Italian.

  • ITAL 102 - Fundamental Italian-B (5)

    Continued development of listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing, and cultural awareness to communicate on a basic level with an emphasis on oral expression. Further study of Italian customs, culture and civilization. Conducted primarily in Italian.

    Prerequisite: ITAL 101 .

  • ITAL 203 - Intermediate Italian-A (3)

    Listening and reading comprehension, and oral and writing practice in Italian based on cultural and literary materials, with further development in vocabulary and grammar with an emphasis on oral expression. Conducted primarily in Italian.

    Prerequisite: ITAL 102 .

  • ITAL 299 - Directed Study (1-3)

    Supervised research projects in Italian language, literature, culture, linguistics or business. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and department chair.

  • ITAL 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Supervised research projects in Italian language, literature, culture, linguistics or business. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and department chair.


Courses are designated JAPN in the class schedule.

  • JAPN 100 - Japanese Conversation for Beginners (3)

    Introduction to spoken Japanese, with emphasis on vocabulary development at the beginning levels. For students who would like to learn conversational Japanese without having to learn the writing system.

  • JAPN 101 - Fundamental Japanese-A (5)

    Develop listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing and cultural awareness to communicate on a basic level. Introduction to Japanese customs, culture and civilization.

  • JAPN 102 - Fundamental Japanese-B (5)

    Continued development of listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing, and cultural awareness to communicate on a basic level. Further study of Japanese customs, culture and civilization.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 101 .

  • JAPN 203 - Intermediate Japanese-A (5)

    Develop listening and reading comprehension, and oral and written practice in Japanese based on cultural and literary materials. Review grammar. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 102 .

  • JAPN 204 - Intermediate Japanese-B (5)

    Continued development of listening and reading comprehension, and oral and written practice in Japanese based on cultural and literary materials. Review grammar. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 203 .

  • JAPN 214 - Japanese Cultural Conversation and Composition (3)

    Topics related to Japanese culture. Helps further develop Japanese oral and written proficiency through discussions, oral and written reviews, and essays. Conducted in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 204  or equivalent level of proficiency in Japanese.

  • JAPN 299 - Directed Study (1-3)

    Supervised study projects in Japanese language or literature. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: JAPN 102 ; consent of instructor and department chair.

  • JAPN 305 - Advanced Japanese-A (3)

    Practice in four skills of advanced Japanese, emphasizing reading comprehension in the context of contemporary concerns. Conducted in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 204 .

  • JAPN 306 - Advanced Japanese-B (3)

    Practice in four skills of advanced Japanese, emphasizing reading comprehension in the context of contemporary concerns. Conducted in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 204 .

  • JAPN 307 - Advanced Spoken Japanese (3)

    Spoken aspect of advanced Japanese through dialogues, discussions and oral presentations in the context of contemporary concerns. Conducted in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 204 .

  • JAPN 308 - Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)

    Helps achieve an advanced level of written expression in Japanese and cultural awareness through reading and writing on various topics. Further develop writing skills in Japanese using kyoiku-kanji with accurate grammar. May be repeated once for credit.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 204 .

  • JAPN 310 - Japanese for Business (3)

    The practical vocabulary and structure of business language, as well as the cultural background of business procedures in the Japanese business world. Conducted in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 204 .

  • JAPN 311 - Japanese for International Business (3)

    Vocabulary and language structures for Japanese in the international business world and related economic situations. Comprehension of business terminology through conversation, reading and writing. Conducted in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 204 .

  • JAPN 315 - Introduction to Japanese Civilization (3)

    Readings and lectures in Japanese literature, arts and institutions from earliest history to 1868, to develop insights into Japanese culture while strengthening facility in the language. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 204 .

  • JAPN 316 - Modern Japan (3)

    Readings and lectures in Japanese literature, arts and institutions from 1868 to the present, to develop insights into Japanese culture while strengthening facility in the language. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisites: JAPN 204 .

  • JAPN 375 - Introduction to Literary Forms (3)

    Introduction to literary forms and concepts of literary techniques. Analysis and interpretation of various texts. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 306 .

  • JAPN 390 - Japanese Culture and Society: Anime (3)

    Japanese culture and society, as well as multicultural analysis of global issues as reflected in Japanese animated films. Conducted in English.

    Prerequisite: completion of G.E. Category C.2.

  • JAPN 408 - Advanced Writing on Current Issues (3)

    This course explores current Japanese topics with the goals of developing academic writing and broadening cultural awareness from a humanistic perspective. Conducted in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 308  or equivalent

    Course not available for Graduate Credit
  • JAPN 420 - Medieval Japanese Literature (3)

    Masterpieces of Japanese literature from eighth to 16th centuries and their relationship to cultural, historical and intellectual developments in these eras. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 375 .

    Course not available for Graduate Credit
  • JAPN 440 - Introduction to Modern Japanese Literature (3)

    Literary use of language, literary creation, reading and critical evaluation of literary works. Reading excerpts of modern Japanese literary works on various topics. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 375 .

  • JAPN 450 - Japanese Culture and Society in Film (3)

    Development of modern Japanese culture and society using film that reflects important Japanese cultural and social concepts, and ways of looking at and dealing with the world. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 305 , JAPN 306 , JAPN 307  or JAPN 308 .

    Course not available for Graduate Credit
  • JAPN 466 - Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (3)

    Analytical procedures of general linguistics as applied to phonological, semantic, morphological, syntactic and discourse aspects of Japanese. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisite: JAPN 306 .

  • JAPN 467 - Japanese Language and Society (3)

    Introduces the methodology for analyzing the Japanese language in its social dimension. Major dialectal areas in Japan and their linguistic characteristics, social class and language, and language and gender. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisites: JAPN 305 , JAPN 306 , JAPN 307  or JAPN 308 ; JAPN 466 .

  • JAPN 468 - Japanese-English Contrastive Analysis (3)

    Contrastive analysis of phonological, lexical, syntactic and discourse aspects of Japanese and English. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisites: JAPN 306  and JAPN 466  (may be taken concurrently).

  • JAPN 485T - Senior Seminar: Variable Topics in Japanese (3)

    Research and discussion of a cultural, literary or linguistic theme. Subject varies and is announced in the class schedule. May be repeated once for credit with different topic. Conducted primarily in Japanese.

    Prerequisites: JAPN 305  or JAPN 306 ; at least one 400-level course in Japanese.

    Course not available for Graduate Credit
  • JAPN 499 - Independent Study (1-3)

    Supervised projects in Japanese language or literature to be taken with consent of instructor and department chair. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.


Courses are designated as KNES in the class schedule. Students may sign up for only one section of a given performance activity in any semester. This applies to KNES 100  through KNES 167C , KNES 214A , KNES 214B , and KNES 246A . Thus a student may take KNES 102A - Beginning Jogging (1)  and KNES 112B - Intermediate Surfing (1)  since jogging and surfing are different activities; however, signing up for multiple tennis courses, for example, is not permitted.

  • KNES 100 - Physical Conditioning (1)

    Performance courses are instructional. Beginning, intermediate and advanced sections are offered for most performance courses. Students who already possess proficiency in an activity should consider the course chosen from the standpoint of the level of skill development that may be encountered, standards of proficiency expected and their own ability level. Initial assessment and determination will be made by the course instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.

  • KNES 102A - Beginning Jogging (1)

    Performance courses are instructional. Beginning, intermediate and advanced sections are offered for most performance courses. Students who already possess proficiency in an activity should consider the course chosen from the standpoint of the level of skill development that may be encountered, standards of proficiency expected and their own ability level. Initial assessment and determination will be made by the course instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.


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